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5/6K Webpage
This term our topic is The Amazon. We will be looking at biomes, vegetation belts and climate as well as focussing on the human and physical features of South America and the Amazon basin. In English, we will be looking at adventure stories set in the Amazon, biographies and taking part in debates. Our science topic is all about animal and plant life cycles. In art, we will be developing our painting and collage techniques by studying the work of Henri Rousseau.
Our class novel for this half term is the wonderful 'Journey to the River Sea' by Eva Ibbotson.
PE will take place every Monday afternoon with Mrs Hanslip so make sure you remember to come to school in your PE kit that day. Homework will be sent out every Friday and should be returned by Wednesday - 20 table points for all homework brought back in on a Monday! Everyone will be expected to read at home as often as possible - you can read your reading book, a novel, a comic, the newspaper or a magazine. Reading is the key to everything at school and is a vital part of our school curriculum. The more reading children can do at home the more benefit they will see in the classroom. We have an extensive library in class and everyone is welcome to borrow, read, enjoy then return them. I am happy to recommend books if they are stuck for ideas of what to read.
Mrs Bracewell
Basketball Fever
Last week, we were very lucky to be joined in school by Paul Sturgess. Paul is a former professional basketball player and holds the world record for being the tallest ever professional basketball player. We enjoyed a training session with Paul and even made it onto the local news!
basketball movie.MOV
Phases of the Moon (with oreos)
World Book Day
This week, we started our new class novel 'Clockwork' by Philip Pullman. We began by making predictions about the book based on the front cover. In paired reading, we looked closely at the opening scene then drew what we imagined the tavern to look like. We can't wait to find out what happens next in the story.
As part of our Eco Week, we turned some old crisp packets into a work of art. I am sure you will agree that the finished collage looks fantastic.
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Links to useful learning platforms:
Times Tables Rock Stars: https://play.ttrockstars.com/
Spelling Shed: https://play.edshed.com/en-gb/login
Doodle Maths: https://www.doodlelearning.com/
Spag.com (Y6): https://www.spag.com/