Latest news: We are really trying to improve our reading fluency this term, so remember to practise at home and bring your book to school every day. Thanks
My name is Mrs Barford and I am the lucky teacher of the wonderful children in class 1/2B. In our class we have children from both Year 1 and Year 2 and we will be having a busy year learning lots of new skills through fun activities and topics. We are lucky to have Mrs Huyton as our full time teaching assistant, and Miss Fort also teaches us on a Tuesday morning.
We have the best smiles in 1/2B!
Click on the link below to see our topic plan for the Autumn 1 half term:
Click on the link to see our Autumn 2 half term plan.
Our topic plan for Spring 1
Our topic plan for Spring 2.
Please click below to see our topic plan for the first summer half term.
Please click below to see our Summer 2 curriculum plan.
This half term we are lucky to have a coach called Ben from Burnley Leisure teaching us Athletics skills.
We have learnt about healthy foods, and have designed our own fruit salad. Our cutting skills are getting better. Mmmmm......delicious!
We are having fun learning about robots. We have made our own robot characters by reusing boxes. We wrote stories about them too.
Our first week back in January was Eco Week. We learnt all about how humans are harming the oceans and the creatures that live there with our plastic rubbish. We made some useful items out of 'rubbish'.
We loved our Christmas party day and our lovely special dinner.
Thank you for coming to watch our special Christmas play Hey Ewe. We loved performing it for our friends and families.
Whatever the weather we have outside.....
We helped to raise £300.51 for Children in Need this year. Well done everyone!
We have been remembering the soldiers from WW1.
We had an amazing time at Blackpool Zoo learning about all the animals.
We love dressing up and book day in October was great fun. We enjoyed the Funnybones stories by Allan and Janet Ahlberg.
During Black History Week our class learnt about an amazing man. Martin Luther King had a dream that all people would be treated equally and helped to change laws in America. Ask us what we know!
Odd sock day helped us to understand that we are all different and we should be respectful to everyone.
We are really enjoying finding out all about amazing animals this term.
We learnt the names of our favourite fruit in French on European Languages Day.
We show off our amazing maths skills every day!
We are nature detectives. We have been out and about searching for signs of Autumn.
Our attendance is super. This week we won the Infant attendance teddy and some extra playtime! Keep it up everyone.
We have read lots of Mr Man stories by Roger Hargreaves. We wrote our own and made some super characters too.
We had fun learning about Roald Dahl's Enormous Crocodile. We dressed up and made crocodile and Roly-Poly bird puppets.
We have loved exploring the outdoor area with our new classmates.
We have been making new friends.....
Useful class information.
P.E lessons will usually be on a Wednesday. Please ensure your child's shorts, t-shirt and pumps are in school so they are able to take part. Ear rings are not allowed during P.E lessons so it is best to leave them at home on a Wednesday.
All Clothing should have your child's name on the labels. Children can get quite distressed if they cannot identify their own belongings. Jumpers with names on can quickly be returned to the child.
Children will receive a piece of fruit each day at school, but no longer have milk. Most children choose to have a water bottle in school, which they can refill each day.
Homework: Your child will be given a reading book to enjoy with family at home. Children who practise regularly make much faster progress with their reading, and this helps them across the whole curriculum. Children may choose a new book each day. Please ensure your child brings their book every day as we also read with grown ups in school.
A spelling sheet will usually be given to the children on a Friday. This is to learn letter patterns and to practise their handwriting. Sheets can be returned by the following Friday. We have a spelling test each Friday.
We use the free DOODLE MATHS app for our maths homework. Your child will be given a password and we encourage them to spend a few minutes on the app each day. It really helps to embed basic maths skills and knowledge, and the children love it!
If you have any questions or concerns please speak to Mrs Barford or Mrs Huyton and we will do our best to help.