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PadihamPrimary School



The teaching of English is at the heart of our curriculum at Padiham Primary School. Our aim is to create confident and fluent readers and writers. Our teaching of English is split into four parts - reading (including the teaching of phonics), writing, spelling & grammar and spoken language. Children are also taught handwriting – this begins with correct letter formation in KS1 leading to a joined fluent style in KS2. We use the Twinkl cursive handwriting font.



Reading, and the teaching of reading, is a fundamental part of our curriculum at Padiham Primary. Children are exposed to a wide range of quality texts everyday including stories, poems and rhymes. High quality teaching of phonics, following Rocket Phonics, takes place every day in Reception and KS1 (see the phonics section for more information). As children become more confident readers, we move to teaching fluency, accuracy and prosody alongside language comprehension. Classes in KS2 take part in daily reading lessons which are based around a selection of high quality texts. We use the VIPERS approach when discussing texts. In the lessons, children are given the opportunity to hear teachers modelling fluent reading & prosody whilst also developing their own fluency through paired & echo reading. Questioning involves lots of class discussion about language & vocabulary, characters and authors’ intentions. Pupils may also take part in comprehension lessons which focus on developing their written responses to texts. All classes have cosy reading corners which are stocked with a wide variety of quality texts. We also have a wonderful library area for children to explore. Reading is mapped out across school using our reading spines and stories to support across the curriculum this ensures that we create a reading rich environment throughout school.

In KS2 teachers use ‘The Write Stuff’ to create a consistent approach to the teaching of writing. This approach focuses on quality not quantity when working and allows even the most reluctant writers to feel proud of their work. Children are taught the features needed to create detailed pieces of writing before moving on to creating independent pieces of work.


Writing in KS1 is phonics and curriculum led using a range of high quality texts and writing outcome to ensure children meet the end of KS1 assessment criteria.

Spelling in Foundation Stage and KS1 is taught through phonics. In KS2, we use Spelling Shed to deliver our spelling lessons. An important part of the teaching of spellings is investigating patterns and rules so children take part in weekly investigation lessons. The aim is to move away from weekly spelling tests and focusses on creating active spellers who are confident in applying the rules of phonemes, graphemes, root words, prefixes, suffixes etc when writing. This approach puts the children in control of their spellings with each child having focus spelling targets which are personalised for them.


The teaching of grammar is embedded in our writing lessons where children are explicitly taught the grammatical features needed as they write. At times, skills are taught discretely using the Spelling Shed grammar resources.

Children are also given lots of opportunities to develop their English work across the curriculum. Staff plan topics carefully to include cross-curricular reading and writing opportunities.

English assessments are carried out at the end of each term. These include a reading comprehension and a writing task. At the end of Y6, pupils sit their SATs which include reading, grammar and spelling tests. Writing is teacher assessed and evidence is collected throughout the year by staff - this evidence is then moderated. Assessment data is used by staff to plan and inform future lessons and to identify children who may need more support to keep up with their peers.

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
