Please click below to see our Summer 2 curriculum plan.
Please click below to see our topic plan for the first summer half term.
Our topic plan for Spring 2.
Our topic plan for Spring 1
Click on the link to see our Autumn 2 plan.
Welcome to Class 2V's Webpage
My name is Mrs Breaks and I teach the happy children in 2V. We are lucky enough to have the support of Mrs Blackman each day in class. Miss Fort joins us every Tuesday afternoon.
This year our class will have lots of fun together learning about different topics. We will develop lots of new skills through a wide range of exciting activities. Take a look at our Topic Plan to see what we will be learning about.
If you have any questions or worries about school, feel free to come in to see me before or after school.
A happy start to Year Two
We had a vote to choose our Class Councillor
Well done Joey.
We really enjoyed, not just the day, but a whole week exploring Road Dahl's life and his wonderful stories. We wrote bullet points about his life. We drew careful pictures of our favourite Roald Dahl characters. We are reading 'George's Marvellous Medicine' and we had fun writing our own disgusting medicine recipes.
Best of all, on Roald Dahl Day, we had the chance to dress up in his favourite colour (yellow), or as one of his brilliant story characters. Our class made a fantastic effort to join in.
Click on a photo to have a closer look.
Useful Class Information.
P.E lessons will usually be on a Thursday. Please make sure your child's shorts, t-shirt and pumps are in school so they are able to take part. Earrings are not allowed during P.E lessons, so it would be better not to wear earrings on Thursdays.
All uniform should be labelled. It is fine to just write your child's name on a label. Children can get quite upset if they can't find their own belongings. Labelled items can be quickly reunited with their owners. As you can imagine, it is almost impossible to match unlabelled uniform items to their owners.
Children are encouraged to bring a water bottle into class each day. This can be refilled from our watercooler. Bottles will be sent home each Friday for a thorough wash. Children will also receive a free piece of fruit daily.
Homework: Your child will normally be given a reading book to enjoy with family at home regularly. Children who practise at home regularly become much more confident readers and this helps them across the whole curriculum. Children may choose a new book each day if their reading diary has been signed at home by an adult. Please ensure your child brings their book every day, as we also read in class with the children frequently.
A spelling sheet will usually be given to the children on a Friday. This will help them to consolidate letter patterns to aid their spelling. It is also an opportunity for them to be practising their handwriting. Sheets can be returned by the following Friday, when there will be a spelling test.
Children will continue to enjoy using the DOODLE MATHS app for our Maths homework. We encourage them to spend a few minutes on the app each day. It really helps to develop basic Maths skills and knowledge. Can they earn a certificate or small prize by building up a streak???