Welcome to our class page where you will be able to see important information and keep up to date with our learning.
I am Miss Cross and I am very lucky to teach 4C, by my side is the wonderful Mrs Shanks who works in class every day. We are also joined by Mrs Rawson on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons. Miss Fort will take the lead on a Wednesday morning to teach 4C.
Below you will find key information regarding your child’s learning.
Please can we ask that you read as often as possible with your child and return their reading book and reading record to school daily.
Please ensure that you log into Dojo regularly for updates and pictures of your child. This may also be used for a means of contacting myself regarding your child's learning or small issues that the school office may not be able to resolve.
Our PE lesson takes place on a Friday morning. Please can you insure that your child arrives at school in a full PE kit as listed below:
- A white polo top (under their school jumper)
- Black shorts or joggers
- Trainers
* Please note * Some of the lessons will be outside and we advise children to wear warm clothing as weather conditions change. Children should not wear jewellery for PE, this includes necklaces, bracelets, watches and earrings.
It is essential that your child brings a water bottle into school. Please can I ask that they bring a bottle that is able to stay in school for the academic year.
Useful websites
Below you will find a list of websites that are fantastic tools in supporting your child's learning.
TT Rockstars
This is especially useful in Year 4 as we progress into the Summer term where your child will take part in a statutory assessment to determine if they can recall their multiplications up to 12.
Oxford Owl
Oxford Owl is a great resource to use for extra reading where you can choose suitable reading texts for your child.