Important dates:
Tuesday 12th July. Dragon Days performance for Parent's/ Carers 2-3pm. Tickets on sale at the office. £2. each.
Wednesday 13th July. Dragon Days performance for Parent's/Carers 4-5pm. Tickets on sale at the office. £2 each. Please note, children are being asked to stay in school on Wednesday until 5pm. Between 3:25pm and 4pm, the children will be staying in class and will get ready for the show.
Thursday 14th July. Key Stage 2 Disco in the afternoon, during the school day. None uniform day.
Friday 15th July. Key Stage 2 Sports Day 9:45-10:45am. Children wear sports kit all day. Parent's are welcome to watch.
Thursday 21st July (FINAL DAY. FINISH AT 1:15pm). Children can bring in a toy for toy day. No electricals or phones please.
5B Dojo News. 🐎 Over the past two weeks, we have been learning all about the Highwayman Poem in our English lessons. 🐴 To celebrate our amazing writing, we created mini books. 📚 Have a look at our front covers and some examples of our fabulous work...
Highwayman Booklets
Healthy Eating Week.
We’ve had a very busy week in 5B. 🤩 Well done to all the children who received a reading certificate! 📖 Extra special well done to all the children who have not missed one single day since they returned from our Easter break! 💯 As you can see, we have been very busy getting things ready for our Queen’s Jubilee display board and we have been using oil pastels to draw a selection of Rainforest animals. 👑🍃 Have a fabulous week off everyone 🔴⚪️🔵
What a great way to end the Spring Term. Today, we had our season with the SPLATS team. They showed us how to complete lots of circus activities. 🤡 🎪 🧵 We have also finished our hand made pencil cases too. 🪡 🏃♂️ Finally, we had lots of fun in our PE lesson yesterday. We were very active. 🏃🏽♀️ 🌞🐣Have a fabulous Easter Break everyone. We will see you on Tuesday 19th April🐣 🌞
Paul Sturgess, Britains Tallest Basketball player, visited our school today. We had a brilliant assembly this morning and then we manage to actually play some basketball games with him. We had so much fun! Also, each time has taken home a signed photo of him 🏀
International Women’s Day- Freda Kahlo came into school. Take a look at the photos of us learning how to sew. Over the next few weeks, we will be making our very own pencil case. 🧵 🪡
World Book Day 📚
We have had a great first week back with lots of enthusiast children. We have had fun using Oreo biscuits when we were learning about the moon phases, we enjoyed developing our team work in PE and have worked our socks off trying to get a better understanding of fractions. 🌎🍪🏃♂️🏃🏽♀️➗✖️
🌎 Daily news - 5B 🎸 🌎This week, we have been practicing our oil pastel techniques. Yesterday, each child was assigned a planet and they had to decorate it using their techniques. The best one of each planet will be put up on display. As you can tell, it will be a tough choice. 🌎 🎸Additionally, there is a new maths display in school. This is to encourage children to use Numbots and TTRS to develop their times table skills. Once a child is at Rock Hero level, they have the privilege of signing the guitar for all to see! 🎸
5B are the attendance winners! 🏆 🏅 We have finally won, so we got to roll the dice and our reward was to play on the Astroturf this afternoon. Well done team! 😃
Eco week ♻️ We have been busy learning about how important it is to recycle, especially crisp packets. We designed our our packets of crisps to try and encourage the customer to recycle them.
Well done to everyone for dressing up today in aid of Children In Need! You all looked amazing. Have a look at some of our work that we completed too. You can also have a look at our odd socks that we wore on Monday. Have a lovely weekend everyone.
5B have been great investigators learning all about the history of Padiham by looking at maps from years ago to see if anything has changed. Well done!
Practical maths! We have been using counters to help us find the factors of numbers.
Look at our amazing poppy display! We loved getting creative!
Look at all of our amazing costumes! 🎃 👻 We are having a fun filled day today. Your child will be sent home with their reading records tonight. In them it has their Times Table Rock Stars (TTRS) login. Homework for the half term is to log into TTRS and play on it for at least 30 minutes. If they do they will receive 25p for the prize box. Have a lovely break everyone! See you on Monday 1st November.
12x table super stars!
A super week this week! Well done to these seven children for getting 100% correct in their 12x table test today.
Hopefully we will have more certificates to give out next week as it’s the 10x table.
Don’t forget to bring homework in on Monday to get 25p to spend in the prize box.
Parents evening is on Wednesday. If you have brought your letter back, your child has been sent home with a slip which says the time of your appointment.
Enjoy your weekend everyone,
See you all on Monday.
Our amazing camping trip!
Place value work on the tables!
What a great first full week in 5B!
We have been so busy learning all about Greek Myths and place value in maths.
🌎 In geography we have made a small version of the globe highlighting the seven different continents! Some of the globes that have been completed are already on display. 🌍
🌟 A big congratulations to Kai who is the first winner of the Shooting Star award this year! 🌟
Homework has been given out tonight. If your child brings it back on Monday, they will go straight the gold and receive 25p to spend in the prize box on Friday!
Enjoy the weekend!
My name is Miss Brennan and I am so excited to be the class teacher for the amazing 5B! Our fabulous teaching assistant is Mrs Knightley and we are very lucky to have her in our class to help and support children too.
Important information:
Each child has been given a reading book and a brand new reading record. Please make sure that your child is reading as much as possible at home. If you do read, please sign their reading books as prizes can be won!
PE is on Tuesday afternoon, please make sure you child comes to school with a PE kit so they can get changed into it. Your child should not be coming into school with any jewellery on.
Please can you make sure your child has a water bottle in school and is coming to school with a healthy snack.
If you have any concerns or questions then please email me. My email address is class5b@padiham.lancs.sch.uk
Additionally, we have a class dojo page. If you need any login details for this, please just ask.
Miss Brennan