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Padiham Primary School home page

PadihamPrimary School


Welcome to 3B

Our topic for the spring term is Romans. We will be finding out all about the Romans and their impact on Britain. Take a look at the curriculum pages to find out more.


Our PE lessons will be on a Thursday morning so don't forget to come to school in your PE kit that day - plain black shorts, leggings or tracksuit bottoms, a white t-shirt, normal school jumper and trainers. 


Our key focus for homework this term is reading and times tables. These are really important parts of our work and it is vital that we are all reading regularly at home. Don't forget to bring your reading record in to school every day. 


Make sure you keep an eye on our class dojo page for all the latest photos and information. 

Our new class novel is 'The Water Horse' by Dick King Smith

We have been very busy in 3B this term. Take a look at the photos to see some of the fun things we have been doing.

Our Autumn Walk

Fun in the swimming pool

Skeletons in Science

Challenges for Children in Need

African Drumming Workshop

We love art!

Compass and map work in Geography

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
