News from 2014-2015
Sports Day
Our class had great fun on Sports Day and the lovely weather was a bonus. Many thanks to everyone who turned up to support the event.
The Big Bang at Burnley College
Year 5 children spent Friday morning at Burnley College where they had the opportunity to take part in exciting practical sessions investigating Colour Chemistry and Making Fireballs. They also had the chance to watch thrilling experiments, presented by Stephen, a lecturer from Salford University, which demonstrated the different properties of gases. The morning ended with a lovely lunch, eaten in the refectory and provided by the College.
The event was designed to excite and inspire the children to follow careers in Science.
Burnley Library Story Writing Competition
Congratulations to Emily Hyatt whose short story, Cinderella and the Beast, was chosen as the winner in the age 10 to 11 category of the writing competition organised by Burnley Library. She was presented with her prize by Julie from Burnley Library.
Easter Fun
We enjoyed taking part in the Egg Competition. Well done to Leah and Sean for producing some cracking artwork!
World Book Day Big Book Quiz 2015
Well done to Jack Jones for winning the Big Book Quiz. Enjoy spending your gift token!
World Book Day, 2015
Our class has spent Book Week finding out about the fearsome pirate Blackbeard. We based our Literacy work on the story Blackbeard's Last Stand, writing newspaper reports about his capture and death, making Wanted posters and creating fact files about his adventures. We have also made treasure maps, treasure chests, pirate pictures and designed our own flags.
On World Book Day, children dressed up as pirates and had the chance to sample what pirate food might have tasted like. They made fake hard tack biscuits which as the picture shows, they found quite disgusting!
Everyone looked fantastic in their costumes on the day and our two winners were Kyle and Rhiannon, who both received a copy of How to be a Pirate by Cressida Cowell and a booty bag, packed with treasure!
All the children received a World Book Day book of their choice or a voucher to spend on a book. Enjoy reading your books!
Recycling with Global Renewables
As part of our topic on recycling, Years 5 and 6 have been lucky enough to take part in a range of activities and experiences led by staff from Farington Waste Recovery Park.
Our first session during Eco Week, involved the class looking at a range of everyday materials and their properties and how such materials are used in our everyday life. We then looked at how these materials can be reused and recycled to reduce the environmental impact on Lancashire of the waste we all produce.
On Tuesday, our class visited Leyland to tour of one of the world’s most advanced waste recovery facilities . We played environmental games and activities in the Hands on Space and took part in a workshop on Materials Matter. We also had a fascinating tour of the site itself, looking at the amount of waste we produce everyday and how it can be recovered by specialist machinery so that the amount rubbish sent to a landfill site can be reduced.
Our final session will be a follow up activity designed to help us identify an action to help our school reduce its impact on the environment. One possible idea is to reduce the amount of rubbish children and staff throw away everyday from our packed lunches. This was a challenge we were asked to complete on our trip to Leyland but it proved very difficult!
Trip to Manchester University Museum
Years 5 and 6 had a fantastic day out at Manchester University Museum. We had a look at some very interesting displays on Money and the Living World and also saw a life size Tyrannosaurus Rex named Stan the dinosaur. The children were fascinated by the frogs and reptiles on display in the Vivarium. In the Egyptian Worlds session, we had great fun building a pyramid and investigating artefacts found in Egyptian tombs. The children were also able to take a close look at the mummy, coffins and belongings of Asru, a wealthy Egyptian lady, who lived nearly 3,000 years ago.
Magic, Monsters and Mystery
Our class have really enjoyed reading Tuesday by David Wiesner. The story inspired some very imaginative writing and art work this week.
Ancient Egyptians
We have been busy this term researching what everyday life was like for the Ancient Egyptians and the children have produced some wonderful artwork as part of this topic.
Next term, we have a trip planned to the University of Manchester Museum where children will develop and apply their historical enquiry skills and their knowledge about ancient Egypt, focusing on one of the Museum's mummies.
Autumn 2014
Our topic in History this term is Ancient Egypt. We will be researching the main events of the period using books and computers and Art work will be linked to this theme.
In Literacy, our work is based on stories by the author Michael Morpurgo. All the children in Years 5 and 6 children have received a copy of one of his books to enjoy, so keep on reading and be ready to share your review of it in the next few weeks.
Reading regularly at home and at school is very important so do your best to bring your book to school every day. Read to Succeed.
PE lessons are on a Monday so make sure you have a full kit in school.
Homework is given out on a Friday and needs to be returned by the following Wednesday. There are usually two pieces to complete to practise important basic skills in Literacy and in Maths.
Spellings are also sent home on a Friday and it's really important to make the effort to learn these every week so you achieve your best in the spelling test on the following Friday.