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Padiham Primary School home page

PadihamPrimary School


I am Miss White - class teacher of 4W - and I am excited to welcome all of your little lovelies back to school on Tuesday 3rd September. Mrs Shanks is our full time teaching assistant and Miss Fort will teach in class on a Wednesday morning whilst I am working out of class. 


- Please see Class Dojo for regular updates.


- Regular reading at home has a significant impact on your child's progress so please encourage them to read some of their school book each day. Reading books and reading records need to be brought to school and taken home each day.

- PE will be taught on Wednesday mornings so children need to come to school wearing their PE kit every Wednesday, starting this week. Mr Mayers will teach the PE sessions.

- Children need a refillable water bottle in school every day, please.

- A healthy snack can be brought to school for morning break in addition to the fruit that we provide.


- Ukulele lessons will take place in school on Tuesday mornings until Christmas taught by visiting teacher, Mr Fleming.

- Homework will be sent home every Friday and will be due in the following Friday. This will be multiplication practise in preparation for the Year 4 Multiplication Tables Check which you will receive more information about this week.


We have lots of exciting experiences planned for this year! Please access the Curriculum link below to see what we are learning this term.


Thank you :)

Our first class novel is...

Settling in...

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
