Welcome to 5B
My name is Miss Brennan and I am so excited to be the class teacher for the amazing 5B!
Over the next few weeks, I will be updating the class page with things that we have been doing during school and any work that you can do at home.
I cannot wait to be your teacher for the rest of the year!
If you have any concerns or questions then please email me. My email address is g.brennan@padiham.lancs.sch.uk
Miss Brennan 
Curriculum Overview
Learning from Home
Listed below you will find a selection of website links and worksheets for you to use with your children if they are not attending school due to quarantine, isolation or illness. If you would like some printed worksheets too then please send Miss Brennan or contact the school office.
Year 5 Maths activities
Year 5 & 6 English lessons from the LCC website
This week's English activities from LCC website Years 5
This week's Maths activities from White Rose Year 6
This week's Maths activities from White Rose Year 5
mindfulness breathing activities
This week's Maths activities from White Rose Year 5
This week's Maths activities from White Rose Year 6
This week's English activities from LCC website Years 5 & 6
Good afternoon Class 56B,
I hope you're all well and keeping busy. I just wanted to say a big well done to all of you that have been emailing me your work. A lot of hard work and time has gone into it so keep up the fantastic work.
Looking forward to seeing you all soon.
Miss Rashid :-)
This week's English activities from LCC website Years 5 & 6
This week's Maths activities from White Rose Year 5
This week's Maths activities from White Rose Year 6
This weeks Maths activities from White Rose Year 6
This weeks Maths activities from White Rose Year 5
This weeks English activities from the LCC website Year 5 & Year 6
Geography activity- fun city quiz
This weeks English work from the LCC website
This weeks Maths work from White Rose Year 6
This weeks Maths work from White Rose Year 5
This weeks English tasks from LCC website (year 6)
This weeks English tasks from the LCC website (year 5)
Good morning class 5/6B,
A big well done and thank you to all of you who made some incredible VE Day posters, I thoroughly enjoyed seeing and reading them! Please continue to log on to all the online learning websites and continue to complete all the activities set.
You're all doing a great job and I can't wait to have you all back! Missing you all lots.
Miss Rashid :-)
A message to you all from the teachers xx

VE Day maths related task
VE Day task support (power point info)
VE Day create your own buntin
VE Day Task
Good afternoon class 5/6B,
I hope you've all had a good weekend. On Friday 8th May, we will be celebrating VE Day. In preparation for VE Day, I would like you all to research what it is? Why it is celebrated, What do we remember on this day and why is it so significant? Create an informative and vibrant poster with everything you have learnt. Include pictures too. I will look forward to receiving your posters via our class email. They can be hand written or created on a document.
origami paper craft activity
Grammar support
The Hobbit comprehension activity
Happy Friday Class 56B!
I have added some comprehension work on 'The Hobbit' for you to get on with, you can complete this over a few days as it is a long piece with multiple comprension related activties. Please email me with any questions you may have. Continue emailing me in your work. Great to see so many of you already doing so! :-)
I have also attached some grammar posters and a grammar checklist as I want you to continually refresh your knowledge on everything you have worked so hard in learning.
I have also added some origami craft ideas you can have a go at. Would love to see some pictures of your final constructions.
Finally, please continue completing your maths based activities on TT Rockstarz and White Rose Home learning website- https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning/
Have a great weekend, stay safe :-)
Miss Rashid
Good afternoon Class 5/6B,
I hope you're all doing well and staying busy completing home learning. I have added a few new activities you can crack on with. I am missing you all lots and hope you're all staying safe. I am keen to see what educational activities you have been completing so feel free to email photos to our class email.
I hope to see you all soon.
Miss Rashid :-)
Links to Daily Lessons and Activities
BBC Bitesize
Oak National Academy
Some new home learning for year 6! Have a go and let me know how you get on! Enjoy :-)
Some updated home learning for year 5! Have a go and let me know how you get on! Have fun!
Class 5/6B
Good morning 5/6B,
I hope you are all well and keeping safe. Remember to keep looking at the 5/6K page for updates on daily activities. I have added new learning to DoodleMaths, DoodleEnglish, DoodleSpell and spag.com (for Y6). Don't forget to use Read Theory regularly to keep your comprehension skills top notch!
If there is anything specific you would like me to add let me know via the 5/6K class email.
When you complete an activity, send a picture or a message to the class email so I can see what you have been up to. I love seeing what you have all been up to.
Take care and stay safe,
Mrs Bracewell
Reading activities
Grammar sheets (8 activities in one document)
White Rose Maths Home Learning Sheets
Home Learning Resources
Our new class email address is
Our New School Year Autumn 2019
Welcome back to a new school year full of exciting activities. My name is Mrs Billam and working alongside me this year is the wonderful Mrs Darbyshire.
Our topic this term is Faster, Higher,Stronger. We will be researching a number of key areas: everyday life in Ancient Greece; the Olympics; famous Greeks and their achievements; and how Ancient Greece influenced the rest of the world. In English, we will be reading a range of Greek myths and using this as a basis for creating our own stories. In every aspect of our learning across the curriculum, we will concentrate on improving our spelling and grammar knowledge. In our Art lessons, we will be designing and making Greek vases from paper mache.
In November, we have a cinema visit planned to Accrington Vue to watch The Grinch
Our Money Skills for Life training will begin again this term for Year 5 and Year 6.
PE this year will be on a Thursday afternoon. It is an important part of the school curriculum and all children are expected to take part so make sure you have your full PE kit in school.
Two pieces of homework are sent out on a Friday (English and Maths) and should be returned at the latest by the following Wednesday so that homework can be marked. New spellings to learn will be sent home on a Friday and there will be a spelling test on the following Friday. Weekly arithmetic tests also take place on a Friday, focusing on multiplication tables and basic mental maths calculations.
Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and we encourage our children to read as often as possible so please remember to bring your book into school every day if possible.