Hello, my name is Miss Rushton and I am the teacher in 3/4R.
In our classroom we also have help from our two amazing teaching assistants, Mr Monk everyday and Mrs Longbottom on Tuesday afternoons. Year 3 and 4 is a busy year filled with an abundance of engaging lessons and activities.
On Thursdays, we will have our P.E lesson so please make sure your child has a full P.E kit each week including pumps, a white t-shirt and black shorts which are all clearly labelled with their name.
Homework and spellings will be set every Friday to be returned the following Thursday.
Children: Make sure you learn your spelling and times tables at home to achieve some superb scores on your tests!
Your child will bring home a reading book each night along with their reading record, please encourage your child to read as much as possible at home as the impact on their school work and progress is significant.
Swimming lessons will be commencing 8.9.16 for the year 4's. Please ensure your child brings appropriate swimwear and a towel each week.
Parents: Take a look at the bottom of this page to see what we will be learning throughout the year. (Curriculum Clouds)
Children, get ready to work hard, have fun and learn lots of interesting and rewarding things! Remember - We are all stars in 3/4R!
Thank you Miss Rushton

Curriculum Clouds
The children in 3/4R are super mathematicians and love to solve problems!

Try these fun math games below:
Times tables: http://www.topmarks.co.uk/maths-games/hit-the-button
Telling the time: http://www.teachingtime.co.uk/draggames/sthec1.html
3D shapes: http://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/ks2/maths/shape_space/3d_shapes/play/
Addition: http://www.topmarks.co.uk/Flash.aspx?f=bingoaddition
Word problems: http://www.amblesideprimary.com/ambleweb/mentalmaths/mentalmachine2.html
During Green Time this week, 3/4R and 4G met the school's newest pupils, our three little chicks.

In Geography, we worked in groups to create amazing posters all about the tourist attractions in Paris. Part of the task was to research the attractions using the IPADS. The posters we created were OUTSTANDING!
In 3/4R we enjoy all our lessons. As part of our engaging 'Passport to Europe' topic we have been learning all about Europe and in particular Paris. To aid our learning we have been using digital maps, atlases, IPADs and laptops. It has been very interesting indeed!
To celebrate Easter this term, we enjoyed an Easter Egg Hunt with a twist. Thanks to the brilliant Miss Starkie and Mr Leyland we were able to go orienteering for our hunt. Not only did we use our maps to search the Padiham Primary School grounds, we also got to venture out onto Shuttleworth's large playing field which was very exciting!
Here is a picture of the map we used:
Emily's team obviously had a fantastic time!
This term, we have been fortunate enough to have a tennis coach joining us for our P.E lessons. The children have had a fantastic time with David from Burnley Tennis Club and learnt a lot of new tennis skills.
If you would like your child to continue tennis lessons outside of school, why not take a look at our after school clubs this term or Burnley Tennis Club's website http://burnleytennisclub.co.uk/
Recently in French we have been learning the French words for colours, animals, numbers and body parts.
At Padiham Primary School we believe reading is essential to children's learning. This term, we dressed up as 'Heroes and Villains' for World Book Day. We had a fantastic day and a lovely week working on our Book Week text Eliot Jones Midnight Super Hero by Anne Cottringer.
We also enjoyed learning a little about Tibet and the Himalayas which are some of the locations found in the book!
Take a look at our fabulous, eye-catching persuasion display.
Can we persuade you to buy our tasty toothpaste?
We really love and appreciate our Mum's in 3/4R. This year, we made some lovely flowers and cards to say thank you for being AMAZING!

Look at our fantastic digestive system display. A big thank you to my little helpers who helped me make the super organs!
As part of our topic the Art of Food, we looked closely at the artist Cézanne. Cézanne was famous for his painting of apples. In our pictures you can see the mini apples and fruit bowls we made using clay. If you look closely in the background you can also see the pictures we created using fabric which were inspired by Cézanne's work. I am sure you will agree - they are amazing!
This half term our topic is the Art of food. One of the artists we have been studying is Renoir. Renoir was a famous still-life artist and is well known for his drawing of 'Onions'. In our art books, we had a go at drawing Renoir's onions and shading them using oil pastels. We also created some still-life drawings of our own, we drew peppers, tomatoes and cucumbers.
Here is Renoir's artwork:
The Great Plague
Welcome back to the second half of our Autumn Term. In this half term, we will be learning all about the events of The Great Plague. We will also be looking closely at the environment in Geography and considering ways we can look after it better. We also have our exciting trip to the cinema coming up to celebrate the ‘Into Film Festival.’
This half term, 3/4R will also be lucky enough to visit Padiham Town Hall to participate in a Remembrance Service. During the service, Joshua, Emily, Logan, Isobel, Connor and Olivia will be reading out the impressive poems they have written.
We will remember them.
The service today at Padiham Town Hall was beautiful and our readers did us proud. Well done!
Children - Take a look at these wonderful websites to find out lots of interesting facts about The Great Plague!
Sparks Might Fly
This half term, our exciting topic will be Sparks Might Fly!
Throughout the topic, we will be learning all about electricity. We will be looking at electrical circuits and also making and designing some interesting things which rely on Electric to work.
Children: If you have any books or things at home about electricity which you would like to share with the class please bring them in!
Try the games below at home by following the hyperlinks and see if you can make Sparks Fly!