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PadihamPrimary School

News from 2014-2015

A new year, a new start!

Welcome to Miss Rushton’s class 3/4R

I hope you had a wonderful summer packed with fun-filled adventures! This year we will be working extremely hard - I hope you are ready for the challenge!


This half term our class topic will be, ‘From monkey to man.’ We will be looking in depth at the changes which took place from the time of the cavemen in the Stone Age, to learning about the Celts in the Iron Age!


In Science we will be focusing on rocks and fossils based on our topic. If you have any fossils at home, please feel free to bring them in!


Our P.E lessons will take place every Thursday afternoon - so please ensure your children have their P.E kits in school every Thursday!


Every Friday we will have our spelling and mental maths tests. New spellings will be given out on Fridays and should be learnt for the test the following Friday! The spellings can be found in the children’s green spelling books  or on the printed sheet which will also be sent home. Alongside the spellings will be the children’s homework task which will also be due in the following Friday.


Reading books will be sent home with the children every evening, so please encourage your children to read at home on a nightly basis!


This year, we are also very fortunate to have a music teacher named Mr Rigg, who will be coming into school every Tuesday!


Swimming will be starting soon for the year threes and fours. I will be posting more information about this shortly.


If you have any questions or queries, please feel free to come and see me in class before or after school.


Thank you,

Miss Rushton

Half way there!

Oh! We’re half way there!

We are half way through the year already and we have already done and learnt so much! This half term we are starting off with our amazing book week. The book we will be reading in 3/4R is called ‘Captain Flinn and the Pirate Dinosaurs.’ By Giles Andreae and Russell Ayto. Our exciting book week theme this year is ‘Pirates’ so get your best pirate outfits ready for our fancy dress day on the 5th March!  Once our fun-filled book week is over we will be continuing our history topic about the Vikings. Get ready to work hard and learn lots of interesting information or prepare to walk the plank!

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
