New information and photos will be at the top of the page. Please scroll down for classroom information and to the very bottom for the curriculum clouds to find out what exciting things we are learning!
Hello to my new class!
I hope you are enjoying the first part of the summer holidays and are looking forward to returning to school in September - I am excited to meet you all properly and get stuck in to the new year with lots of fun and exciting activities!
If you would like any activities to do over the holidays, there are a few documents below.
You can also access the website www.phonicsplay.co.uk and play the PHASE 2 games to recap all the letters/sounds of the alphabet that you learnt in Reception in preparation for Year 1.
My email address is padiham1p@padiham.lancs.sch.uk
I would LOVE you hear from you over the summer - please feel free to send me any photos of what you have been up to, any pictures you may have drawn, if you have any messages or questions for me - anything!
I look forward to September
Miss Pearson
Goodbye 1P!
Well we have made it to the end of the school year and what a strange but wonderful one it has been! It hasn't been what we expected and we have not managed to have a full year together but you have been AMAZING and made it not such a bad ending after all!
I hope that you have kept a smile on your face throughout and keep on doing so! I have really loved being your teacher, as have Mrs Davidson and Miss McKenna and we are already looking forward to seeing you when you are big, grown up Year 2's!!
Have a lovely summer holidays and keep safe, keep smiling and keep doing what your grown up's tell you!!
A big well done to all those children who came back to school for the last month, you have been super and you have taken everything in your stride and worked, played and had fun in a well behaved and happy manor - I am proud of you all.
Many thanks to all the parents for your hard efforts at home with your children's learning! Remember if you need or want anything over the summer, I am still here so please email me if you want anything - questions about next year, send photos of what you are up to - it will be lovely to hear from you.
See you in September!
Love Miss Pearson xx
P.S. Have a look at some photos below from our Party Day!
w/c 13th July 2020
Hello everyone!
Hope you are all doing well and received your reports on Friday - if you have any questions about that or anything related to next year and Year 2, please e-mail me!
This is the last week of home learning - so I will attach below the Lancashire English Team document (it says Week 10 as we missed this week during the holidays) and also the White Rose Maths worksheets for you to use.
Remember there is also Doodle Maths, Numbots, Purple Mash, Phonics Play and BBC Bitesize which you can also access.
Most of the sites will also be accessible during the Summer Holidays so perhaps trying to do a little each week will keep your brain working hard ready for Year 2!
Hope you have a lovely week, I will add another message later on in the week also as it is our final week in Year 1!
Miss Pearson x
w/c 6th July 2020
Hello everybody! Hope you are all OK!
We are coming to the last few weeks of 'school' which I know is a little different this year. But don't worry, school is still the same place - we have the same classroom, the same teachers and the same children! We are also learning lots and having fun!
Here is another weeks' worth of home learning.
Well done to those children who are doing work regularly, you will be really helping yourselves to keep up and keep your brain working ready for Year 2!
This week I will add the Lancashire English Team Document which is all about Robots!
I will also add the White Rose Maths Worksheets below, which link to the wonderful videos on https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
Don't forget these sites also -
Miss Pearson
w/c 29th June 2020
Hello everybody!
First of all I just want to say a HUGE well done to those children who came back to school last week - each and every one of you came in with a smile on your face, worked so hard and listened carefully and followed our new rules to keep us all safe! I am so proud of how well you handled the changes and you did amazing! I hope you will agree that although the classroom was set out a little differently, we still had fun, learnt lots, worked hard and most importantly got to see each other and have a lovely time catching up again! I hope you will all be just as amazing for the next 3 weeks!
For those at home, please keep trying to do some work each day - it will keep your brain busy and growing ready for Year 2!
Whatever work we are doing in class, I am putting some of it on here for you at home to do. Some of it I can't put on as I'm teaching new things and you need certain things we have in school. Remember though, you can do the document below and there are all the usual websites too!
White Rose Maths - https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ - We are using White Rose resources this week in class - the sheets I have made in the Meerkat booklet link to last week and this week's White Rose resources
Doodle Maths - https://www.doodlemaths.com/
Numbots - https://play.numbots.com/#/intro
Phonics Play - https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/ - Try and concentrate on the Phase 5 sounds - these were the most recent ones we have learned and haven't had much practice so these are the sounds we need to work on more!
BBC Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize
Email if you need anything or want to show me anything - it would be lovely to hear from the children who are at home still and won't be returning to school this year!
Miss Pearson xx
w/c 22nd June 2020
Hello my lovely ones!
Well, what a couple of months it has been! As you will be aware, school is re-opening for Year 1's this WEDNESDAY (24th). I know there are lots of you coming back and I can't wait to see all your smiling faces!
Do not worry about anything, our classroom is still the same, just a few things have been moved around! We will make it as exciting, fun and normal as we can!
For those who are not joining us on Wednesday, I have added some documents to complete, using the video 'While we can't hug' on You Tube, which is lovely!
Also, the tasks on Doodle Maths are there for this week (https://www.doodlemaths.com/), the Numbots games (https://play.numbots.com/#/intro), the White Rose Maths slides and worksheets (https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/) and the Lancashire English Team document., which I will add below.
If you are coming back on Wednesday, please do not complete the work booklet as we will be doing this is class from Wed-Fri. You can do Doodle Maths/Phonics Play/Numbots Monday and Tuesday if you want to do something
Love Miss Pearson xx
Well done to Archie and Victoria - our two Doodle Maths superstars for last week! Brilliant work completing the tasks I set - keep up the good work!
Also Evelyn and Brogan have been on Numbots - Well done!
Remember to try to go on our Maths games regularly, even 10 minutes each day has been proven to help a LOT!
w/c 15th June 2020
Hello everyone! Hope you are all doing well!
I'm missing you all - even more so as I have been sat writing all your reports recently!
I am going to add this weeks' Lancashire English Team document below - this week it is Mr Men!
The webite https://www.mrmen.com/ is brilliant - you can find out about the author (who wrote the books), all the different Mr Men and Little Miss characters and there are so many activities such as colouring, how to draw, dot to dot and things to make! Have a go and send me a picture of anything you do!
For Maths, White Rose is linked here https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
and the worksheets are below as usual. This week there are activities based on multiplying, doubling and sharing.
Again, BBC Bitesize is linked to the White Rose Maths as well as some super English tasks https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-and-p2-lessons
I have added new challenges on Doodle Maths for this week too, so make sure you have a go!
I am also going to add a document with some phonics activities in - some you may have seen before, some may be new! Phonics is really important in Year 1 and obviously next year we will need to continue what we have missed this year. Remember the You Tube clips too!
If you need anything, remember to email me!
Miss Pearson x
w/c 8th June 2020
Hello 1P! Missing you all!
Today (Monday) is World Oceans Day! I have made you a booklet with lots of different activities all related to the topic of 'under the sea' which is brilliant because the Lancashire English Team work was all about this last week! Click the link below this message.
I will also add the new Lancashire English Team booklet - The Jolly Postman!
I will also link the White Rose Maths worksheets underneath here which link to the lessons on the website https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/
This week is a really useful one - all about counting in 2's, 5's and 10's - something which we all really enjoy doing!
Remember our songs to help us too -
2s - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GvTcpfSnOMQ
5s - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FaBDqOmiyI
10s - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-gmEe0-_ex8
Remember BBC Bitesize has lessons each day at https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-and-p2-lessons
The websites such as Doodle Maths, Numbots, Purple Mash, Phonics Play are still being used by some children which is super - I updated lessons for DoodleMaths yesterday! The passwords are on the post below.
There are some super YOGA videos for kids online - they help with exercise, to calm down, stretch and help mental wellbeing -
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qC83oFEeVZA - under the sea
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4MmczGBAjM8 - mermaid
If you need anything, please email me on
Keep up the good work children (and parents!)
Miss Pearson x
Just a little reminder about your children's logins for some of
our favourite sites:
Doodle Maths
username: *your child's first name*001
e.g. sarah001
password: cow8
username: *child's first name* and first initial of surname
e.g. sarahp
password: desk
Purple Mash
username: *child's first name* and first initial of surname
e.g. sarahp
password: the children have 2 animals as their password - they should remember these - if they can't remember please ask me!
Emile Education
username: *child's first name* with a capital letter
e.g. Sarah
password: pig
Well done to Archie, Brogan, Victoria and Zack who have all completed the Doodle Maths challenges I set last week!
Also Brogan and Mackenzie have been on Numbots too - Mackenzie you have so many stars! Well done both of you!
Keep up the good work!
Miss P x
w/c 1st June 2020
Hello everybody! Hope you had a nice half term in the sunshine and are keeping well!
I have attached below another English document from the Lancashire English Team - this week it is all about 'Under the Sea'. There are some really lovely books used this week, so be sure to have a look. You could also progress this further to doing some art based activities such as painting/colouring different sea creatures or more writing such as labelling the animals.
Also I will add the White Rose Maths documents for this week. Remember to go on https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/year-1/ and then use the worksheets below to practice what you have learnt on the video clips.
This weeks BBC Bitesize lessons are also linked here:
The lessons for Monday are great as the English is all about capital letters and full stops, something VITAL in Year 1! The Maths is also linked to the White Rose, length and weight!
Remember the usual websites
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7sW4j8p7k9D_qRRMUsGqyw (Phonics - Mr T)
Please don't forget to email me with photos of yourselves keeping busy or any work you have been doing - I will put more photos on here as I receive them! It is lovely to see your happy faces and all the things you have been getting up to!
Missing you all, Miss Pearson
w/c 25th May 2020
Hello everyone!
I hope you are all OK! We are missing you all very much. Every time we go into our classroom it feels so empty without you all! But I hope you are all enjoying the time at home with your families and keeping busy!
It is half term this week, so there are no documents from the Lancashire English Team. However, I have made you an activity sheet similar to one I made at the beginning of the lockdown. It has English, Maths, Topic, Science, Art and PE activities on. Try to do as many as you can and colour them in once you have done them! I would love to see your work and coloured in sheets so please send me an email and I can put photos on our web page!
I have also got a dance challenge for you! There is a document with the details attached below. Miss Cross who is in charge of PE has sent it to her class and has sent me some videos of her class doing dances to the song. They are super! See if you can create a dance, video it and send it to me!
Remember the usual websites - Doodle Maths, Numbots, Purple Mash, Phonics Play, BBC Bitesize.... keep up the good work!
Also, have a look at this lovely video, all about 2 animal best friends who can no longer hug - something which I know is really difficult at the moment - but it won't be forever!
I also have one more nice activity - where I can 'come into your house!' - see the 'Flat Teacher' document below!
Miss Pearson xx
w/c 18th May 2020
Hello everybody! Hope you are all well!
I am going to again add this weeks Lancashire English Team document - this week the story is 'Rumble in the Jungle.' I will add it below this post.
I have also been thinking about the fact that we unfortunately missed our trip to the farm which was meant to be a few weeks ago. I'm sure you are just as sad about this as I am - Smithills Farm is a fantastic place to go for a trip and it would have been a brilliant day. However, they have a super website which I have been looking at and I have made a Farm Activity Booklet for you to print and complete! There are writing activities, Maths and creative things too! You could also extend this by drawing or painting a picture of your favourite animal, labelling it, counting how many animals they have at the farm, writing about an animal you can see... the options are endless! Booklet attached below!
Remember the websites I say every week...
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-and-p2-lessons/1 - BBC Bitsize
https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC7sW4j8p7k9D_qRRMUsGqyw - Phonics Mr T
I will also add the White Rose Maths resources for this week below. Remember to visit
to access the online resources and videos, then use the documents I post below for sheets etc.
Keep safe, keep trying your best and keep smiling!
Missing you all!
Love Miss Pearson xx
A lovely little activity booklet, all about FEELINGS! Take a look :)
w/c 11th May 2020
Hello everybody! Hope you all had a nice weekend!
I am going to add the next Lancashire English Team document with a new story all about Rabbits! I will put it below this message for you to have a look at.
As we are used to thanking all the amazing doctors, nurses and carers who work in the NHS, it is very appropriate because this week is a special Nurses Day on Tuesday 12th May. This celebrates the fantastic work they do all year but especially at the moment. It happens on the 12th because that was Florence Nightingale's Birthday. Florence Nightingale was a very important person many years ago. Have a look online to see if you can find any information about her and see if you can write what you learn. She had a special name - see if you can find it out and work out why she was called this! You could draw a picture of her too!
Have a look at these websites for help and information -
I will add links to the websites again - most are the same as always as they are all brilliant and hopefully you will be familiar with them now which makes accessing them easier!
White Rose Maths videos are still online, however they are not putting the worksheets online now unless school has an account - luckily we do! So I have downloaded the worksheets and will add them in a file below. Click the link for the videos then look on the document for follow up questions!
I will also add a file below which has 3 worksheets for Phonics - a good recap of our new Phase 5 sounds - remember to use those You Tube clips to remind yourself of our sounds!
Remember to e-mail me if you need anything, or want to just say hello!
Missing you all,
Miss Pearson, Mrs Davidson and Miss McKenna x
Friday 8th May 2020
Happy VE Day to all my lovely class!
Let me know if you get up to anything exciting!
See if you can find out any information about VE day - you could write something in your exercise books and draw a picture!
Remember to send me any photos you take!
Missing you all! Hope you liked the video message below
A video message to you all from the teachers xx

w/c 4th May 2020
Hello everybody! Hope you are all doing well and enjoying the sunshine that has now come back out - yippee!
I've just added some new tasks on Doodle Maths and been checking Numbots and Purple Mash which are all super websites! Remember there is also Oxford Owl for free reading books, Phonics Play for phonics and the You Tube clips I added to the Word Document last week - keep checking those!
I will add the link to the new LANCASHIRE ENGLISH TEAM lessons after this post - this week the story is The Highway Rat by Julia Donaldson who has written lots of lovely stories!
BBC Bitesize is still being updated each week - see the link from last week to access this.
PSHE and Online Safety
Parents - please have a look at this website link for some Online Safety Advice and some great activities with online links -
The'Things I Can Do' links are below (either under 5's or 5-7 years - both are nice!)
and this link is to some super PSHE activities on our topic of Keeping Myself Healthy -
Have a lovely week and remember to email if you need anything at all - or to send me a photo!
May Daily Drawing Challenge - have a go! Try to draw and colour a picture a day!
A couple of photos I've been sent - please send me more to my email - I love seeing what you're up to!

Week Commencing 27th April
Hello everyone, hope you're all well and enjoying the sunshine!
I've been busy making things for you all to use back in class, getting the website sorted, checking DoodleMaths, Numbots and all the other sites I have recommended - and well done for going on them and keeping busy!
I've also made lots of cakes, painted my garden fences, done some exercise and been on some lovely walks with Barney the dog!
I won't add the websites again as they are all on the message below from last week so remember to try these as much as possible. There is also a NEW Week 2 English Document from the Lancashire Team (same as the Hairy Maclary one) which has some super activities for each day. I will add the PDF link to this below...
I will also link the bbc bitesize page for this week which has activities for all different subjects which is superb! Here it is - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/tags/zjpqqp3/year-1-and-p2-lessons/1
One thing we are all super at is singing to help us to learn! You Tube has some AMAZING songs which we use regularly in class to help us on a variety of subjects! I have made a Word document below with links to some of our favourite songs! Teach your parents, brothers, sisters, grandparents or even pets!
Remember my email address if you need anything extra, need help or want to just say hello!
Missing you all lots, Miss Pearson
Week Commencing 20th April
Hello everybody! Hope you are all well and had a lovely, sunny Easter! The Easter Bunny managed to drop me off a little chocolate egg as a treat, which was yummy! Barney even got a doggy Easter egg too! Lucky boy!
I hope you have been managing to do some school work at home, as well as enjoying some family time and fresh air too! I have been checking Numbots, Doodle Mash and Purple Mash regularly so please try and go on these as much as you can!
Remember, below are general ideas for all different subjects:
www.whiterosemaths.com - click on home learning - see the correct week (we weren't quite up to this in class so some things the children may be unsure of but have a go!)
you tube - PE with Joe Wicks
Go Noodle
Geography, History, Art, RE
bbc bitesize
RE - Google 'NATRE' - click home learning - KS1 - activities linked on here
Google 'science experiments for children' - so many simple ones!
Activities for over the Easter break
I have added a document of Easter Activities which you can print off and complete and play the games, do the colourings etc.
There is also a good website with Easter links to RE and craft activities.
I have also attached a document from the Lancashire English team which has activities based on a story with lots of links to online documents. There will be one of these released each week after the break, so keep checking back on this page weekly!
Note: I have had a few messages from parents saying their children have done lots of the activities from the purple exercise books and can they have more, so if you want anything else or anything specific, please email me on the address below and I would be more than happy to help
Have a lovely Easter - stay at home and stay safe (and eat some chocolate!)
Missing you all! Miss Pearson (p.s. Barney the dog says Woof!)
The Easter Story
We Can Go Exploring!
As Class 1P, Class 1/2 B and Class 2V have been sadly unable to take our farm trip, here are many super links to take you on Virtual Trips around the world!
The Macaroni Kid website includes a great link to different types of farms too:
Farm Tours with FarmFood360
There are 11 different farms to explore, from a Dairy Farm to an Apple Orchard.
You could write about what you find out and draw pictures in your book:)
Week Commencing 30th March
I have added some phonics activities and games below. They range from Phase 2 to Phase 5 so everybody should be able to have a go! You just need to print them off! If you can't get them printed, remember there are activities on phonicsplay.co.uk and twinkl.co.uk.
Tuesday 2nd April is International Children's Book Day
I'm sure you all have lots of books at home and if not, You Tube has most books online!
Why not choose your FAVOURITE book and complete the activities I have posted below...
My favourites to read with my class are Supertato and No-Bot - have a read!
Print them off, keep them with your activity booklets or send me a photo to the email address!
Saturday 28th March
Well done to everyone who has been online over the first week out of school - I can
see who has been on and what you have been up to! Keep it up!
Remember - the best sites are Numbots, Doodle Maths, Purple Mash,
Phonics Play and Oxford Owl.
Keep safe, missing you all! Miss P
In the event of self-isolation/closure
Our new class email is
please feel free to email me with any questions you may have, ask for more work or
simply send me any photos of what you have been up to or the work you have done!
We have workbooks available for the children to complete with lots of activities in. If your child is off school for self-isolation please contact school to arrange pick up of a work pack! Also look at the list of websites below...
Children have been given their login details for the above websites inside their purple exercise books.
The websites below are all super websites - many of which are offering FREE subscriptions for the month
We use this regularly in school and all the children are really familiar with the games. Try any games (Phase 3, 4 or 5). You may need to create an account but lots of games are free.
You may need to create an account but this site has lots of READING BOOKS similar to those we have in school. Reading is THE MAIN area of learning we recommend for our children - it is so important! Try and read a book as regularly as possible!
Another amazing site with a HUGE amount of activities, stories, games, worksheets for all subjects - English, Maths, Science, Geography, History... everything!
This is a new website which we haven't used before but is offering free log ins for children. Their log ins are in the purple exercise books.
Log ins are the children's first names and password 'pig'.
www.mrsmactivity.co.uk/free-resources-2 - Maths/English
www.bbc.co.uk/teach/supermovers - Active
www.teachhandwriting.co.uk/index/html - Handwriting/Letter Formation
www.topmarks.co.uk - Maths
www.explorify.wellcome.ac.uk - Science
www.ictgames.co.uk - Maths/English - really good!
www.prodigygame.com - Maths
https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/z3g4d2p - all subjects
Have a look at the document below for fun ideas!
Home Activity Sheet
The Farm Shop
Our new topic for this half term is 'The Farm Shop'. It is a super topic where we will learn all about how plants, fruits and vegetables grow (we may even plant some of our own!) and we get to taste, design and make our own vegetable salad!
It is also World Book Day where we can wear our PJ's to school and make story spoons and story boxes over the holidays.
I will put some photos of the story spoons and World Book Day below...
'Best of British' History Day
The children took part in our 'Best of British' day last week as part of our special History topic. Each class in school were given a topic relating to Britain - the royal family, music, sports, landmarks were just a few. We were given 'London' as our topic which was exciting as the children had heard of London but didn't know a lot about it!
We watched a clip of a mouse who visited the different London landmarks and afterwards we made a London bus shaped booklet about them with key facts stuck in. We have learnt about Buckingham Palace, The London Eye, The Houses of Parliament, Westminster Abbey and Tower Bridge. We also made some Union Jack flags and drew the famous landmarks- the drawings were AMAZING!!

Our new topic this half term is Explorers! Please see the bottom of the page for our curriculum cloud which details everything we will be learning over the next 6 weeks!
We will be learning all about what an explorer is, famous explorers such as Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus and making our own information booklets about them too!
Merry Christmas!
We have had such a busy few weeks on the run up to Christmas! From our amazing nativity to party day, we have had a lovely time!
I hope you all have a super Christmas and enjoy your break!
See you on Tuesday 7th January!
From Miss Pearson, Mrs Davidson, Miss McKenna and Miss Weall

Children in Need
We had a super day in our PJ's on Friday for Children in Need! We did the special wake up shake up with Joe Wickes live online! We were very hot but it was a good way to wake ourselves up at 9am!
Thank You very much for your kind donations - they will go to a super cause!

Odd Sock Day for Friendship Week

Remembrance Day
We made Poppy finger paintings and wrote a poem to help us to remember the soldiers who have fought and died in all world wars. We talked about the poppy symbol and why we wear poppies and discovered that the reason it is a poppy is because they grew in the battlefields once the war had ended.
We held a minute silence at 11am and thought about the soldiers we had talked about.
Well done 1P, your pictures were lovely!

Happy Halloween!
Today we had a fabulous day to celebrate our Book Week, with a dress up day with the theme of 'Monsters, Magic and Mystery.'
The costumes were amazing - well done for making such an effort!
It was a very tough decision but two winners were chosen - Lexy and Caleb!
Have a look at the super photos below...

Please don't forget to send in photos of your child reading - wherever that may be! We have so far had photos of children reading to big brothers, baby sisters and even the dog! They are lovely to see and will be shown in Infant Assembly on Tuesdays!
We have also had our first 3 readers of 10 books at home! Evelyn, Zack and Luna have all received their first certificate and special sticker! Well done and keep up the hard work! Lots more children are well on their way too - amazing!
French Day 2019!
We celebrated International Languages Day on Thursday! We have only just started learning little bits of French in Year 1 so we practiced saying 'Bonjour' when answering the register and we even did some French counting in our Maths lesson! We also made our own French flags, took part in the colouring competition and made match stick Eiffel Towers!
Miss Pearson did a KS1 assembly where we learnt all about France and Paris and we even sang a little song about numbers to 10!

Our first few weeks in Year 1!
We have had a busy 3 weeks so far! We have been playing in the classroom, working hard in our new subjects and making the most of the last bit of summer by enjoying our outdoor area!
We got to dress up as a character or wear yellow for Roald Dahl day last week which was fun!
We also made a mini version of ourselves for our entrance to the classroom! :)
Please remember that we are collecting tins and packets of food for the Harvest festival!
Thank You.

Welcome to 1P!
We are very lucky in 1P to have some fantastic members of staff to help us do all of the fun and exciting work we will do this year!
Mrs Davidson works in our class all day Monday - Thursday
Miss McKenna works in our class all day Monday - Friday
Miss Fort works in our class on Wednesday mornings
and you get me (Miss Pearson) all day, every day!
It is a big step to go from Reception to Year 1 - not only do you have different teachers but you will do lots of different lessons, such as ICT, Art, History, Music, RE, Geography and many more! However Year 1 is all about making learning interesting and find lots of fun ways to cover our topics.
Each half term we will learn a different topic which covers everything we need to learn in Year 1. Each topic has a name and we make a 'curriculum overview' (called a curriculum cloud) which is sent home to give parents an idea of their childs' learning. They are all at the very bottom of this page so please check each half term for the latest one.
* Reading Books - these are changed as often as you read them. Please try to read a book, or just part of a book, each night. Please write the page number and sign or tick to say it has been read and then we can change it. Books may not be changed on a Friday (as Mrs Davidson does these) but please send in anyway.
* PE - our PE lesson is on Monday afternoon. Please ensure children have a t-shirt, shorts and pumps and these all have their NAMES in! Please also ensure children have their earrings taken our before school as we cannot do this for them.
* Homework is given out in the form of a spelling sheet on a FRIDAY to be completed at the weekend/following week and returned on the FRIDAY after. Please do not send on Monday even if completed as on Friday's we have a little spelling test and so keeping the list means your child can practice up to the Thursday evening.
* We also use a superb programme called Doodle Maths which has great games and is proven to help progress in Maths. The children LOVE it! Usernames and Passwords will be given out in the next few weeks, once the children have had a practice in school.
Any questions, please ask me when the children are leaving in the afternoons, or on the door in the morning!
Miss Pearson
Superstars in 1P!
Curriculum Clouds
These tell you everything that we are learning each half term.
Each topic has a different name and different subjects are covered so that by the end of the year, everything in the curriculum has been taught.
Have a look at the different topic clouds below:
* Autumn 1 - Fighting Fit
* Autumn 2 - The Place Where I Live
* Spring 1 - Explorers
* Spring 2 - The Farm Shop
* Summer 1 - Wind in the Willows
* Summer 2 - Buckets and Spades