School Sweatshirts with the school logo on are available from the school office, priced at £10 each for sizes up to a 32". From a 34" £13.00.
Sweatcardigans with the school logo are available at the price of £14.00.
Book Bags and P E Bags without a strap are £5.00 each and these are available also from the school office.
The book bag is with a strap is £8.00.
PE Kit
Reception class: Plain white t-shirt, black shorts, and black trainers/pumps (non-marking floor footwear only) that are suitable for sport and physical activity. Black tracksuit bottoms/leggings and a school sweatshirt for colder weather. Kit should be inside a PE bag (clearly labelled with the child’s name) which will be left in school. Children will change for PE in class.
Year 1-6 classes: PE kit: Plain white t-shirt, black shorts, and black trainers/pumps (non-marking floor footwear only) that are suitable for sport and physical activity. Black tracksuit bottoms/leggings and a school sweatshirt for colder weather. Kit should be worn all day on the designated PE day. All kit should be non-branded.
AFTER SCHOOL CLUBS: Full PE kit or own sports kit. Clubs run by outside agencies as instructed in their letters (this may differ from school kit).
Examples of correct kit can be found on the photos below.