Welcome to 1/2B's class page.
Welcome to our class web page. My name is Mrs Barford and I am very lucky to be the class teacher of 1/2B. Ours is a special classroom as we have a lovely mixed class of both Year 1 and Year 2 superstars. We work, play and have fun together, whilst still focusing on and developing the skills of each year group. We have fantastic support in our classroom, with Mrs Huyton and Miss McKenna with us full time, and also Miss Fort and Miss Clay teaching some sessions too. Please visit our web page often to see what we are enjoying in class. There will also be regular updates each week on Class Dojo too.
If you have a question or concern please catch a member of staff at drop off or pick up times and we will try our best to help. You can also send a message on Class Dojo, or leave a message at the school office.

Meet our class of 2023/2024
Exploring our local area.

A trip to the park .
We had an amazing day at Smithills Farm and loved interacting with the animals.
We have loved watching the ducklings hatch.

We made a delicious juicy fruit salad.

The children enjoyed making their decorated eggs for Easter.

Enjoying our new trim trail.

Red Nose Day fun.
Observational drawing of fruit.

Online Safety Day 2024 : We are regularly learning about how to keep safe while online.

We are always proud of our achievements in 1/2B.

Fun in the January snow.
A special visitor came to see us on party day 😊
In DT we have designed and made a brilliant new vehicle to help Santa on Christmas Eve.
Christmas dinner in Christmas jumpers

Christmas Nativity 2023
We had a fantastic visit to Gawthorpe Hall this Christmas.

In DT we investigated and made strong bridge structures.
The children have had an amazing time in the pop-up swimming pool.

We have enjoyed our gymnastics lessons this term.

Halloween fun
We love our new library. It’s full of beautiful books for us to enjoy

Pete fro Life Church came to talk to us about his job helping people in our local community.

We made 3D models of famous London landmarks. Can you guess what they are ?
We had a lovely time on Thomas’ special day.
Maths experts

We are celebrating so many successes this term. 😀

Spanish Day

P.E in the September sunshine :

Fun painting ourselves :
Busy bees:

Making new friends:
- Please ensure your child arrives at school by 9am. Our doors open at 8.45, giving children time to chat to their friends and prepare for the day. Our daily phonics reading lessons begin at 9.05am and those who are regularly late miss crucial learning.
- Children are very welcome to bring a water bottle to school to keep them hydrated.
- PE is on WEDNESDAY. Children should come to school wearing their kit. This consists of a plain white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps or trainers. Leggings/ jogging bottoms can we worn. Ear-rings should be removed please.
- Children will have a yellow Snuggle Up with a Book bag, which should be returned each Friday so it can be swapped and sent home again.
- Home/ school phonics reading books should be brought to school every day please. We encourage the children to read through a book 3 times before we change it to develop their confidence, skills and enjoyment.
- Your child will bring home their log-in details in order to use Numbots and Rocket Phonics at home.
- If your child is going to be absent from school please ring the school office before 9am.
- Please clearly name all your child's uniform, in particular jumpers, cardigans and coats. By doing so we can return misplaced items to the correct child.
The children will be busy and active all day in school, so we understand that 'homework' can be tricky to complete with such young children. With this in mind we would really appreciate it if parents who would like to could spend some time each week hearing their child read their Phonics reading book that will be brought home daily. Children who read at home as well as in school make much faster progress, and reading success is key to opening up the whole curriculum and gaining the best outcomes from their educational journey. Your child will bring home their log in details for our Rocket Phonics online books which are great for developing phonics knowledge and reading independence.
Additionally time spent using the Numbots app will really help to develop your child's number awareness and mental maths skills. Just 5 minutes a day can be really beneficial, and Numbots has been developed to track your child's success across maths areas, and provide questions that are well matched to your child. (With this in mind please try hard not to tell your child an answer if they ask for help. When they make an error the program will develop challenges to help your child understand better.)