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PadihamPrimary School

Year 1 and 2 Home Learning



All our English this week will be based upon this story.

Thursday 18th- Friday 19th March-- Use the robot lined paper, or any lined paper for your own altered version of the story, written over two days.

Maths-2D and 3D Shapes

BBC Bitesize Geometry // Shapes - 2D Shapes

This video covers a bunch of 2D shapes, their different features.

2D Shape Properties

3D Shapes

3D Shapes Song For Kids | Spheres, Cylinders, Pyramids, Cubes, & Cones


Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday's worksheets are linked below...


Watch the correct video for the day and see the timetable for the activity! 

Monday - Harry and the Robots

Tuesday - Robot Rumpus!

Wednesday - Robot Stop!

Thursday - Parts Of The Body | The Dr. Binocs Show

Friday - The Five Senses | The Dr. Binocs Show


8th-12th March

Robot Rumpus | Books for Kids Read Aloud

All the class have heard me read this story and have been doing some related English this week.


English-Friday 12th March


Character Description

Today your task is to choose a robot from this story, then write a detailed description of it.

Include lots of exciting describing adjectives as you write about what the robot looks like. After that, add a few sentences about the jobs that robot can do.


You can download the writing paper here with robot edges, or use any lined paper for this description.

I have added a picture sheet showing all the robots in the book, so you can have a good look at the one you choose.



Maths-Friday 12th March


Times Tables Consolidation


 Today you can choose to improve your  Times Table skills.

In Year 2, we  really need to have good recall of our 2, 5, 10 and then 3 X Table.

Pick to work on one or two that you need to learn or speed up on.


You could..... Say your table out loud or write it as a list on paper.

                     Ask a grown up to test you by mixing up (9 x2, 2x2, 11x2 etc.)

                     You could try to say it backwards as we do in class sometimes.

                      Or play Times Tables Ping Pong, on of our class favourites-Show

                      your family how to play.

Afternoon -Friday 12th March


We have PE on Friday afternoons-Either enjoy an online workout such as GoNoodle or a Joe Wickes workout from Youtube.

If it is dry, perhaps you might enjoy a windy walk!


Finally, we are enjoying drawing robots for our Golden Time activity. You could try to carefully copy one from the Robot Rumpus book, or make one up all by yourself.


 I look forward to seeing your robot pictures, so please remember to send a photo :-)


Have a Happy Weekend,

Mrs Breaks













The Masked Reader &

Teacher 'Shelfies' -



Below are the answers to both quizzes - click to see if you were correct!

Home learning WEEK 9

Mon 8th March - Thu 11th March

Class 1/2B and 1P isolating children only.

Our final 4 days... keep trying hard. We can't wait to see you on Friday 12th March :)

Class 2V Breakfast Club Children now Isolating


As of Thursday 11th March, you will unfortunately be learning from home once again.

Please follow the Time Table lesson plans  and accompanying activities for Thursday and see Class 2V's  Friday activities also on our Year One and Two Home Learning page.


Mrs Breaks


Click on the link to open a copy of this weeks timetable.

For phonics this week please spend 5 minutes each day on Karate cats English, it's lots of fun and covers many English skills.

Handwriting sheets for this week.

English story: Monday

Still image for this video

Monday's activity

Tuesday English

Tuesday: Riddle powerpoint

Tuesday's activity

Wednesday English

Wednesday's activity

Thursday english: Watch the video and find out about leopards.

Week 9 Maths for both Year 1 and Year 2 children
Watch the teaching video on Dojo each day.

Worksheets for Week 9 maths which are also in your pack from school.

Week 9 Topic Work

Monday Topic

Tuesday Topic: The Seven Continents

Seven Continents Song

Tuesday activity

Wednesday topic activity- re-watch Mondays information slides

Thursday topic activity- re-watch this mornings leopard video too.

Home Learning Week 8

1st - 5th March

This Week is our Annual Book Week :)

Timetable for Week 8 - Book Week

Click on the link to open a copy of this weeks timetable:

EXCITING - Please Read!


This week ALL Year 1 and 2 children are doing THE SAME lessons in all subjects. So just scroll to the correct lesson section rather than looking for a specific year or class (like previously in Maths). 


We are really lucky that for our final week of home learning it is also Book Week and World Book Day so we have lots of fun and exciting extra things to do this week as well as the usual lessons! We are excited to do lots of activities for Book Week and we hope you enjoy them too! 


One of the special activities this week is 'THE MASKED READER!' - teachers reading in disguise! We will link the PowerPoint and answer sheet below - you have all week to complete this and send it to us by Friday!


Another special activity is 'TEACHER'S SHARE A STORY'. You will see below lots of icons with story titles and who they are read by. Each day we will add the story videos to one or two stories (Miss Pearson will let you know on Dojo which stories you can view each day) 

You could start your day with a story, watch them whilst having your dinner or listen to one at the end of the day like we do in school!


Please continue to do just as amazingly in all your work as

you have done in previous weeks - and lets make the last

week of home learning THE BEST week!! 

Keep going... it'll all be worth it!



P.S. ADVANCED NOTICE - You will need a POTATO and possibly some basic art supplies (paper, pens, glue etc.) for WEDNESDAY'S Topic lesson - have a look in the timetable for more info)

Also, THURSDAY is WORLD BOOK DAY so please try and dress up as a character (we know this is more difficult this year but there are many ideas online for costumes you can make using normal clothes!


If your child is in school this Thursday they can also dress up and wear their costume for school!


Click on the PowerPoint below to view the photos & write the answers on the sheet (the photos are not in the same order on the PPT and the sheet)


Please take a closer look at the TIMETABLE for more information about the tasks each day. The detail is written on there and then all the sheets you need for the week are linked below the video.


Miss Pearson reads the story of Meerkat Mail below...



The story of Meerkat Mail - watch this video on Monday!

Still image for this video

Another reading of Meerkat Mail - Story time at the Zoo -

Watch this on Wednesday (or watch Miss Pearson's video again!)

Meerkat Videos to Find Out More about Them (Tue and Thur)


Enjoy watching some real life meerkat adventures throughout the week.

You can choose which to watch on Tuesday and Thursday smiley


Meerkat Manor S01 E01 A Family Affair

Meerkat Manor S01 E02 Love Thy Neighbor


All children in both Year 1 and 2 will follow the same Maths work this week.


This week we are learning Positional Language.



Look at the PowerPoint 'Where is Sunny?' which is linked below. See if you can name the position where he is and try to learn all the different positional language. 


Then cut out the positional language words and pictures and match them. If you have paper and glue then glue them next to each other. If you don't then just place them next to each other and take a photo! 

Monday PowerPoint for Maths & Worksheet below



Have another look at yesterday's PowerPoint and recap the different positions. Then cut out the cards and get a teddy (or anything else really!) and lay all the cards out. Pick a card and get a grown up to read it to you - then go and hide the teddy/item where it says! Repeat with all of the cards!


You could then get a grown up to hide the teddy/item and you go and find it - but you must tell them the position that it is in! For example "I've found it under the table!" 


Your grown ups could tick the cards you get right and take a photo of that to send to us - or take a picture of playing the game! 



Today you are going to watch the left and right video linked below. It's funny and hopefully you will enjoy it and join in! 


Then complete the worksheets (below the video) - either drawing items to the left or right, or circling what is on the left or right (instructions at the top of each sheet). 



The Left vs. Right Song!



Today you are going to watch the left and right video again - don't forget to join in! 


Then look at the PowerPoint slides below and complete the routes on the worksheets...



Thursday PowerPoint & Worksheet below



Today you are going to look at the grids on the sheet and answer the questions. The questions will include the words left, right, above, below so practice these beforehand! 



For the afternoons this week you will have a 'Book Week Grid' which is linked below. This is a grid that the whole school are using this week and all the children have the same activities to complete!


For the FIRST session of the afternoon you will be given an activity from the Book Week Grid (they are highlighted in yellow

For the SECOND session of the afternoon you can CHOOSE another activity from the Book Week Grid (one that is NOT highlighted)


We cannot wait to see some pictures of the fantastic activities you do this week!

We'll be posting lots of your photos on Class Dojo so don't forget to send some in!



Book Week Grid



'Draw with Rob' - scroll down to video number 6 - try and make your own bookmark! 

Try your best to draw the WHOLE THING yourself on to a blank piece of paper (Year 2's especially!) - but if you are struggling with the shape then there is a sheet linked below. Try yourself first though, please!! 


Website -



Today you can choose one of the Quizzes to complete! Either 'Guess the Character', 'Which Book is That?' or the 'Scavenger Hunt'. ('Guess the character' and 'Which book' are probably the best for our children but your choice!)


If you want to do more today then you can! Or you could do another on another day! 



Today you are going to turn a potato into a character!! If you look on Google there are some examples! 


They will get entered into the whole school competition so don't forget to send us pictures!! 



Today is World Book Day! 

Dress up as your favourite character, draw a picture of you in your costume and write a few sentences about it! 

If you aren't dressed up, just pick your favourite character and write about their outfit! 


Remember to send pictures of you dressed up and we can put them on Dojo!




Today you are going to think about your favourite book. Look at the front cover (or Google it if you don't have the book at home). You could watch a You Tube video of the story being read! 


Then design a new front cover for that story! 

The activity on the grid called 'SHELFIES' will be added by your teachers during the week -

we are currently planning how to do this so just wait to hear

from us on here and Class Dojo!





for all your hard work over the last 8 weeks!

To all children and parents/carers - thank you children for doing your best and parents for encouraging your children and for keeping their brains working hard!


Have a restful weekend and we look forward to seeing all your smiling faces on Monday! 




Week 7

22nd - 26th Feb



Welcome back!

We hope you had a lovely, restful week off and you are feeling ready to continue your home learning this week.

We have a range of topics this week so have a look at the different sections for what you are learning in English, Maths and Topic. 

Click below to view/print the timetable for this week

NSPCC Speak out. Stay safe. Virtual Assembly 2021


This week in English we are reading 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' so

you've guessed it - our work is all about Pancake Day which was

last week! Yum Yum! 



Today you are going to watch the story video of 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' (see below). Did you have pancakes last week? What did you have on them? Use the worksheet to create the pancake you had or design one you would like and write about it! 

Mr Wolf's Pancakes by Jan Fearnley



Today you are going to watch a video of how to make pancakes (just to remind you!). You are then going to cut out the pictures and stick them in order before writing instructions in sentences. E.g. 'Put the flour in the bowl.' You should be able to write these sentences yourself using your phonics sounds to help. 

Video and sheets linked below...



Tuesday - Pancakes - Kids Recipes



Today you are going to watch the story video of 'Mr Wolf's Pancakes' again (see video above on Monday's lesson). 

Cut out the story pictures carefully and see if you can put them into order on the numbered sheet. There are a lot of pictures, so you may want to play the video again and keep pausing it and order the pictures as the story is playing. 



Today you are going to re-write the story of Mr Wolf's Pancakes. You are only going to do the     FIRST SIDE today because we want you to really concentrate on -

!. Writing the sentences by yourself - use phonics to write the words rather than just copying

2. Use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops

3. Use beautiful handwriting - writing on the line and using lead in lines (and joined up if Year 2!)


You will finish the rest tomorrow!


(You can send a photo of the first side today and the second side tomorrow)



You are going to finish re-writing the story of Mr Wolf's Pancakes today! 


Remember the points we said yesterday - 

!. Writing the sentences by yourself - use phonics to write the words rather than just copying

2. Use capital letters, finger spaces and full stops

3. Use beautiful handwriting - writing on the line and using lead in lines (and joined up if Year 2!)


Remember to send a photo to your teacher of your finished story!






This week 1P, the Year 1's from 1/2B and all the Year 2's have got different work again so please look carefully for the correct section for your child.


1P Maths


We are continuing with subtraction this week!

This week's presentation for 1P Maths

1P Maths Lessons & Worksheets


You are going to look at the lessons for each day on the PowerPoint and then choose the worksheet linked below for the correct day. Miss Pearson will put videos on Class Dojo each morning for guidance.


1/2B Year 1 children's Maths

Slides for week 7 maths 1/2B Year 1's

Year 2 Maths


This week we will be exploring our own Family History, aswell as learning a little about growing up in this area long ago.


When and where were you born?

What day of the week was it? What else happened on that day?

Complete Worksheet 1-My Birth  (below.)

Use the internet links on the bottom of the sheet to easily find out about your date of birth.



Today we will look at how there are all kinds of families.

Watch Tuesday's power point as a slide show.

Go on to begin Tuesday's sheets, which could be made into a booklet about your own family.

This  will keep you busy and should be continued throughout the week.


Today you will have the opportunity to build a family tree about your family.

There are several sheets attached, so  with adult help,  choose the one that fits best for you.

The 'cut and stick on leaves' tree will be perfect for any family as you choose how many leaves go onto the tree and who they are.

Remember that YOU  and other brother's or sisters go at the bottom of the tree, above that come parents, then Grandparents, perhaps at the top, even some great-grandparents. 


Today we are exploring where our family came from.

My family is half Yorkshire, half Lancashire, with links in the past to Devon and Ireland!

Where did any of your family live in the past?

See what you can find out by asking your family at home, or ringing Grandparents to ask about where they lived when they were children.

Thursday's worksheet gives you a chance to write about what you find out. 



How did families in this area live long ago?

Read the information sheet with your parent. Look carefully at the old photographs from our area.

Can you talk together about the main differences from today? What do you find most interesting on the information sheet?

The second sheet is a question sheet, you will need to check back for answers on the information sheet. You can read both sheets with help from family if you need to, but try to spot the answers yourself.



This week our handwriting is THE SAME numbers and number words as last week. These are really tricky and something that Year 1 children HAVE to be able to write by the end of the year - but obviously we've all missed so much last year and this year that extra practice won't do any harm for all our children! 


The worksheets are linked below and Miss Pearson will add the same videos to Class Story on Class Dojo each morning



Thank You Captain Sir Tom Moore! xx How lovely are these drawings?!

Home learning


Monday 8th February - Friday 12th February


(1P PARENTS - Please note - Miss Pearson has changed the Maths for her class 1P so the timetable will have the wrong thing written - please see below for separate 1P section and Class Dojo for guidance videos) Everything else on the timetable still stands.

Click here to open a copy of the Week 6 timetable.(1P Maths is different)

Tuesday 9th February is SAFER INTERNET DAY!


This is a vitally important topic to discuss with the children (we do every half term during ICT lessons) - and even more so now we are doing so much online... things may pop up on screen, children may click things by mistake - there are lots of things that could happen and by teaching children how to respond to these, we can make the Internet a safer place for children. 


We discuss how to tell a grown up if something pops up, how not to just click randomly all over a screen in case they click on an advert or a link which may take them elsewhere, that parents can have child guards on devices so children cannot change websites or click links or to pay for extras on a game...


Please try to look at something related to Internet Safety a few times this week - you could look at one of the links below each day...

There is a PowerPoint, 2 lovely stories and a video, as well as a web link for information for parents. We know our children are young but it is important for the children to be made aware of this subject in a simple yet effective way such as reading a story. 



Join in with Safer Internet Day.

Internet Safety Day: 9th February - Look at the links below...

Make you own Internet Safety Poster and send a snap to Class Dojo :) Click on this link to print....

Please keep making use of these free resource websites. Let us know if you have lost your log-in details to Doodle Maths, Numbots or Purplemash and we will send them to you again.




Today is the only day that Year 1's and Year 2's have a different worksheet. 

Look at the FRONT COVER only of the book below. Write colour adjectives do describe the animals you can see. 

Year 1's - E.g. green snake, pink worm

Year 2's - E.g. The snake is green. The worm is pink. 





Listen to the story below and see if you can pick out the ADJECTIVES (the words which describe the tortoise, dog, horse and cat). 


Complete the adjectives sheet linked under the video by writing your own adjectives and think of the animals that could be described by the adjectives given...

Formidable Sid - A Twinkl Originals Story



Watch the video linked below and listen carefully to the adjectives in RED. 


Choose from the worksheets below the video which animal you would like to label with adjectives to describe it's body parts! 

Using Adjectives to Describe Pets



Write a description of your favourite animal. Remember it isn't a riddle like last week - just sentences to describe it. Remember to include ADJECTIVES. E.g. A lion has 4 long legs. A lion has a brown mane. It has a loud roar. 


There are a few ideas in the video below and use my examples above to help!

Animal Adjectives



Today you are going to create your own animal!! See the timetable and my example on the worksheet for ideas and inspiration! 


We can't wait to see them!


You will draw it this afternoon in your topic lesson too!


Maths is split 3 ways this week -

- There is a section for 1P children (Miss Pearson has changed a few things this week so please don't follow the timetable)

- There is a section for 1/2B's Year 1 children 

- There is a section for ALL the Year 2 children


Please ensure you go to the correct part for your child.

This is simply because 1P and 1/2B's Year 1 children had completed different work in class before Lockdown, which is why they are now doing things in a slightly different order. By the end of the year we will have all covered the same :)


1P Year 1 Maths for this week


Please see my Class Dojo post for explanation of why things have changed. If you would require a NEW WORKSHEET PACK please let me know and you can collect it today. Otherwise, it's fine to just draw on paper etc. Sorry for any inconvenience caused.


1P - Maths

1P Year 1 - PowerPoint teaching slides for the week

1/2B Year 1 Maths for this week

1/2B YEAR 1 - Maths:

1/2B - Year 1 Powerpoint teaching slides for the week.

ALL Year 2 Maths for this week

Year 2 Maths:

Year 2 powerpoint of teaching slides for maths this week.



This week we are having a focus on ART, along with SCIENCE. We will be having the opportunity to learn how to draw different animals. We will be thinking about backgrounds which will help a creature to camouflage.

Monday-Draw an owl. Animal Camouflage video 1.

Tuesday-Draw a frog.Animal Camouflage video 2.

Wednesday-Draw a leopard.Animal Camouflage video 3.

Thursday-Camouflage Art.Animal Camouflage video 4.

Friday-Mixed up Animals.Animal Camouflage video 5.


See the links below.laugh

Monday- Video 1 :Can you find the camouflaged animals?

Tuesday-Video 2:Camouflage: Animal Hide & Seek

Wednesday -Video 3:Animal Camouflage | Science | Animals | Little Fox | Animated Stories for Kids

Thursday-Video 4:Animal Camouflage - Animals for Kids - Educational Video

Friday-Video 5: 12 Coolest Camouflage Animals and Insects


The worksheets are linked below.

Videos will be added daily on Class Dojo on the 'Class Story' section.


Home learning:

Week 5 - 1st Feb - 5th Feb

Click on this link to see a copy of the Week 5 timetable.

This week is Children's Mental Health Week. Why not have a go at some of the activities on the ideas sheet below:)

Here are the Wellbeing week ideas:

Draw Your Feelings - Children's Mental Health Week 2021


Year 1 and 2 Riddles






Year 1 Maths: Week 5

Addition and Subtraction

Let's all do the 10 dance (number bonds to 10 song)

Hey 20 You've got a lot of friends (The Friends of 20)

Year 2 Maths:



Learn your two times table with Digit's song from THE TIMES TABLE ADVENTURE!Digit is a robot from Planet Calculus who comes to Earth to help kids learn their...

Topic - Afternoons

All the worksheets are together in one document for the whole week. Please click the link to access the sheets. The videos are below...

(I noticed last week the way some sheets printed off was a little wonky or things weren't on the pages properly so if you have any problems please ask as we can send them directly to see if that is any better)


Monday Topic - MAMMALS for kids

Watch the video and complete the factsheet - draw 3 animals and answer the questions!

Tuesday Topic - REPTILES for kids

Watch the video then complete the factsheet - draw 3 animals and answer the questions!

Wednesday Topic - BIRDS for kids

Watch the video then complete the factsheet - draw 3 animals and answer the questions!

Thursday Topic - AMPHIBIANS for kids

Watch the video then complete the factsheet - draw 3 animals and answer the questions!

Friday Topic - FISH for kids

Watch the video then complete the factsheet - draw 3 animals and answer the questions!


The handwriting sheets are linked below - one sheet per day as last week. Miss Pearson will also add the handwriting formation videos each day to Class Dojo on your Class Story. Please watch this as you will see exactly how to form the letter correctly!

Home Learning

Week 4 - 25th to 29th Jan


For the next few weeks our topic is

'All about Animals'

We will be learning about different types of animals, where they live, what they eat and our English and Topic lessons will be all about this. 

Maths is split into Year 1 and 2 for a few weeks as the skills are slightly different for both. 


Below you will find English for every day, then below all the English is the Maths for every day, then under the Maths is all the Topic for the week, followed by some handwriting sheets - so a little scrolling is required! 


Click on the link to see a copy of the plan for this week:


 Writing Facts-Nocturnal Animals


Animal Antics - Animals at Night | Full Episodes | Wizz | TV Shows for Kids

Have you ever wondered what animals in the wild get up to at night? Find out in this video!Subscribe for more Animal Antics:

Choose One of these Nocturnal Animals to Read About. Go on to Answer Questions About it.


Use the Writing Frame to Write Bat Fact Sentences


Think Carefully to Sort out the Bat Sentences



Choose your own Nocturnal Animal Video to watch today.  Why not see if you can find one about a different nocturnal animal ? What new facts can you learn?

Choose a Different one of the Nocturnal Animals to Read and Answer Questions About


Nocturnal Animals PowerPoint

Nocturnal Animals Word bank

Choose Your Favourite Nocturnal Animal -Use the Blank fact sheet to to tell us all about it.


Week 4 (25th to 29th Jan)

So far this term in maths Year 1 and 2 have been working together on their maths to cover areas missed last year due to school closure, such as money, length and time. During the next few weeks Year 1 and Year 2 will begin to cover different areas of Maths. This will ensure the children are developing appropriate skills for their age. There may be some ways of working that parents are not familiar with. Don't worry, the children are used to seeing these pictures and modelling in school.







This week our topic lessons are all about HABITATS - which is the place where an animal or plant lives. 

There are lots of lovely videos to watch and the worksheets for each day are all in one document linked below!

TOPIC WORKSHEETS for afternoons - Week 4 - Mon-Fri

MONDAY - What Is a Habitat? | Science Video for Kids

Watch the video and write a list of the different habitats you can think of - don't worry if you don't fill all the lines!

Think of other things like a farm or even a house (for pets!)

TUESDAY - Desert Animals and Plants | Desert Video for kids

Watch the video and draw a picture of a desert which features some of the animals and plants seen in the video! See if you can label the pictures! (Year 2 could write sentences on the back of the sheet e.g. A camel has a hump)

WEDNESDAY - A Walk in the Arctic for Kids

Watch the video and complete the worksheet of 10 things you may find in the arctic! Remember to use animals and even things such as snow, icebergs etc. You could even draw a few pictures on the back of the sheet!

THURSDAY - Habitats: Woodlands

Watch the video and make a woodland scene.
First cut out the pictures of the animals you would find in a forest. Remember - some you definitely wouldn't see in this habitat! Then draw a few more pictures of other animals you would find in a woodland and add those too!

FRIDAY - The African Savannah - Virtual Field Trip

Watch the video and draw on the sheet 6 things you saw in the savannah! Write what they are on the lines!

On the back, could you write which animal is your favourite and why? You could even label parts of it such as head, tail, legs... (Year 1 - label the parts as single words - legs, head, ears etc. Year 2 - try to write sentences such as 'a zebra has stripes, a zebra has 4 legs' etc.)



Below is a set of handwriting sheets - one for each day! Remember, start on the line, make a lead in line and then form the letter with the correct formation!


At the bottom of each sheet are 1 or 2 lines to practice writing your full name (just first name and surname) - remember a finger space between both names! 

Home learning

Week 3

18th - 22nd January

Remember we have WORKSHEETS in packs for this week (and last week) in the school entrance! If you have a pack there is ONE CHANGE - Friday's topic lesson in the afternoon is different as we did seasons last week. So please see the new session and worksheet below.



Click on this link for a copy of the timetable above.

English this week is based on the traditional story of Jack and the Beanstalk :)

Jack and the Beanstalk Fairy Tale

Watch the story before you begin the activities for English this week. There is also a book version to share together on the link below.

Here is a copy of the story for you to read with your child.

Maths for week 3 is learning about money:)

Learn about our coins.

Watch the video to learn about the coins we use in our country.

The Money Song

This song will show you our 4 smallest coins and reinforce their value.

Recognising and Counting UK Coins

Watch the video to have a try at adding coins together. Remember you can't count the coins, you have to add the numbers on them together. It can be quite tricky! The video begins with easy one and gets more difficult. Stop it at a point when your child is finding the numbers too big.

Below are all the worksheets, videos etc. you will need for all of the AFTERNOON TOPIC sessions for the whole week

Our sessions are based on Science and Geography!


The link below is for the worksheets and below that are videos to help with the lessons


Weather Videos -   

Weather Game -  weather 1 or weather 2



Making a Bedroom Map - this video isn't the most exciting but it shows well how to create your map! You only need to watch until around 6:10! 



Materials Video - also have a look at the PowerPoint which is linked below this section.



Places in the town where you live -  PowerPoint below for ideas



Waterproof Materials - PowerPoint and Worksheets below

Wednesday PowerPoint - Materials

Thursday Afternoon - PowerPoint

Friday-Watch this powerpoint to help with your 'Is it waterproof?'' investigation

Home Learning

Week 2:   Mon 11th Jan - Fri 15th Jan


Please refer to the timetable below for a guide to what we are learning this week. 

To those who picked up a pack from school with worksheets in -

The sheets will not be in the correct order - they are grouped into English, Maths and Afternoons - so you will need to look at which sheet is linked for that day below and find the same one. There are also some extra worksheets which are not on the plan, so your child can do as extra, keep for another time etc. Ask if unsure smiley

Burnley School Sport have challenged us to take part in their 21 Day Bingo challenge. Take a look at the information on this link. It has ideas to keep the children as active as possible.

Get moving and keep fit at home.

Click on this Powerpoint to see lots of activity links to keep the children active. The children will love them :)

Click on this link to open a copy of this weeks timetable.

Sound Mat & Letter Formation (handwriting) sheet

ENGLISH - Mon 11th Jan - The Three Billy Goats Gruff

Watch the video of the story. Draw a picture - include all the characters. Can you label them?


Sheets and resources for Billy Goats English Home Learning - ALL WEEK - See the timetable for the details of the activity each day


MATHS: 11th Jan - Seasons Song

Watch the seasons song. Cut out the months and stick them in the correct seasons along with the pictures

MATHS MONDAY 11th - Worksheet

ALL afternoon topic worksheets - Mon 11th - Fri 15th

MATHS: Tuesday 12th Jan - Re-watch the video from yesterday and complete the sheet

MATHS: Weds 13th Video - How to Tell the Time

Watch this video and look at the PowerPoint linked below. Complete the o'clock worksheet.

MATHS - Thursday 14th

Thursday Worksheets - Half Past & Quarter Past (Year 2's)

Friday maths worksheets

Links to 


Oxford Owl (Reading Books) - 


Phonics Play (Phonics) -


Phonics Comics (Reading Books) -

Home Learning

Week 1 :     Wed 6th Jan - Fri 8th Jan


Please refer to the timetable below for a guide to what we are learning this week. 


Each day we have an English lesson and a Maths lesson

and also a Topic lesson (science/art/history/geography/music/ICT)

and/or a PE activity, Phonics, Handwriting also. 


The topic lessons in the afternoons on our timetable alternate between subjects each day to ensure a variety of different learning

This week is our annual Eco-Week. We are learning how to save the planet! laugh

Sound Mat & Letter Formation Sheet to help with writing

Click here to open our timetable. You need this to see all the activities for the week

English Wed 6th Jan: Watch the video to learn about recycling.

When you have watched draw a poster to encourage other people to recycle too. You could put your poster by your bin. Use bold writing to make it eye-catching.

Use this sheet for your poster, or recycle and use the inside of a cereal box or the back of an envelope!

Maths Lesson Slides : Wed 6th Jan - Fri 8th Jan

Use this free website to read a book each day. We need to keep up our amazing reading skills :)

English: Thursday 7th January

Why Is Recycling Important for Kids? Reduce, Re-Use Recycle for Kids
Look Around the House for Items Which Can be Recycled
Today you can go on a material hunt around your house. On a sheet, makes columns for items made from metal, plastic and paper/ card. How many objects can you find to add to your list. Which type of recycling do you have most of at your house? What do you think the things you find could be recycled into?

Thursday - Topic: EARTH DAY EVERY DAY by Lisa Bullard and Xiao Xin

Watch the story video linked and write 5 things you can do to help the Earth. Use a piece of paper or print the worksheet which is under the video. You could add little pictures and write what you have drawn in the boxes or on the back of your sheet.

English: Friday 8th Jan - The Adventures of a Cardboard Box

This short film tells the story of a boy who meets and befriends a large cardboard box. He uses it for many things!

Once you have watched the video, think of what you could make a cardboard box into or what you could use it for and write a list of your ideas on a piece of paper or print off the worksheet below the video! For example, an aeroplane with big wings or a table to do my writing on...

Friday 8th - Topic: A Whale's Tale

A whale helps smaller sea creatures who are trapped in plastic waste. On land a young boy seeks support to clear the sea in his area.

Watch the video and use paper or print the worksheet under the video and draw a sea scene of all the different animals you see in the video. See if you can draw the pieces of rubbish too. Can you label them or write them on the back of the sheet.

The weekly PE link will provide challenges and ideas for keeping your child fit and active. Focus on using the Key Stage One ideas. Of course, you can use these ideas more than once if you have time.

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
