Spring Term
Everything below here has taken place in the Spring term! Our topic is called
‘Let it Grow!'
and we will be learning about different types of plants (flowers, trees, fruit and vegetables), how plants grow, parts of different plants, planting some seeds and looking at different seeds/bulbs, reading stories such as 'Jack and the Beanstalk' and 'Bees' and going exploring our school and nearby area to continue our learning in real life and getting hands on with nature!
See below for what we have been getting up to recently...
Pyjama Party for Comic Relief
World Book Day
Our Monet artwork
Eco-Week - we learnt about materials, sorting recycling, made posters and re-used rubbish to make new things!
Autumn Term
Everything below here has taken place in the Autumn term! Our topic is called
‘Best of British’
and in the first half term, our main learning is all about London - landmarks old and new, life in London, stories about Kings and Queens, London themed art… quiz the children on buildings - they will be experts!!
Our second half term will continue this but look at events such as ‘the great fire of London’, the story of bonfire night, comparisons of London and Padiham… before moving on to some Christmas themed work in December!
See below for photos of what we have been doing recently…
Christmas at PPS
🎅🏼 Gawthorpe Hall Victorian Christmas 🎅🏼
What a busy week!! Maths Week, Odd Socks Day and Children in Need!
Swimming - we loved our brilliant pop up pool! 💙 (more photos and videos on Dojo)
👻 Happy Halloween! 🎃
Our London Work 🇬🇧
Values Day - our Train Conductor visitor! 🚂
Fun on the computers! 💻
Thomas’ Special Day 💙
Spanish Day 🇪🇸
Spanish Day video
Our first week in Year 1 😊
⭐️ We are 1P! ⭐️
Welcome to 1P!
Hello everybody!
I am Miss Pearson and I am the class teacher in 1P. We are very lucky to have our teaching assistants Mrs Davidson (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Bruce (Mon-Fri) who help us with all our work! Miss Clay also teaches in class on a Wednesday morning and Mrs Hanslip is helping in our PE lessons too!
If you have any questions or anything you think I may need to know, please speak to me on the gate (it is easier after school if you don’t mind waiting for me to dismiss the other children),
Please ensure you have downloaded
which is a brilliant way to contact me for small issues/messages which don’t need immediate response – for example to let me know that your child has forgotten their book but would like another tonight, or can I send another homework sheet etc. I cannot guarantee to respond within a certain time but I will always try and check messages when I can throughout the school day. Any more serious or urgent issues, please speak to me on the gate or contact school via telephone.
* Reading Books - children will be given a book on a Monday. Please try to read as much as possible and re-read each book before it is changed. We will change them again probably on a Thursday, if they have been read a few times. We encourage children to read at least 3 times per week, and they will get a sticker for doing so. Reading is crucial to your child's progress and we would really advise this as a MAIN FOCUS for you to do at home. Our reading information PowerPoint is on the star at the top of the page. Children also have a log in to view online books. Their log in is in their reading record.
Phonics Play is also a great website for practicing phonics sounds. The children will have already learnt Phase 2, 3 and some Phase 4 in Reception and will learn Phase 5 during Year 1. Try out some of the games to aid reading in another fun way!
* Maths Homework – We will send Numbots logins (also in reading records) so children can access the app at home. Numbots is a brilliant Maths game which is proven to help children’s speed and confidence. Please try to log on here regularly, even for 5-10 minutes per time.
* PE lessons are timetabled for Monday afternoon. Please ensure that your child has ALL items labelled and children are now going to WEAR THEIR PE KIT ALL DAY (come to school in their PE kit WITH THEIR SCHOOL JUMPER).
* After School Clubs - After school sports clubs will be starting from September and because children will not have their PE kits in school (as they come to school in them on PE day now) then these will need to be brought in on EACH day they are doing a club. Children should be attending clubs EVERY SESSION - two misses and they will be taken off the list. This is because activities are planned for certain numbers of pupils and it isn't fair for staff to have to change things at the last minute.
* Water bottles - please provide your child with a water bottle to keep in class. We will refill this each day and send this home on a Friday for you to wash properly. Please ensure it is returned again on Monday.
* Uniform – please ensure that ALL items of uniform (t-shirt, jumper, trousers, dress, shoes, PE top, PE shorts, coat) are NAME LABELLED. The children have trays but they tend to leave them lying around and with 30 jumpers all the same size, this makes it tricky to work out which belongs to who!
Any questions, please ask!
Any other notices I will add here when necessary.
Miss Pearson