Welcome to 2S!
We are so excited to welcome you back to begin the Year 2 journey ahead. Here you will find an array of information, photographs, learning and adventures following your child's time in 2S. Teachers in 2S are Mrs Suffield, Miss Clay and Mrs Bruce. Miss Clay will be the teacher in class on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Miss Fort will also be in our class on a Monday afternoon too!
PE - PE will be on Thursday so please ensure your child is wearing a full PE kit.
Reading Books - Reading Books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. We encourage the children to read their chosen book twice to embed phonic and comprehension skills. Please read daily, reading is so pivotal in your child's learning journey and progress.
Snuggle with a Book - Snuggle bags will be sent out on a Monday to be returned on a Friday.
Water Bottle - Please send a labelled water bottle for your child to access in class.
Attendance and Punctuality - Please ensure your child is in school by 9am for register. Every moment is a learning opportunity and those moments missed in school have an impact on your child's learning and progress.
Absence - Please notify the school office as soon as possible if your child is going to be absent.
Uniform - Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child's name. Please include labels in coats and accessories too.
Please do speak to us on drop off or collection or use Class Dojo to contact us with any questions or queries. We are happy to help!
We are looking forward to the year ahead.
What a pleasure being able to teach your little one's again!
Mrs Suffield and the 2S Team
Meet Our Class
Spring 1 is here! We are very excited about learning we have ahead of us this term. Keep checking in to see what 2S have been doing!
🎼 Music with Miss Clay 🎼
Flying the flag for school Eco Week!
Take a peek at our exciting Autumn 2 learning! It has been sooooo busy already with great learning and life opportunitues!
Meeting Santa!
A few shots of Our Nativity - Everyone Loves a Baby!
Christmas Jumper Day
Children in Need 2024
2S Swimming - Let's Make a Splash!
Poppy Fields by 2S
Odd Socks Day
Autumn Maths - 2D Shape games and Outdoor Learning
World Values Day - Chris Brennan Physiotherapist
World Values Week
Thank you to our visitor Chris Brennan a local Physiotherapist who came in to chat to the children about his job. 2S enjoyed having a go with the equipment and asking questions.
Winnie the Witch DT and Halloween
This term the children will be looking at pop up and moving cards as a focus for DT. They will bring together their skills in a final piece before Christmas. The children were inspired by their Winnie creations, in turn bringing in their own versions of Winne! How fabulous!
Take a look at what we have been learning in Autumn 1!
We love practical maths!
Modern Foreign Languages Day
Art - Collaging Homes
We are a creative bunch in 2S! Take a look at our unique and beautiful homes which we created this week in our art session. The children worked hard to ensure they all included features of a home, windows, doors and a roof. Well done 2S!
Science - Exploring the sense of touch.
This week in Science we have been building on our knowledge of senses. We explored the sense of touch, feeling different textures and recording our finding. We had a LOT of fun! Well done 2S for using some superb scientific language.
English - Fact finding
It has been wet, windy and some may say wild today but that didn’t put us off enjoying the outdoors in our English! Here is 2S fact finding and reading outdoors for the England leaflets we are composing. A big thank you to Mrs Bruce for hiding them so well ☔️🏴
PE with Miss Clay (Fundamental Skills)
Curious Investigators
We became Curious Investigators!
We really enjoyed using our science and maths skills to work out how to make a tall, dry, safe structure for our egg. The children worked in teams to create something suitable. Great effort and lots of fun led to lots of discussion about team work. We reflected on how we could of improved our structures and enjoyed talking about engineers!