Welcome to the safeguarding information page.
All staff in school recognise that they all have a collective responsibility to ensure safeguarding procedures are followed in school and, as part of their induction and/or annual training, are given information about any changes to safeguarding guidance found in Keeping Children Safe in Education. Other usual safeguarding documents are available in school for staff to read, including Guidance for Safer Working Practice.
Relevant policies can also be found in the 'policies' section of our website.
Please find below a link to the Children’s Safeguarding Assurance Partnership homepage. This replaces what was previously known as ‘Lancashire Safeguarding Children’s Board’ as 3 localities (Blackburn with Darwen, Blackpool and Lancashire) have now been combined. The CSAP website covers news, information, guidance and support around safeguarding and, in particular, around reporting a concern.
Although it is everyone's responsibility to promote the safety and wellbeing of all of our children in school, our 'Designated Safeguarding Leads' (DSLs) have completed further training in safeguarding, to ensure that decisions relating to children are child-centred and follow the Lancashire Continuum of Need. Please see below for details of who these staff are, and who to speak to should you have a concern relating to the safety or welfare of a pupil.
'You and other school leaders take your responsibilities very seriously. The establishment of a safeguarding team in school has proved very positive. The work of the learning mentor and designated safeguarding leader is highly effective and ensures that many vulnerable families get the support they need. There is a culture of safety in the school. All staff are well trained and fully understand their individual responsibilities to keep pupils safe. Pupils say that they feel safe, and parents agree. Pupils report that there is no bullying and that if there was it would be dealt with swiftly and effectively. Safeguarding policies and procedures are robust. You and governors ensure that systems for recruiting and vetting staff are secure and that all staff receive regular safeguarding updates in line with the government’s latest guidance.'
A recent safeguarding audit in June 2021 by Victoria Wallace from Lancashire County Council School Safeguarding team agreed with this statement, saying I fully agree with the findings
(from OFSTED 2017) and feel that there is a complete child -centred approach where the school recognises the role it can play in supporting families and children by using multi-agency support.
Multi agency Working /Support for Families
Mrs Johnson Towers and Mrs Hope have an extensive knowledge of local agencies and services which offer support to families in the area. If you have a concern or would like to speak with them please phone the school office who can put you through to them. Alternatively Mrs Johnson Towers and Mrs Hope are often at the front of school at the beginning and end of the day.
School office number 01282772496
Operation Encompass Letter and Protocol
Operation Encompass
At Padiham Primary School, we participate in a project called Operation Encompass, which is run in partnership with Lancashire Police and aims to support children who are affected by domestic abuse.
Following a domestic abuse incident attended by Lancashire Police, at which children from our school were present, Lancashire Police will notify us of this, by the next morning and prior to the start of the school day. This enables us to offer appropriate support to any child, from the point of them arriving at school the next day.
Each school has a designated member of staff who is trained to liaise with the police, when required, whilst ensuring support is available to the child. The designated adults at Padiham Primary School are Mrs Johnson-Towers and Mrs Hope.
If you would like to speak to someone further about the project or require further information, please speak to either of the above staff members.
What is the Prevent duty?
The aim of the Prevent Duty is to reduce the threat of terrorism in the UK by working actively to stop individuals from supporting terrorism or becoming terrorists. The expectation placed upon schools and childcare settings is that they will work closely with a multi-agency support network, to raise awareness of issues of extremism, and to support individuals who are vulnerable of being drawn into terrorism.
The current legislation surrounding Prevent duty came into force on 1st July 2015, and remains a staple feature of every UK school and other education setting’s safeguarding policy. At its heart, Prevent is another form of safeguarding; an extension of the policies that should have already been in place prior to the Prevent strategy’s introduction.
The Prevent duty guidance requires that:
- School staff have undertaken training in the Prevent Duty as identified by their leaders and managers including the Head teacher.
- School staff are aware of when it is appropriate to refer Prevent related concerns about students, learners or colleagues to the Prevent Lead, who is Mrs Johnson-Towers.
- School exemplify British values of “democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty and mutual respect and tolerance for those with different faiths and beliefs” into their curriculum and teaching.