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Padiham Primary School home page

PadihamPrimary School


Welcome to 5/6G!


Hello, my name is Mr Gallagher and I am the class teacher in 5/6G. I work alongside the brilliant Mrs Breaks, who teaches Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. In 6G, we are also very fortunate to be supported by Mrs Darbyshire Monday - Thursday, and Mr Mayers on Friday. 


Firstly, welcome to our class page and I hope you are as ready as I am for an extremely exciting and busy year! 


At Padiham Primary School, we teach an engaging, topic-based curriculum which changes on a termly basis. We have recently spent a lot of time updating our curriculum to further personalise it to our children. Please see the curriculum cloud for more information by clicking the 'Curriculum' Star at the top of the page. This term, our topic is Explorers and Innovators.


Children, prepare yourselves for lots of hard work and to learn new things every day! We look forward to seeing you bright and early every morning at 8:45am.



"A child who reads for 20 minutes a day will be exposed to 1.8 million words per year and is likely to score better than 90% of their peers on standardised tests.”


Reading books will be taken home every day and the reading record is to be signed by an adult with accompanying comments. Please encourage your child to read with you at home as often as possible.


The key is to hear children read aloud to build fluency and confidence whilst keeping them engaged with the text through questioning and discussion. Please come and see me if you would like any help or advice with how you can read with your child at home.


For more advice on this, there is a guide and some ideas here:



PE will take place on Monday afternoons. Children should come to school in their PE kit - outdoor or indoor depending on the topic. Please make sure all items of clothing and PE kits are clearly labelled. Please bring a water bottle if possible and make sure that you have appropriate footwear to change in to. Earrings must be taped up or removed by the children if possible before the lesson. For more information, see our PE policy on the policy page



Homework is handed out every Friday and is to be returned for Thursday the following week at the latest. Homework is provided as paper copies and can be submitted in person or on the Class Dojo app. Homework will be based on what your child has been taught previously and to further practise essential skills.


Class Dojo

In 6G, we use Class Dojo to communicate important news and updates with parents and celebrate some of our fantastic work both in and out of class.

Do not worry if you have not signed up to Class Dojo as you will still receive important updates on this page!


Please read the Class Dojo 2024-25 letter on our policy page and then use the log-in information sent home with your children to access the parent and pupil account. Please contact myself if you would like any further support or assistance.


Please visit  for more information.

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
