Welcome to all our new children and parents for 2022-23!
I will be updating this page properly soon once last years information below has been archived. For now just a few reminders -
- PE is Thursday so please ensure kits are in school by then and are all named. Earrings should be removed on Thursday also.
- Reading books will be sent from week 2 once we have sorted all these correctly
- Please send a water bottle so your child can have a drink in class
If you have any more questions, please ask me on the door in the morning or after school.
Miss Pearson
Click here to see what we are learning this term:
We are 1P!
Welcome to our page!

New information will be added under here...
please scroll to the bottom for our welcome note and general class information
Summer Fun!
Sports Day
Buckets & Spades
This half term our topic is 'Buckets and Spades'. We will be learning all about the seaside today and in the past; what we might see when we visit the seaside and what it would have looked like 100 years ago. We are also going to be reading 'The Lighthouse Keepers Lunch' as one of our English texts and write poems about the seaside.
Take a look at some photos of what we have been getting up to so far this half term! (our final one in Year 1!) and some Jubilee photos!
Also - please ensure you are checking all the diary dates as there are so many activities going on during this last few weeks - keep an eye on Dojo for more regular updates!
Meet our ducklings!
Smithills Farm Trip!
Wow, what a brilliant day we had at the farm! We were so busy all day!
First we went and saw some llamas/alpacas, pigs, ponies, goats and sheep and got to feed some of them. They were very greedy! Then we went to Pets Corner and saw lots of baby animals - Miss Pearson wanted to take home one of the bunnies, they were so cute!
We then had dinner before going on the tractor ride and fed the horses, ponies and donkeys! After that we watched the cows being milked which was very interesting - we learnt they have 130 cows who get milked 3 times per day and the cows love it! Their milk gets pumped into the dairy and bottled up ready for the next day! Finally we all had a donkey ride before a quick play on the park and then home!
Well done children, it was a busy but exciting day and we all had a super time!
Our Salads!
We have been busy making our salads as part of our D&T topic! Fort we tasted the vegetables and wrote our opinions… then we decided our favourites. We cut up the vegetables carefully and then made our salads! Finally we ate them and they were delicious!
Have a look at some photos below…
Comic Relief! Look at our funny outfits and faces!
What a super day we have had celebrating World Book Day!
Everyone made such a brilliant effort with their outfits and coming up with some super words - from ‘sweet treat’ to ‘strong’, ‘greedy’ to ‘professional’… you all did great!
2 winners were chosen but anyone could have won as you were all so good! Well done to Alexa and Maia-Grace for their costumes - hope you like your prizes!
The Farm Shop
Our topic for the next half term is 'The Farm Shop'
We will be learning all about fruits and vegetables and doing lots of topic work based on this - drawing fruit and vegetables, finding out how they grow, looking inside fruits and vegetables, reading and writing stories and riddles about farms, fruits and vegetables, and very excitingly tasting fruits and vegetables!
Stay tuned for photos and have a look at the curriculum plan at the top of the page (click on the star) to find out exactly what we are learning in each subject!
Our science experiment corridor display!
Our Amazing Work…
As you know, our topic this half term has been explorers! We have learnt all about Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus and have displayed some amazing work on our display in class!
Our display shows just a selection of the things we have done - written what an explorer needs, written about the moon landing and discovery of The Americas, drawn and labelled ships and rockets and this week we have designed our own ‘explorer vehicle’ ready to make out of boxes and other recycling later this week! (The black spaces are for photo of our super vehicles!)
Tots on Tyres - a brilliant 4 days learning cycling skills!
Our topic for this half term is Explorers!
We will be looking closely at 2 explorers in particular; Neil Armstrong and Christopher Columbus.
Our lessons will involve the history of the two explorers, learning about continents and oceans in Geography and making space vehicles in D&T!
Take a look at our curriculum plans on the link above for more information about what we are learning…
Christmas Jumper Day & Christmas Dinner!
Christmas is coming…
Just a reminder that you should have received a leaflet with all our Christmas dates in, including the Nativity performances on Tuesday and Wednesday, Christmas disco on Wednesday 15th, Christmas dinner on Wednesday 8th, Christmas jumper day on Friday 10th and party day on Tuesday 14th!
If you need any more information please ask!
We have lots to look forward to in the coming 3 weeks and I’m looking forward to all the exciting things to come!
We love the snow!

Beauty and the Beast Pantomime
We had a super time at the panto last week! We had our very own show and had a brilliant time joining in with all the booing, cheering and screaming (loudly haha!!)
Take a look at a few photos we took…
Children in Need - Be a Hero Day!
Odd Socks Day
Our new topic for Autumn 2 is Fighting Fit
We will be doing lots of Art and Science all about our bodies - drawing figures in different positions such as walking and running, looking at some artwork which has human figures in, looking at how we grow up and doing experiments such as 'if you are taller, do you have bigger feet?'
Have a look at our curriculum cloud below to find out more information about what we are learning in our other subjects such as Maths and English.
Happy Halloween & Half Term!
We have had a busy half term and all the children have settled so well into Year 1!
We have been doing lots of number work to 10 in maths, learning about where we live in history and geography, copying sentences and using adjectives in English… plus lots more!
As a brilliant final day, we had our dressing up day! Amazing costumes and a brilliant week of Halloween activities - the children have been very busy!
Our winners were Amelia & Jaxson but everyone looked so good! Well done everyone!
Take a look at some photos below…
Welcome to 1P
Hello everybody! I am Miss Pearson and I am the class teacher in 1P. We are very lucky to have our teaching assistants Mrs Davidson (Mon-Wed) and Miss McKenna (Mon-Fri) who help us with all our work! Miss Fort also teaches in class on a Wednesday morning.
We are all hoping that this year will be a bit more ‘normal’ – though your children don’t know any different than a school ‘in Covid times’ so in a way that is great as hopefully it’ll be even more exciting as they can mix more with the other children and take part in more clubs, assemblies and lots more!
If you have any questions or anything you think I may need to know, please speak to me on the gate (it is easier after school if you don’t mind waiting for me to dismiss the other children)
You can also use
which is a brilliant way to contact me for small issues/messages which don’t need immediate response – for example to let me know that your child has forgotten their book but would like another tonight, or can I send another homework sheet etc. I cannot guarantee to respond within a certain time but I will always try and check messages when I can throughout the school day. Any more serious or urgent issues, please speak to me or contact school.
We also have a class email but this is not checked as regularly so please ensure you download Dojo.
Our class email is padiham1p@padiham.lancs.sch.uk
* Reading Books - please try to read as much as possible - even just a few pages per night. This is especially important considering how much school the children have missed last year. Reading is crucial to your child's progress and we would really advise this as a main focus for you to do at home.
* PE lessons are timetabled for Tuesday morning. Please ensure that your child has their kit in school this week and that ALL items are labelled. Pumps are necessary as we hope to do PE outside as much as possible. Please take out earrings for the day - we cannot remove them for the children.
* Homework - Spellings will be given out each Friday to learn and practice at home - this should be returned the following Friday (not before as the children can then practice up until that day) and the children will be given a little test to see if they can write the words. This is not something which the children should worry about - in fact each year the children seem to look forward to Friday spellings!
* Water bottles - please provide your child with a named water bottle to keep in class. We will refill this each day and send this home on a Friday for you to wash properly. Please ensure it is returned again on Monday.
Any questions, please ask!
Any other notices I will add here when necessary.
Miss Pearson