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PadihamPrimary School


Welcome to 3L


My name is Mr Lacey and I am the class teacher. I am lucky to be supported by the wonderful Mrs Shaw and Miss McKenna. Both Mrs Shaw and Miss McKenna bring a varied range of skills to help support the developmental needs of your child. We also have the privilege of being supported by Miss Fort who will teach on a Monday afternoon and Mrs Spencer who will teach the class on a Wednesday morning.


We have an engaging and varied curriculum planned for you throughout the course of Year 3. Our lessons are planned through a topic based approach which change ever half term. We look forward to learning together throughout the year and trying hard to achieve their ever best.


I look forward to seeing you bright and early every morning with a positive attitude for every day. Taking a quote from Winnie the Pooh "You are braver than you thought, stronger than you seem and smarter than you think!"


Things to Remember


Monday afternoon PE- Please ensure that your child has a full PE kit including, pumps, a white t-shirt and black shorts (please clearly label each item of your child's clothing with their first and last name). Please ensure no jewellery is worn for PE and that this is removed before your child comes to school. 


Homework- Your child will receive homework and spellings every Friday. These should be returned by no later than the following Wednesday to allow time for marking and written or verbal feedback to be given. It is vital that your child receives this feedback to progress their learning further.


Reading- Reading books and records will be sent home daily. Your child should read as much as possible and this should be recognised by the signature and a comment of an accompanying adult in the reading record. The amount your child reads will have a significant impact on the standard of work your child produces at school.


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School council

The whole class voted to choose Jasmine as our school council representative.


There’s no place like home

Our topic for this half term involves us learning about things local to Padiham. In our first unit of English we have been learning about the folk tale ‘The Lancashire Giant.’ Our lessons have involved sequencing the main events of the story through a drama workshop and innovating our own character for our own version of ‘The Lancashire Giant.’ The children imitated some of the gestures of the character, (Johnny) being sad because he wanted to be taller, being amazed as he grew taller, and having a welcoming home party when he was the tallest person in Lancashire. The pictures below are just a small snippet of our workshop.


Continuing our, ‘There’s no place like home’ topic we have been learning about the history of our school. During the course of this unit we have looked the new and old school building and discussed their similarities and differences. We also looked at archive boxes from when the old junior building merged with the infant building to form Padiham primary school as we know it today. When we looked at the archives we discovered our school has a time capsule in the foundations. Therefore, we created our own time capsules for future pupils of Padiham primary school to find.


Odd socks day

Today we came to school in odd socks for friendship week. We discussed the hashtag #choose respect we spoke about who we respect, how we show respect, how we respect ourselves and how we can overcome situations if people struggle to show us respect.



As part of our, ‘There’s no place like home’ topic we have also learnt about our local area. Learning about the locality is a vital part of a child’s geographical education. This has involved discussing the human and physical features of our local area and also establishing our position in the world. As part of this we used positional language such as discussing where we are in relation to England using a compass. Our next lesson involved us going on a learning walk through Padiham. This allowed us to see those human and physical changes first hand. Next week we are going to suggest any positive changes we could make to our locality.


Black history week

This week we are learning about Nelson Mandela and his contribution to South Africa and Black rights. We will learn the song’ Free Nelson Mandela’ and create a fact file about his life and works.



Autumn 2

Healthy Humans


During this half term we will be learning about whats makes a healthy human. We have already discussed healthy and unhealthy foods as part of our Science lesson. We followed this on in Art by looking at the work of Seb Lester (A free hand logo artist) and created our own healthy food logos inspired by his style. 



During this week we will begin our unit of DT work on healthy humans. This unit involves us creating our own healthy soup for a local super market. In order to create our own we have to do some market research. As part of this market research we have to taste test two existing soups. Letters will come home this week asking for parental permission to taste soups.




We have started a new unit of lessons looking at different styles of dance. Miss McKenna is really impressed with our skills and looks forward to sharing some images and other media with parents.


Spring Term

During this term we will be learning about the Stone Age and Natural hazards. We will be working towards developing an understanding of how Stone Age people lived and how Natural Hazards can impact our planet.



This term we have focused on life in Stone Age Britain. People had very different life styles then and the children now understand the importance of hunting for food and making our own clothes. We discussed the diets of people in the Stone Age and how this differs from what we eat today. We created some paintings of Stone henge using colours which we mixed ourselves to make the painting look more realistic.



This term we have been focusing on the topic of Natural Hazards. A Natural Hazard is a natural phenomena which can have catastrophic impacts on our planet. We have learnt about volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis, hurricanes and tornadoes. All the children have enjoyed this topic and have created a stained glass window which displays the image of a volcano erupting. The red background demonstrates how the molten lava lights up the night sky.



This term we have been learning how to play tennis. We had a wonderful tennis coach called Kevin who taught us the basic skills of the game. Miss McKenna followed this up in the next few lessons.


Poetry day

We had a visit from the local poet Ian Bland. We loved his performance particularly when he performed the dinner lady dance. We got a chance to write some of our own poems with his help. Here is a picture of our class display which is based on the work of Ian Bland.


Easter time

Easter has been such a fun time in school and we got to create some wonderful eggy creations. Here are some images of our creations including the winners.


Summer Term


This term we are learning about the Romans and how they impacted Britain. Everything we see in modern Britain is a result of the impact the Romans caused.




As part of our Romans topic we have been looking at mosaics and how to create a mosaic in a similar style to the way the Romans would have.





As always, any questions don’t hesitate to ask


Mr J Lacey


Class Teacher

















Curriculum Clouds

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
