At Padiham Primary School we believe personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education is an integral part of children’s education. The staff work as role models and share a cohesive vision to help children understand and value how they and others can become confident, resilient and happy people. We place a strong emphasis on nurturing mental and physical health and emotional literacy, as well as practising mindfulness to support children’s concentration and focus. Our PSHE curriculum demonstrates appropriate subject knowledge, skills and understanding to fulfil the statutory duties of the Relationship Education (RE), Relationship and Sex Education (RSE, statutory from September 2020) and Health Education (HE) curriculums.
PSHE is an important part of primary education and is therefore timetabled to be taught weekly to ensure that quality time is dedicated to these areas in every year group from Reception through to Year 6.
Children with SEN and those more able are identified and tracked in PSHE on their journey through school. SEN children have pre teaching, and repeated sessions to ensure knowledge and skills are embedded. As a school this is crucial in all areas of PSHE particularly RSE.
Our teachers follow a Scheme of Work called SCARF - Safety, Caring, Achievement, Resilience, Friendship (Coram Life Education), which is centred on a values-based and ‘Growth Mindset’ approach, SCARF's lesson plans and resources help to promote positive behaviour, mental health, wellbeing, resilience and achievement.
SCARF lesson plans are organised around the PSHE Association's Programmes of Study Learning Opportunities, which includes three core themes of Health and Wellbeing; Relationships; and, Living in the Wider World. These themes are the same for Key Stage 1 and 2 have been broken down into six main areas for termly coverage, and are ordered as follows:
Me and My Relationships
Valuing Difference
Keeping Myself Safe
Rights and Responsibilities
Being my Best
Growing and Changing
In the EYFS Framework PSHE is taught as SCARF lessons as well as being covered in the Prime Areas of learning which are Personal, Social and Emotional Development, Communication and Language and Physical Development. These areas focus on the children becoming independent and confident individuals who are aware of their own needs and emotions and are taught in both lesson time and continuous provision.