Class of 2021-2022
It is my absolute pleasure to welcome both children and parents to class 3W. I, Miss White, am the class teacher and I am thrilled to be supported by Mrs Leyland. We also have the privilege of being joined by Miss Fort, who will be supporting us on Monday mornings and teaching in class on Thursday mornings.
The 3W staff have a very exciting year planned and are very much looking forward to completing our team on Thursday 2nd September when we finally get to meet you all!
Miss White, Mrs Leyland and Miss Fort
For updates on our learning, please check this page regularly. Below, in the 'Curriculum Clouds' section, you will find an overview of what we are learning this half term. For the latest news and reminders, please visit the Parents section of our website and select Newsletters. In the meantime, please take note of the following:
- Monday mornings - Arrive at school dressed for PE (usual polo shirt, school jumper/cardigan, black joggers/tracksuit bottoms/leggings and trainers/pumps). Earrings must be removed before arrival at school on this day, please.
- Thursday mornings - Bring swimming kit to school. Swimming shorts for boys, swimming costume for girls and a towel per child. Bring goggles if you need them and a swimming cap if preferred. Earrings must be removed before arrival at school on this day, please.
- Friday afternoons - Homework issued. To be completed by the following Thursday at the latest, please, to allow time for marking and feedback to child.
- Every day - Reading book to be taken home and reading record to be signed by adult when some reading has taken place. Please ensure reading book and reading record are brought back every morning.
- Regularly - Encourage your child to access DoodleMaths (App) https://www.doodlemaths.com/at home as it is proven to rapidly accelerate children's progress in Maths. Times Table Rock Stars: https://ttrockstars.com/ is also a firm favourite with children, parents and teachers alike!
- Every day - REMEMBER! You're never fully dressed without a smile (and your name in all items of your school uniform !)
Please do not hesitate to speak to me at the end of the school day once all the children from our class have been collected. I am also contactable via Class Dojo or telephone via the school office. If you need to speak to me before the start of the school day, please inform the school office.
Curriculum Clouds
Home Learning (in the event of isolation)
Please see the curriculum cloud above to view our units of work this term. You will find an abundance of ready-made lessons provided by Oak National Academy across all subjects and year groups here: https://classroom.thenational.academy/
For Maths, White Rose provide home learning videos linked to our current teaching here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning?year=year-6&term=autumn&term=spring&term=summer
Children will also benefit from accessing TTRockstars, DoodleMaths, Purple Mash and Karate Cats at home. Your children should know how to find these and have their log in details (Karate Cats does not require log-in details).
If you need to contact me further, please feel free to send me a message on Class Dojo or call into the office outside of teaching hours - thank you.
Sports Day
Egyptian Outreach Workshop



WildWood Days 🌳🪺🐛🍃🐌🌿🐞🪵🐜🍀🐿🌱


Decorating our papyrus ✏️🖍
Making Papyrus

Dodgeball skills and activities in PE 😎
Remarkable Writing ✍️ ✍️

Outdoor Learning 🗺🧭

Ancient Egyptian Art
Raising Money for Millie's Trust - a charity close to our hearts. Our kind donations will enable more parents, other adults and children to learn vital first aid skills they may need in an emergency.

Celebrating the Queen's Platinum Jubilee
Our Queen 👑
🎶 Blackbird 🎶

Ducklings 🐥🐥🐥🐥
Aish Baladi (Egyptian Flatbread)

Celebrating Success!
SPLATS Circus Skills! A fun-filled end-of-term treat 🤹♂️ 🎪

House Points Quiz

Comic Relief ❤️
Tall Paul! A fun-filled day with Britain's tallest man and former Harlem Globetrotters basketball player. We are so lucky!

International Women's Day 2022 celebrations with Frida Kahlo!

World Book Day 📚 Wonderful Words 📖
Word Collectors
3D food sculptures 🦉
The Art of Food 🍍🍊🍌🍇🥝
Mixing primary colours to make secondary colours then tertiary colours. 🎨

We are very proud of our narrative writing. ✍️✨
Eight Times Table Multiplication and Division.

This week in PE we added rolls our sequences which already included balances and travelling. Next week we will add jumps.
Best Class Attendance AGAIN! 🥳 This time we rolled and landed on free time in the computer suite.
Observational Drawing 🤩
Astroturf Games🏃🏼♀️🏃🏻♂️

Remarkable Readers
Best Class Attendance Award
Fire Safety

Celebrating Christmas together 💝
SWIMMING STARTS THURSDAY 6th JANUARY 2022. Girls need a swimming costume and boys need swimming shorts. All children need a towel. Goggles are optional and swimming caps are preferred.
🎶Marvellous Musicians🎵




Festive ukulele fun!

Super Circuits!
Playground fun!

Be a Hero Day for Children in Need. As a school, we raised a brilliant £305.14!
Celebrating difference and friendship ❤️

Happy Halloween!

Celebrating Success

Celebrating Black History Month


Investigating Vibrations

Play Scripts

Enjoying Computing and Drama