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PadihamPrimary School

Governors' Declaration

School governors at Padiham Primary school are unpaid, committed and willing members of our community that give up their time to ensure that the school delivers the best education possible for our children.


Clerk to the governing body is Mrs Joanne Carr (Lancashire county council)


All Governors can be contacted through school

Padiham Primary School Governors' register of interest- September 2022

Name and Type of GovernorI have no business interests to declareNature and name of businessI declare that I am not a governor at any other educational establishmentI declare that I am a governor at the following educational establishmentsI declare that I have no relationships(including spouses,partners or relatives) to members of school staff or I declare the following relationshipsAttendance at Full governor meetings

Mrs Pate


Local Authority

 N/A Ridgewood Community High School 100%

Mr Dunderdale

Head Teacher

 N/A N/A 100%

Miss Liggins

Deputy Head Teacher

 N/A N/ARelative to Mr Mayers100%

Mr D Gallagher

Assistant Head Teacher


Mrs Hudson


 N/A N/A 66%



Co opted






Mr D Maher

Co opted

xAspire N/A 100%




Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
