Welcome to 5/6K
Welcome to the 5/6K webpage. Over the next few weeks I will update this page with everything you need to know about life in our class. I can't wait to see everyone back at school on Wednesday 2nd September.
For those of you wanting to keep your maths and English skills in top form, try to do a little Doodle work each day or have a look at the White Rose Maths workbooks (link below).
You can contact me on the class email address if you have any questions or if you need help with anything at all.
Mrs Bracewell
Our class email address is:
Curriculum Overviews
Learning from Home
Listed below you will find a selection of website links and worksheets for you to use with your children if they are not attending school due to quarantine, isolation or illness. If you would like some printed worksheets too then please send a message to the class email address or contact the school office.
English Activities
Home Learning Activity Sheets
Leavers 2020
This week we say goodbye to our wonderful Year 6 pupils. The end to their time at Padiham Primary has been unusual to say the least but they have responded positively and with great maturity. We are so proud of each and every one of them. Today we are celebrating with the Leavers' Assembly, lots of cake and our outdoor disco. We will add more content on here as we go through the day so that everyone can celebrate our wonderful Year 6 pupils.
Where it all began...
A trip down memory lane...
Leavers' Video

Taskmaster Challenges
Art inspiration
Daily Worksheets
Oxford Owl books written specifically for children to read during lockdown
A message to you all from the teachers xx

Half Term Activity Sheets
Below I have added the links to the PSHE home learning packs. They contain advice for parents and pupils, links to activities and ideas that you can do at home.
Virgo's Letter
George and the Dragon
Reading activities to print out and complete at home. The activities feature an extract from a text followed by a set of questions or challenges. The questions are all based on VIPERS - vocabulary, infer, predict, explain, retrieve and summarise.
Grammar warm up (8 activities in one document)
White Rose Maths home learning worksheets
Kahoot Challenges
Another Kahoot for you to try. This time it's on Who Let The Gods Out. Good luck.
Code: 0359311
Link: https://kahoot.it/challenge/0359311?challenge-id=f4f6da22-da28-4373-a1e6-cdc202c83bac_1585302315437
I have set some other Kahoots for you to complete over the weekend. One is maths and one is The Highwayman. Enjoy!
Code: 0433566
Link: https://kahoot.it/challenge/0433566?challenge-id=f4f6da22-da28-4373-a1e6-cdc202c83bac_1585318040525
The Highwayman
Code: 0979929
Link: https://kahoot.it/challenge/0979929?challenge-id=f4f6da22-da28-4373-a1e6-cdc202c83bac_1585318021627
Welcome to 5/6K's webpage - over the year we will post regular updates on here about all the fantastic learning we have done. The theme for the Spring term is Inventors and Inventions from the Victorian period. Our work will include: reading and exploring the novel Clockwork, writing a biography of Thomas Edison and finding out about famous inventors and how they changed the world. Take a look at the Spring term curriculum cloud for more details.
PE will be on a Monday afternoon with Mr Leyland. PE is an important part of the school curriculum and all children are expected to take part. Everyone will need to have their full PE kit in school to make sure that they don't miss out on any of the fun.
Homework is sent home at the end of the week and is due back on the following Wednesday; homework will be linked to our work in class and will alternate between English, Maths & Topic work. We will also be using our new online tools as part of our homework tasks- Doodlemaths, TTRS, DoodeleSpell, Read Theory and Spag.com. Spellings will also sent home each week and there will be a spelling test every Friday.
If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to come and speak to me at the beginning of the school day and remember to keep checking our website for all the latest information and photographs.
Mrs Bracewell
Super Sewing
In our DT lessons, we had to make a product for a purpose which needed to be sewn with a simple gusset. Following on from our work on The Day the Crayons Quit, we decided to make our pens and pencils a nice place to be stored. Take a look at some of the fantastic pencil cases we designed, sewed and decorated.
World Book Day
We all had a fantastic day celebrating World Book Day. Our work was based around the book 'The Day the Crayons Quit'. We read the story, answered VIPERS questions, wrote letters to the characters, designed and made our own pencil cases, imagined that our classroom equipment wanted to quit and wrote their letters of resignation and finally we created our spoon characters. A very busy but fun and rewarding day!
Artist Visit
Last week, we were visited by the environmental artist Sue Flowers. She spent the day in school creating a number of pieces of work based on our outside environment. We spent time creating charcoal drawings of items we had collected from outside, decorated leaves for an indoor tree and wrote messages from trees which were included in an outdoor art installation.
Greek Vases
This week, we finished the decoration on our Greek vases and I am sure you will agree that they look fantastic. We began our vases by adding two layers of papier mache over a basic structure followed by two layers of paint - we mixed our own shades of orange to ensure that each vase was unique. Finally, we added on our design in black. Our designs were inspired by the Greek myths we read, our class novel 'Who Let the Gods Out' and the research we have done in our topic work.
Book Week Celebration
We concluded our Magic, Monsters and Mystery themed book week with a fun-filled celebration day on Thursday and everyone looked fantastic in their costumes. During the day, we created final versions of our Mythical Beast themed poetry, decorated ghost, skeleton and mummy biscuits, made mini mummies and created beautiful Day of the Dead skull designs. Well done to Jacob and Maddie who were chosen as our winners in the dressing-up competition.
Sharing Stories
Every Thursday afternoon, four children from our class have been reading stories to our Reception classes. The experience has been fantastic for everyone involved and will continue throughout the year so that all of our class will get the chance to share their favourite picture books.

5/6K Olympics
Each week in our PE lessons, we have been looking at a different field event from the modern Olympics. To show off our newly acquired skills we took part in a mini Olympics competition.

Rotary Club
Many thanks to the Padiham Rotary Club who came in to deliver dictionaries for all of our Year 6 pupils.
Archive Visit
Last week, we were lucky enough the visit the Padiham Archives Exhibition to find out all about life in the 1940's. As we had done some research before our visit, we even got the chance to show off our knowledge to the volunteers. Take a look at the pictures to see what we got up to.
Ancient Greece
Our topic about Ancient Greece is well underway. We have created beautiful vases inspired by Greek pottery and the myths we have read in English.
Whole Class Reading
In 5/6K we believe that reading is the key to everything. We have an expansive collection of books for the children to read in our Reading Corner but we also enjoy reading and exploring books together. Our first class novel is Who Let the Gods Out by Maz Evans. This wonderful novel mixes modern day life and characters from Ancient Greek myths.