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PadihamPrimary School

News from 2013-2014

Teddy Bear's Picnic

We all had a good time at our Teddy Bear's Picnic. We made biscuits, played pass the parcel and sang teddy bear songs.

Samba time July 2014

We have been listening to samba music this term in our music lessons. We have watched samba bands and seen how the conductor uses a whistle to control the band. We made samba hats and had our own samba carnival band in the yard.

World War 1 Day

Thank you to all of our parents for creating such imaginative world war 1 costumes. The children looked amazing.

World War 1 Visitor June 2014

We all had a good time and learned alot about life in the trenches from our World War 1 'Rent a Tommy' visitor.

Our trip to the park

On Thursday class 1L went on a walk to the park near Padiham swimming baths. We all had a really good time. We played on the zip wire, the swings and the roundabout. We played in the sand and on the slide.

Topic Work May 2014

This term we will be looking at the life and work of Florence Nightingale and using the internet to find facts all about her. 


Our Science Party April 2014

All this half term we have been working towards a party in our science lessons. We have investigated changing materials and used lots of examples of these in our party. We changed paper into decorations, we melted chocolate to make crispie cakes, we played an ice melting game.

Colour mixing in art March 2014

We have created our own colours by mixing blue, red and yellow paint. We made some interesting purple and green colours then used them to decorate our clay pots.

Sport's Relief Day March 2014

What a sporty class we are! We loved our obstacle course that the sport's crew set up for us. We had to run, to jump, to roll and to move quickly. We loved the mini marathon around school too. We all managed 4 laps!!

Planning a Party March 2014

We are busy planning a party in our science lessons.We have been looking at how materials can change. We changed paper to make decorations. We change a solid block of chocolate to make chocolate crispies, and we invented a melting party game where we had to melt an ice block with sweets in it as quickly as we could.We found that holding the ice, blowing the ice and moving it around on a tray caused it to melt the quickest. We then found that the sweets inside had disappeared!!!

March 2014

We have really enjoyed reading and writing nonsense poems in our literacy work. Our favourite was The Ning Nang Nong by Spike Milligan. We were able to find alliteration in the poem too!

A busy half term!!

Here we are enjoying Green Time at the end of another very busy half term. Well done to everyone. We have all worked hard and had fun.

Writing Instructions

We have been writing instructions in our literacy work. We have read instructions on games and looked at what makes a good set of instructions. We made jam tarts in class and then wrote out the instructions in a recipe book. Then we ate the jam tarts. Mmmmm


Happy New Year

Welcome back to all ouf our children in 1L. We have another busy term ahead. Please see the curriculum newsletter to find out what we will be doing. Please remember to return PE kits to school. Thank you

Our Christmas Party

We have had a very busy month and really enjoyed our Christmas party. We played games and even had a visit from Father Christmas. Merry Christmas to all our families and friends and best wished for the new year.

November 2013

We have started a new topic in our art lessons. We are looking at the work of Georges Seurat and have created some pointillism pictures.

October 2013 Puppets

We have really enjoyed sewing our hand puppets together and creating some super designs. Look at our pictures. See if you can spot a rabbit, Ben 10, Scooby Doo, pirates, princesses and monsters.

October 2013 Our Shared Area

We have had a super time playing in our shared area. We have cared for our animals in the vets and written about our favourite animals.

Our Trip to Skipton Castle

We had a really good time on our school trip to Skipton Castle. We had a lovely guide called Tony who took us on a tour and told us lots of information about Skipton Castle and the people who used to live there.We saw the kitchen with the huge fireplace and went down into the dungeon.


Floating and Sinking September 2013

This week in our science work we have started our topic on Floating and Sinking. We have looked at games which help us to understand why some objects float and some sink. We have investigated different objects in water..and had a splashing time!

Roald Dahl September 2013

We celebrated Roald Dahl's birthday by reading his story The Enormous Crocodile. Then we made our own crocodiles with very sharp teeth!

Busy Already!! September 2013

We have been busy already investigating magnets in our science work. Here we are using magnets to test different materials to find those that are magnetic. We have also used computer programs to test the strength of different magnets.

Settling in September 2013

We are all settling in well to our new class. We have been busy reading stories and writing about them, counting and writing numbers upto 30, and choosing our own activities. We have worked outside and inside the classroom and have started to learn a dance about monsters in our PE lessons!

PE Lessons 2013/14

This year in class 1L we will have our PE lessons on Mondays. Please could parents make sure their child's PE kit is named. Pump bags will be kept in class during school time and then sent home during the holidays to be washed. Many thanks.

Reading Books 2013/14

Reading books will be sent home weekly and we like to read with the children on a regular basis. Please could parents send their child's reading book to school every day so that it is in school when their child needs to read. Reading packets are also useful for taking home school letters. Please check your child's reading packet regularly for newsletters and other important notes home

A new school year! 2013/14

Welcome back to all our children in class 1L. We hope you have had a lovely break and are ready for a new term.We have lots of exciting activities planned for this term including in a trip to Skipton Castle! For more details of our topics this term please see our curriculum news letter.


'Targets' are the skills we are really concentrating on this term. Your child will be able to tell you what they are working towards in class. Individual children's targets may differ slightly from each other, but below is a summary of our aims for this term.



Year 1- To talk about the books we read.

          - To use our phonics skills to decode new words.

          - To read with fluency and expression.



Year 1 - To write in sentences, using capital letters and full stops.

           - To use connectives in our sentences.



Year 1- To recognise and write numbers up to 50.

           -   To sequence numbers correctly.

               -  To count in steps of different sizes.


You can help your child at home by discussing characters in their reading book, and counting in 2's, 5's and 10 e.g. while you travel to school.

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
