How to help your child to read.
Here is the PowerPoint we used at our reading meeting on Wednesday. It details how we are approaching reading this year and the many changes to our phonics lessons and reading books this year.
Please click here to see a summary of the information shared with parents during our Reading Meeting 14.9.22
You will see the main part is that reading books changed on a Monday only (for now, possibly moving to twice later in the year). The reason for this is because firstly, the books are longer, secondly that the scheme with fewer books per week is proven to work well for children's reading and thirdly, we noticed that children were reading a full book each night but when we asked them in school what the book was about, they had no idea, showing that yes they can sound out the words but the understanding needs improving. In Year 2 the children have their SATS (yes it's a while off!) where they read a very long passage of writing and have to read it themselves, understand it and then answer a range of questions about it.
Hopefully the changes to our reading will have a positive effect on the children's speed and fluency.
There are books online too (see sheet above and in book bags)
A guide - Monday - read 1/3 of book, Tuesday - 1/3 of book, Wednesday 1/3 of book. Thursday re-read 1/2 (hopefully will be faster this time) and Friday the other 1/2. This is just a guide obviously and we know you won't always be able to read each night. Children can also read an extra book which is online. However we would rather the children read their physical book a few times and with increasing speed before reading the other.
Any questions please ask