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Padiham Primary School home page

PadihamPrimary School


Welcome to Class 2V's

Web Page.

Welcome  to Class 2V's page. laugh

My name is Mrs Breaks and I am the lucky teacher of Class 2V.

Mrs Bruce is our lovely full time Teaching Assistant. We also enjoy working with Miss Fort every Tuesday afternoon.


 Our Class Dojo will have very regular updates to let you know about specific lesson activities.


Click here to see what we are learning this half term.


Welcome back to school  Class 2V.  I hope that you all managed to have an enjoyable and safe Half Term. Unfortunately, for now, we will have to carry on learning remotely for the next few weeks, but we will try to include fun learning activities where we can. 

This is not what we would wish for, but I know that Class 2V  will continue to put in their best effort. Remember, you can photograph your  lovely work to send to it to me using our Class Dojo Portfolios. Try to add it to the Portfolio notifications I send each day, so that all the teachers can see. You could also use my email address as an alternate way to make contact.

The learning opportunities and activities for home learning  will closely match the lessons being taught daily in school, so please aim to complete as many learning tasks as possible.

Regular updates on Class Dojo will continue to guide you through current lessons on the 'Year One and Two Home Learning' page of our website. Class Dojo  is the simplest way to make contact with the classroom staff if you need any help at all. Don't forget, children can easily send me messages and/ or photos of their super work , helping us to stay in regular contact during this lockdown.

Please don't worry to much about your child's learning, our class all made excellent progress last term and can continue to do so.  Don't feel that school work needs to be perfect. For example, if you can't download a worksheet, adapt the task and use  any piece of paper you have. The staff at school all appreciate your teaching efforts and are grateful you are having a go.

Hopefully we'll be back to school again as normal in the not too distant future. 

Home learning beginning Wednesday 6th January  is on the Year 1 and 2 Home learning page. The new Half Term beginning Monday 22nd February will continue in the same way until things begin to change , probably in early March.

Follow this link:



      If you have any questions or worries about school, please catch and speak to one of us before the school day ( outside for obvious reasons during these strange times of Covid 19 .)

Rest assured that we will try to be as normal as possible in class this term, (but with lots of extra handwashing and desk cleaning !) 

Alternatively,  the best way to contact me is on our Class Dojo.  I will get back to you when I am not teaching the class. You can also email me if you choose to do so, using the Class email address provided .


 Class Dojo 

( Your individual passcode was sent home with your child, if you need it again, please ask.)

This is the easiest way to contact me directly and to see what's happening in class, especially as you are unable to come inside at the moment.

The children love that they can get their Class Dojo monsters points in different ways in class.

Adding photos  and messages directly to me is simple, as is commenting on our class page. Should you need to isolate, this is where I can give guidance as to what is being covered in class and where to find links. Please take a look if you haven't already.smiley

My class email is 

It is another useful way to pass on messages or ask any questions you have.

You can use the class email to send photos of what your child has been up to, so we can share them with the class. If you have not joined the Class Dojo, this is the best way to contact me. 

Click here to see our curriculum plan for the second Autumn half term.

Click here to see what we are learning this half term:

Our First Week in Class 2V

Some of Our Shooting Star Winners

They are updated weekly on the Class Dojo.laugh

We are all proud of our achievements in class. smiley

Welcome to Our Little

Christmas Show

The class have really enjoyed learning songs and poems off by heart to perfect their performance for you.smiley

Click below to see our Christmas Performance.

We Have Fantastic Friends!laugh

We have being thinking about how to be a good friend. We enjoyed choosing a friend for a photo.
We Enjoyed Colour -Mixing to Paint Our Colour Wheel

Reading Championslaugh

Well done to all the super readers in Class 2V. 

yes  Fantastic reading, those of you who are well on the way to reading 20 books.  

Our aim is to reach the '100 reading books finished' target by the end of Year Two.  

It's great fun to read an exciting book, so keep it up everyone.

Useful Class Information

  • Children will be taking home a Spelling homework sheet every Friday. The words on the sheet will be checked in a Spelling Test the following Friday. Don't feel that you need to get the homework in quickly, you can keep it until the day of the next Spelling Test, so that the completed sheet can be used for practising at home.
  • Reading books are sent home daily. If your child has a thicker book, feel free to read a few pages each day, rather than rushing it. Just add a note of where they are up to when you sign the booklet, so that we can follow on from the same point when we read in class. To develop their independence, children are given time each morning to change their own book if they have finished it.
  • Doodle Maths and Numbots are available online so that the children can boost their understanding of Number-They have so much fun, they don't even notice they are learning new Maths and improving the skills they have! Children will be reminded of their passwords in class if they need help.
  • Our PE lesson is on a Friday afternoon. Children would usually need to have their black shorts, a white t shirt and black pumps for this part of the curriculum.(although current restrictions mean that we are only changing our footwear.) These items will be sent home every half term for a wash. If your child wears earrings, please remove these each Friday.  

Information to help your child if they are isolating at home.

Fingers crossed, we hope this year will go more smoothly than the last, but realistically there may be times when certain children, or even whole class bubbles, may have to isolate at home because of Covid 19. Any of the activities you are able to complete at home will be beneficial to your child, so please don't worry about if you're doing it perfectly. Just reading a story each day would be amazing

( especially if your child is feeling unwell). Below, we will add the blocks of work  linked to what we are currently learning in class for you to use at home if your child is absent from school. There will also be worksheets available from school for those who do not have access to online resources. 


Below you will find a variety of resources which we regularly use in school to help you with home schooling.The Maths consists of teaching videos and matching worksheets. The English will be a range of activities based upon skills we are learning in class.

Purple Mash is an excellent resource and covers many aspects of the curriculum. Apps like Doodle Maths and Numbots are very useful when you would like your child to work independently. The Oxford Owls and Phonics Play websites are great for developing reading skills. laugh

If the whole class are in isolation, then refer to the blocks further down the page.

The work and plans here are to help you in organising your child's learning should they be unable to attend school and have to stay at home because your family is isolating.

English WEEK 1 - The Gingerbread Man


Afternoon Topic and Handwriting Sheets - WEEK 1

English WEEK 2 - Little Red Riding Hood

Check out Twinkl Go! here: for animations, games and more. Your voice is an important tool - It's easy to overuse it when y...

Afternoon Topic and Handwriting Sheets - Week 2

The work blocks below have been prepared in case the whole class has to isolate at the same time. If this happens, you will receive daily advice on home learning via the webpage and/ or Class Dojo. If your child is isolating as an individual please follow the timetable above.

Thank you.

Please click on the link below to open this timetable of home learning for your child...Week 1


The Three Billy Goats Gruff | Fairy Tales | Gigglebox

The Three Billy Goats Gruff can't wait to cross the bridge and eat the sweet green grass that's on the other side. But can they get past the Bad Old Toll wit...

Seasons Song for maths

How to Tell the Time - Educational Video for Kids

Afternoon Topic Sessions for Week 1 Whole Class Isolation

BLOCK 2 Traditional Tales
Please click on the link below to open this timetable of home learning for your child...Week 2

Jack and the Beanstalk Fairy Tale by Oxbridge Baby

Watch our Jack and the beanstalk Fairy Tale now. For more Fairy Tales, Nursery Rhymes, Kids Songs and Preschool Learning Videos click here: https://www.youtu...

Below are different worksheets and interesting activities inline with our classwork to explore and have a go at. Make sure you watch the video, or read a version of this story first.smiley

Maths Money Videos

UK Coins Explained for Children

For more fun activities to teach your child about money click here: Make learning about the UK's currency easy .

Recognising and Counting UK Coins

For more fun activities to teach your child about money click here: Once you and your Key Stage 1 child have watched this v...

Money Song for Children UK

Please sponsor me and support my work by becoming a Patron!! A money song about UK coins for young children. Covers 1p, 2...

Maths sheets and activities for week 2

Below are some websites which may also be useful. This can add to and enhance your child's learning during self isolation but also in general throughout the year.



In school we often use the resources from a scheme called White Rose Maths. Follow the link below to their website, and this will give you access to our home learning videos. Your child can watch these (they will need to do this with support from an adult ), and then the pdf's below are worksheets that your child can then complete. Email to check which lesson we are currently learning.

Useful websites for home learning:

This is great for access to lots of reading books that we use in school, plus lots more activities too.

Purple Mash is great. You child can have fun creating their own games, writing stories, creating artwork etc really independently. It has videos to help you to learn what to do.

Numbots will develop your child's maths skills well.

BBC Bitesize has a range of videos to keep your child learning across the curriculum.

The Doodle website is fantastic, and gives access to maths and english activities.

GoNoodle is great for keeping active indoors.

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
