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Padiham Primary School home page

PadihamPrimary School


Welcome to 2S!


We are so excited to welcome you back to begin the Year 2 journey ahead.  Here you will find an array of information, photographs, learning and adventures following your child's time in 2S. Teachers in 2S are Mrs Suffield, Miss Clay and Mrs Bruce. Miss Clay will be the teacher in class on a Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday afternoon. Miss Fort will also be in our class on a Monday afternoon too!



PE - PE will be on Thursday so please ensure your child is wearing a full PE kit.

Reading Books - Reading Books will be changed on a Monday and Thursday. We encourage the children to read their chosen book twice to embed phonic and comprehension skills.  Please read daily, reading is so pivotal in your child's learning journey and  progress.

Snuggle with a Book - Snuggle bags will be sent out on a Monday to be returned on a Friday.

Water Bottle - Please send a labelled water bottle for your child to access in class.

Attendance and Punctuality - Please ensure your child is in school by 9am for register. Every moment is a learning opportunity and those moments missed in school have an impact on your child's learning and progress.

Absence - Please notify the school office as soon as possible if your child is going to be absent.

Uniform - Please ensure all uniform is labelled with your child's name. Please include labels in coats and accessories too. 


Please do speak to us on drop off or collection or use Class Dojo to contact us with any questions or queries. We are happy to help!

We are looking forward to the year ahead.

What a pleasure being able to teach your little one's again! 

Mrs Suffield and the 2S Team

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
