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Padiham Primary School home page

PadihamPrimary School

Educational websites if you are self isolating.

Children can access the following websites or apps at home in which teachers can set and monitor work:

Times Table Rock Stars: Times tables and division fact games 

Numbots: Basic number facts and mental maths games

Spelling Shed: Spelling games and activities based on our learning in school  

Doodle: (Maths/Spell/English/Tables) (downloadable app or web-version below) 

Readtheory: Reading comprehension

Purple Mash: Computing skills

Education City: A variety of activities and games

Espresso:  A variety of activities and games

Oxford Owl: free Ebooks  


Additional Websites 

MyMiniMaths: Free maths resources by topic including arithmetic   

BBC Bitesize: Videos & information on all subjects

NRICH:  Maths challenges, games, activities

Schoolrun: Guides to technical terms and research

CBBC Newsround: Child-friendly news updates

GoNoodle: Activities, music, relaxation, games

Literacy Shed: Writing inspiration and ideas

BBC Supermovers: active learning for all subjects 

Padiham Primary School

Burnley Road, Padiham, Burnley, Lancashire, BB12 8SJ

Tel: 01282 772496
