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Padiham Primary School home page

PadihamPrimary School


Welcome to 1P

All new information will appear at the top of the page, underneath the 'curriculum' area. Please scroll down for notices posted earlier.

Summer Term


All Creatures Great & Small 

We will be busy this final term in the run up to the summer holidays! We have lots to get up to before then, though!! 

Have a look at some photos below of what we have been getting up to! 

Lorry Visit

Sports Day! (videos on Dojo)

Spring Term


Journey Around the World


This is our topic from January until Easter so we will have lots of time to find out lots of information in all subjects. Each fortnight we will learn about a different continent and link our work to that - whether it is Geography and learning where the continent is and about the temperature, features etc, history and learning about an event or person from there, art linked to traditional methods or artists or science about animals and habitats from each area. We will be very busy as you can see! 

Our Andy Goldsworthy inspired nature art...

Our art clay penguins we made during our Antarctica continent week...

Autumn Term

🏠There’s No Place Like Home🏠

This is our topic for the whole Autumn term. We will be doing work in all subjects based on family, homes, where we live and lots more! 

Christmas is coming... Christmas jumper day, Christmas dinner and Panto!

Walk to Gawthorpe! Our English topic is about a trip to the local area so this was our final walk before our independent writing! We had a lovely morning as you can see!

More Autumn photos... ICT, maths week and odd socks day!

Our amazing costumes for Halloween! Look how scary we are!! 🎃👻

Our new ‘Imagination Station’ is our continuous provision we share with the other infant classes. We have been enjoying exploring all the areas a few times each week!

We have been enjoying our PE lessons with Mrs Hanslip 😊

We have enjoyed playing in the outdoor area and making the most of it while it’s not too cold! We have also been creating our new corridor display of King Charles… we hope you like it! 

Our first few weeks in 1P - we are having a great time exploring our new classroom!

Welcome to 1P!



Hello everybody!

I am Miss Pearson and I am the class teacher in 1P. We are very lucky to have our teaching assistants Mrs Davidson (Mon-Wed) and Mrs Bruce (Mon-Fri) who help us with all our work! Miss Fort also teaches in class on a Wednesday morning and Mrs Hanslip is helping in our PE lessons too!


If you have any questions or anything you think I may need to know, please speak to me on the gate (it is easier after school if you don’t mind waiting for me to dismiss the other children), 


You can also use CLASS DOJO which is a brilliant way to contact me for small issues/messages which don’t need immediate response – for example to let me know that your child has forgotten their book but would like another tonight, or can I send another homework sheet etc. I cannot guarantee to respond within a certain time but I will always try and check messages when I can throughout the school day. Any more serious or urgent issues, please speak to me or contact school via telephone.



* Reading Books - children will be given a book on a Monday. Please try to read as much as possible and re-read each book before it is changed. Reading is crucial to your child's progress and we would really advise this as a main focus for you to do at home. Our reading PowerPoint from the meeting held in September is on the star at the top of the page. Children also have a log in to view online books. Their log in is in their reading record. 


PE lessons are timetabled for Thursday morning. Please ensure that your child has their kit in school this week and that ALL items are labelled. Pumps are necessary as we hope to do PE outside as much as possible. Trainers are not suitable as they are not flexible enough for some of the work we do, such as gymnastics.


* Spelling Homework - Spellings will be given out each Friday to learn and practice at home - this should be returned the following Friday (not before as the children can then practice up until that day) and the children will be given a little test to see if they can write the words. This is not something which the children should worry about - in fact each year the children seem to look forward to Friday spellings!

* Maths Homework - each week the children will also receive a sheet from a program we use called Number Sense. This gives little activity ideas which are related to the Number Sense work we have done the previous week. Parents can send photos of children on Dojo so I can see what they have been up to! We also send Numbots logins so children can access this

at home. 


* Water bottles - please provide your child with a water bottle to keep in class. We will refill this each day and send this home on a Friday for you to wash properly. Please ensure it is returned again on Monday. 


Any questions, please ask!

Any other notices I will add here when necessary.


Miss Pearson


Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
