Year 3/4 Netball - Padiham vs Lowerhouse |
Year 3/4 Netball - Padiham vs Lowerhouse
|The newly established year 3 and 4 Netball team played their first game on Wednesday against Lowerhouse Junior school and won their debut game 9-1! Their commitment at playtimes, lunchtimes and afterschool clubs reflected on their fantastic performance and the school is very proud of their positive attitude on and off court.
Three year 6's gave up their time to umpire this game and they did a great job!
Thank you to all the parents that came to support the school, the children for your fantastic performance and behaviour, the three year 6's that umpired the game, Shuttleworth for allowing us to use your sportshall and your young leaders for managing the game.
The school would also like to say a special thank you to Mrs McInness's husband Mr McInness for taking some fantastic photo's on the day.