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PadihamPrimary School


Summer Fun Day!

Park Trip


As part of our D&T topic we visited the park to look at and play with the different equipment ready for us to design our own piece of equipment next week! 

We looked at how they moved - do they slide, spin, rock...? 

Of course we had a great time playing on them too! 


Oaty's Visit

We were lucky to have a visit from Michael and Oaty the puppy on Tuesday. He taught us about animal care and how to look after a pet properly. Oaty was bought as a Christmas present and left with Animal Care after only a few weeks - Michael taught us how pets are not good presents and need love, food, toys, exercise, somewhere to sleep and health care - things which cost lots of money. We all got to stroke Oaty - she was very well behaved and very cute! 

Sports Day Fun in the Sun!

Please click below to see our Summer 2 curriculum plan.

Millie's Trust Day!


We talked about how Millie's Trust is a charity which helps people learn vital first aid in case of an emergency. We watched the St John Ambulance Big First Aid Lesson and learnt how to deal with burns, choking and basic skills to call for help. We practiced the positions (carefully!) to help someone who is choking and made our own first aid sheets to take home. 

Hopefully we will never need to use it but the children definitely learnt lots today and could maybe teach parents and siblings some important first aid themselves!


Thank you all very much for your kind donations to this great charity - your money will provide first aid training to lots of grown ups and children!





Please click below to see our topic plan for the first summer half term.

We have been learning about Healthy Eating as part of our growing topic. We tasted different fruits to see which we liked and then wrote a recipe card before making our own fruit salad. We had to use knives to chop the fruit into pieces and show how safe and sensible we could be using the equipment! We finally got to taste them and they were delicious smiley


We also made a 'Healthy Plate' where we discussed different types of foods and how much of each variety we should be eating on a daily basis. We know that fruit and vegetables should make up a large part of what we eat and also some meat, dairy and carbohydrates. We know which foods we should only be having as a treat - the sugary and fatty ones!



1P have green fingers!


 As part of our topic we planted lots of seeds - carrots, radish, sweet peas, poppies, broad beans and sunflowers!

We grew the broad beans in plastic bags on the windows with cotton wool so that we could see the different stages of growth from a seed, to it sprouting and growing roots - it was amazing to see! We then planted them in our outdoor allotment so we will wait and see if we have any beanstalks soon! 


We read and made up our own stories based on Jack and the Beanstalk, looked at what seeds need to grow and different types of flowers in science and have drawn and painted lots of flowers and garden scenes in art. 


World Book Day 2019 - An Amazing Effort!!

We had a visit from poet Ian Bland where we listened to some of his poems and had a workshop where we made up our own poems called 'Can you do it?'

We also had a competition to design a front cover for Ian's book 'A Bug in my Hair!' - Gina and Violet were chosen as the class winners!

We also had a local librarian who came and read us some rhyming stories and poems - they were really funny!

Eco Week - Our Pencil Pots

Have a look at some photos from our Spring topic 'Robots'. 


We made our own robot using junk in D&T lessons, we read 'No-Bot' in English which is all about a robot who loses his bottom! We wrote our own stories about our our own No-Bot character! 

Our topic plan for Spring 1

Christmas in 1P


We have been very busy in 1P over the last few weeks doing lots of Christmas activities in Maths and English. 

We also have enjoyed doing our Christmas Nativity performances of Hey Ewe! 

We had our super party day on Tuesday where we played games, had party food and met a very special visitor! 

From all the staff in 1P we wish you a Merry Christmas and hope you have a fantastic 2 weeks off! We look forward to seeing you in January 


(click the photos to enlarge)



Children In Need 2018

Thank you to everyone who made such an effort to dress backwards, inside out and upside down! You all looked very silly and all your donations and copper coins raised £300 which is fantastic! Well done smiley


A lovely Remembrance Day

Blackpool Zoo Trip


We had a fantastic day at the zoo and saw so many animals! We even had a lesson where we saw and held some artefacts such as a real tiger skull, snake skin and elephant tooth, which was as big as our hand! 

Have a look at some photos below...

Monsters, Magic and Mystery Dressing Up Day

The children all looked fantastic in their Halloween inspired outfits last week - well done to everyone, especially our two winners Violet and Oscar!

Black History Week


 Last week in school each class learnt about a significant person from the past related to black history. 

Our class learnt about Mae Jemison, who was the first African-American woman to go to space in 1992. 

We learn about her mission with 6 other astronauts who went aboard Space Shuttle Endeavour to fix a satellite and complete experiments. 

We made fact files about Mae Jemison, learnt about rocket launches, coloured pictures of her and also made our own Space Shuttle Endeavour models. 


Odd Socks Day for Friendship Week


We wore odd socks on Friday as part of Friendship Week which this year was focused on respect. We discussed what respect was and who or what we should respect both at school and at home. The children came up with lots of ideas, including parents, siblings, grandparents, teachers, dinner ladies, friends, ourselves and also things such as toys, books and furniture. 


We each decorated a sock to show how we are all the same in some ways but also all different.

French Day 2018



We have been celebrating European Languages Day 2018 all week by doing the register in French, learning some simple greetings and learning to count to 10 in French! 


We made French flags, took part in a colouring competition and have been doing French Maths! 


First Day in Year 1

Click on the link below to see our topic plan for this half term:

Click on the link to see our Autumn 2 half term plan.

Welcome to 1P


I am Miss Pearson and I am the class teacher in 1P. We are lucky to have a lovely teaching assistant called Mrs Davidson from Monday-Thursday and Mrs Wade will be in class every Friday. We also have Miss Fort who comes to help every Monday morning and she will teach on a Wednesday morning. 

We will also have a student helper Monday and Tuesday until Christmas which means there are lots of teachers to help with all of our work! 







PE is on Tuesday afternoons - white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps - these need to ALL be NAMED. Earrings need to be removed on Tuesdays. 

Appropriate clothing - please ensure you send your child to school with a coat and suitable shoes - we do go outside in all weathers, especially now we have our new outdoor area. 

Mornings - drop off your child at the door on the playground (down the 2nd set of steps). 

Afternoons - pick up your child by waiting near the fence (1st set of steps). When I see you I will send your child out of the classroom door. 

Reading Books - will be changed as often as required Mon-Thurs. Please write a comment or simply initial to show it has been read. Send your child's reading book in even if it has not been read as we will read in school also. 

Homework -  a SPELLINGS sheet will be sent each Friday. These should be practiced at home and the sheet returned the following Friday, when a little informal test will be given in the afternoon. 

On that sheet will be a different PE TASK each week to be completed each night. This will take a minute and is to help towards our aim of more physical activity each week. 

DOODLEMATHS is a superb homework games app which provides a range of Maths activities for children of all abilities. It awards stars for how many questions correct and the progress made. The children love it and it has been proven that daily use increases progress in Maths. Logins have been provided. 

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
