Attendance and Punctuality
Attendance at school is crucial and we place great emphasis on children being here and making the most of their day. Awards are given out every week for the best class attendance in school and at the end of every term for individual children who have 100% attendance.
If your child has to miss school please phone the school office between 8.30am and 9.00am to let us know on:
01282 772496
Alternatively you can use the Studybugs app to inform school of a child's absence.
School starts promptly at 9am every morning but children can arrive at school any time after 8.45 as we open the doors to allow children to come straight in as they arrive.
Children in Foundation Stage will go in their own entrance at the front of the school, other classes are at the rear of school and enter via the gate to the right of school.
School ends at 3.25pm. Again parents need to collect their child on time from their class doors. If on a rare occasion you will be late to collect your child please phone the school office.
We are bound by Government regulations and work to Lancashire County Council guidelines with regard to attendance policy. Children are marked as late if they arrive after registration
Unauthorised absence can lead to fixed penalty notices issued by Lancashire County Council. Leave during term time is only authorised under exceptional circumstances and must be agreed in advance. Mrs Hope and Mrs Johnson Towers will help where there are barriers to regular punctual school attendance. Please refer to our school Attendance Policy online for more details.
If you need help with attendance, please contact either of our family support workers;
Mrs Johnson Towers and Mrs Hope
This week's school attendance was...…..
Congratulations RT yet again this week's Classopoly winners again 99% . Will any other class be able to end their winning streak???