Welcome to Class 2V's Web Page
Yearly Topic Overview 2017-18
Our topic this term is The Wind in the Willows. Click the link below to see more details.
Our curriculum plan for the second Spring half term.
We are in Year Two !
Class 2V all ready to Learn

Our Shooting Stars
Look who has made our class proud. Will you be our next shooting star?
Fruity Fun!
We are beginning to produce 'still life drawings'in the style of Paul Cezanne. We began by looking closely at lots of different fruits to produce careful observational drawings. Of course, once we had completed our pictures, all the fruit needed eating up. Yellow group polished off their whole fruit bowl in just ten minutes and the rest of the class were not far behind!
A careful observational drawing Tamzin.
We have enjoyed finding out about brave explorers. We began by learning about Christopher Columbus and his voyages.
We moved on through time to focus upon Space Explorers. Some of us were surprised that the first British astronaut in Space was a woman,Helen Sharman.
We researched the Moon Visit and wrote our own non-fiction booklets about the amazing trip taken by Michael Collins, Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong. Take a look at our booklets when you come into class. Why not ask us some questions about these historical characters? You'll be surprised at how much we know.

Our Moon Buggies
In Design Technology, we started planning to build our own Moon Buggies. We looked at a wide range of toy vehicles to see:
*What made them look good.
*Which ones travelled best and why.
We went on to design and label a plan for our own Moon Buggies.
It was great fun building our vehicles, but making holes through our boxes and sawing the axles were tricky processes.

The best fun of all was testing our Moon Buggies on a ramp, to see which could travel the furthest. We made it a fair test by just letting go of our Moon Buggy at the top of the ramp, rather than giving it a push.
Well done to Kayden and Katherine-Their Moon Buggies both travelled over 10 metres down our corridor.
We were very worried to learn more about the problems with plastic, which are all over the News at the moment. We focused upon how we can Reduce, Re-use and Recycle plastic at home. We were shocked at how much plastic is in the seas and oceans of our planet. This pollution is causing great harm to marine animals worldwide.

Fire Safety
Thank you to the firefighters who came to visit our classroom.
We have learnt just what to do if we smell smoke in the house. Ask us how we can make a 'fire plan' for at home.
Don't forget,the fightfighters will come to our houses to fit smoke alarms, or to give fire safety advice for free if you contact them.

Our Christmas Party
We had great fun playing all sorts of games at our Christmas party. We were even lucky enough to have a special visitor.

Father Christmas
Christmas Crafts
We worked hard to make ourselves into mini-elves. We enjoyed using recycled paper -waste to produce colourful calendars.

Elves on Our Shelves!
As a finale to our Artwork on 'Moving Figures', we were moving onto making characters from clay. So near to Christmas, the class were desperate to model an'Elf' each. They took great care with shaping the clay and waited patiently for it to dry out. The painting process was very fiddly, but as you can see, the end results were AMAZING.

Christmas Time
We were all very busy over the weeks leading up to Christmas. We put a lot of time and effort into our Christmas Nativity Play, 'Lights, Camel, Action'. We hoped you enjoyed watching it as much as we enjoyed performing it for you.
A Great Trip to the Cinema

Magic and Mystery
We have been enjoying a range of spooky poems during magic and mystery book week. We had great fun dressing up on the final day. We even wrote our own gruesome rhyming spells after reading Shakespeare's 'Bubble, bubble, toil and trouble....'

A Walk Down to Gawthorpe Hall
On the day when the sky turned pink, we had a lovely walk down to our local Stately Home to complete our topic about 'The Place Where We Live.' We explored the grounds looking at the signs of Autumn, then we carefully drew pictures of the house. We even had a little time left to enjoy the maze.
We Love Our New Outdoor Area
We had exciting musical visitors in Year Two. Three ladies from 'Upbeat'came and performed for us. They played the trumpet, the flute and the violin. We recognised tunes from The Jungle Book, Frozen ,Star Wars and Mama Mia.
Later, we were split into three groups and got to play these amazing instruments. The ladies told us about music clubs and a choir for our age group at Shuttleworth College. Isaac from our class already goes and enjoys it very much.

Roald Dahl Day Fun
We enjoyed dressing up on Roald Dahl Day. We shared our favourite Roald Dahl stories and Characters. We had Matilda, Mrs Trunchbull, Charlie Bucket and other characters right in our classroom. Other children and staff dressed in yellow, which was Roald Dahl's favourite colour. We especially enjoyed activities based on
The Giraffe and the Pelly and Me, which we have been reading together in class.

Class Information
PE- This lesson will take place every Monday. Please ensure that your child has a white t-shirt, black shorts and some pumps which fit. Also, could children with earrings have them removed for Monday as a safety precaution.
PE kits usually remain in school and are sent home every half term for a wash.
Reading Books- Children should bring their book home every day and bring it back to school every day for in class reading activities. In Year Two, to develop independence, children are responsible for changing their books once they have finished them. As you will appreciate, Year Two is an important year. Reading to an adult a little each night will be of enormous benefit to the children in terms of confidence, fluency and understanding.
Homework- During Year Two, children will begin by concentrating upon their Spellings, Reading books and Maths. Spelling activity sheets will be sent home on Friday and children are able to keep them at home until the following Friday, giving them maximum time to keep practising for the next Friday's Spelling Test. Children will receive 'My Maths' homework on the website fortnightly.
Lost Property-Please put names in all your children's clothing, especially cardigans, jumpers and coats as these are removed often throughout the day. PE items are often identical, so labelling each item is vital.
We can quickly return mislaid items to children if they are clearly labelled. First name and class in biro is enough to match lost property to the owner.
Below are just a few of the exciting activities Class 2V got involved with last year. Take a look to see the sort of things that Year Two get up to.
During this Term, we have enjoyed a 'ROBOT' topic. We have been reading and writing robot stories. We have designed and made our own robots, large and micro-sized. In Science, we have been learning about the differences between human beings and robots.
Robot Rumpus
Our classroom was a hive of activity as we spent an afternoon planning and building our own robot models. We are very proud of our robot army.
We were interested to look at mini sculptures designed by several different artists. We enjoyed building our micro-sized mini beast robots, using only elastic bands to fix them together.
Surprise Visitors in School!
It was a normal wet Monday morning. . .
Until we found out that a real 'rock band' were coming to give our school a concert. We lined up quickly and were excited to see electric guitars, a drum kit and keyboard set up in the hall.
The band were called The Lazy Mondays and our class all agreed that they were fantastic.