Our New School Year Autumn 2017
Welcome back to a new school year full of exciting activities. My name is Mrs Billam and working alongside me this year is the wonderful Mrs Darbyshire.
Our topic this term is Heroes and Villains, which will involve researching famous scientists and their contributions to the world. In English, we will be covering a variety of texts and text types: reading a range of pourquoi stories and using this as a basis for creating our own stories; creating hybrid texts about heroes and superheroes; writing a biography of Charles Darwin and finally, reading Shakespeare’s Macbeth. In every aspect of our learning across the curriculum, we will concentrate on improving our spelling and grammar knowledge.
We have lots of exciting activities planned for this term: Roald Dahl Day on the 13th of September, Book Week in October and a visit to
Accrington Vue Cinema to watch Isle of Dogs in November.
Our Money Skills for Life training will begin again this term for Year 5 and Year 6.
PE this year will be on a Thursday afternoon. It is an important part of the school curriculum and all children are expected to take part so make sure you have your full PE kit in school and remove any jewellery.
Two pieces of homework are sent out on a Friday (English and Maths) and should be returned at the latest by the following Wednesday so that homework can be marked. New spellings to learn will be sent home on a Friday and there will be a spelling test on the following Friday. Weekly arithmetic tests also take place on a Friday, focusing on multiplication tables and basic mental maths calculations.
Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and we encourage our children to read as often as possible so please remember to bring your book into school every day if possible.
Roald Dahl Day, September 13th
Lancashire Fire Service Road Safety Talk
Many thanks to Lancashire Fire Service who visited us last week to give a very important and informative talk on Road Safety.

Book Week October 2018
To celebrate Book Week, our class read the wonderful book, Tuesday by David Wiesner. This inspired some fantastic artwork and creative writing. To finish off the week, the whole school took part in a dressing-up day based on Monsters, Magic and Mystery. Two children from each class were chosen as winners for their wonderful costumes. Well done to Harry and Millisa, who each received a book and a goody bag and congratulations to everyone for their fantastic costumes.
Andy Briggs Author Event
Andy Briggs, author of Drone Racer, Gravity and Iron Fist, delivered a lively and informative workshop on his life as a writer. The children really enjoyed the session and learnt some valuable lessons.

Money Management Training
Our class really enjoyed the workshops with Brian Souter from DebtAware on money skills for life. They learned valuable lessons about the world of work and the difference between wants and needs.

Burnley Lions' Art Competition
Congratulations to Ruby and Reagan for their wonderful artwork based on the theme, Kindness Counts.
Spring 2019
Our class have a busy term ahead: reading and writing detective fiction and learning about the Anglo-Saxons and Vikings. Years 5 and 6 will also continue to learn about the importance of managing money and will receive training on money skills for life from Brian and Dave from DebtAware.
World Book Day is coming soon and we are really looking forward to meeting poet Ian Bland.
World Book Day 2019
We had a fabulous week reading and writing Nonsense Poetry and finished it off with a visit from the wonderful Ian Bland. During Book Week, we also had a visit from the School Library Service who ran fun workshops on poetry.

Easter Fun
Congratulations to Josh and Sara for their fantastic entries in the Decorate an Egg completion.
Easter Art

Viking bread
As part of our topic on the Vikings, we made Viking bread which was surprisingly tasty!

First Aid for Life
Year 6 spent the morning with Millie's Trust learning some valuable first aid skills.
Congratulations to Liam, who won a Millie's Trust giraffe for his fantastic listening and enthusiasm.