Welcome to 5G
Hello, my name is Mr Gallagher and I am the class teacher in 5G.
Firstly, welcome to our class page and I hope you are as ready as I am for an extremely exciting and busy year! In our classroom, we are very fortunate to be supported by Mr Leyland, Miss Fort and Mrs Rawson.
At Padiham Primary School, we take an exciting and engaging topic-based learning approach which changes on a termly or half-termly basis. Please see the curriculum cloud for more information as I am sure children would love to get a head start on or read around the subjects!
Children, prepare yourselves for lots of hard work and to learn new things every day.
I look forward to seeing you bright and early every morning.
"A child who reads for 20 minutes a day will be exposed to 1.8 million words per year and is likely to score better than 90% of their peers on standardised tests.”
Reading books will be taken home every day and the reading record is to be signed by an adult with accompanying comments. Please encourage your child to read with you at home.
The key is to hear them read aloud to build fluency and confidence whilst keeping them engaged with the text through questioning and discussion. Please come and see me if you would like any help or advice with how you can read with your child at home.
For more advice on this, there is a guide and some ideas here: https://www.pearson.com/uk/learners/primary-parents/learn-at-home/help-your-child-to-enjoy-reading/how-to-read-with-your-child.html
PE will take place on Monday afternoons. Please make sure your child has a full PE kit each week, including: pumps, a white t-shirt and black shorts which are all clearly labelled with their name. PE is a mandatory and important part of the curriculum, so all children will be expected to take part in the exciting lessons.
Homework will be given out on Friday and to be handed in by Thursday the following week. It will include spelling, times table and grammar practice.
Additionally, the children can access the following websites or apps at home which are all monitored at school:
Times Table Roc Stars: https://ttrockstars.com/
DoodleMaths (App): https://www.doodlemaths.com/
Readtheory: https://readtheory.org/
MyMaths: https://www.mymaths.co.uk/
Class Dojo
The children will be sent home with information in order to create their own avatar and connect you to their Class Dojo account. Once you have linked to their account, you can monitor progress on a daily basis as well as receive updates, photographs and videos on our newsfeed.
Please visit https://www.classdojo.com/ for more information.
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to come and ask me.
Mr Gallagher
Active Science Experiment
For our topic 'Healthy Humans', the class conducted an experiment testing the effects of different activities had on our heart rates.

Half-human, half-lion
During Art lessons this term, the children had a photo of themselves with half their face being that of an animal. They then drew a self-portrait and changed one half to their chosen animal.

During November, 5G have been taking part in an event called Barvember. Each day, 5 different challenges are set which can be solved using Bar Models. The children have thoroughly enjoyed the tasks.