RSE Parental Consultation 2024-2025
RSE (Relationships and Sex Education) is covered at Padiham Primary in the Summer 2 term over 6 weekly lessons. Parent’s are consulted on a three year cycle to ensure new parents are aware of how and when we teach RSE.
For general or specific information regarding our SCARF Programme (such as LGBT) including frequently asked questions on how RSE is taught please see the below link. Please be aware that the statutory framework can be delivered as or when Padiham Primary staff deem most appropriate following Parental Consultation (see our RSE Policy for more information). The Scarf framework is followed as defined in the pdf below however there are some adaptations. For example, pleasurable touch will not be covered until year 6 despite being primarily introduced in year 4 of the SCARF framework. Menstruation is covered in Year 3 for both boys and girls. Year 6 Parent’s will receive consent letters regarding their child partaking in the Making Babies and HIV lesson so they are aware of when this lesson is being taught and can opt out of non-statutory elements. Boys and girls in Year 6 will learn of female and male anatomy during the Summer 2 term.
If you have any further questions or require any more information please do not hesitate to speak to us,
Mrs Suffield
)PSHE Co-ordinator)