Summer Party Day 1L

Sports Day Fun....
Summer fun

May 2016
We will be having our PE lessons outside now that we are in the summer term. Don't forget your PE kit and make sure your name is on all the items. PE is on Wednesdays.
May 2016
Face painting for children with 100% attendance last term. Well done...you all looked great.
Who are we?
May 2016
Here we are performing The Owl and The Pussy Cat by Edward Lear. We have enjoyed putting the actions to the poem and finding the rhyming words.
May 2016
We have really enjoyed our English lessons on The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame. We can tell you all about our favourite characters, the setting of the story and our favourite parts of the story. Toad and Mole are the class favourite characters. We like Toad because he is boastful but he is kind to his friends. We like Mole because he likes to try new things. We have written about the story and added our own chapter. Some of our ideas were to have a party at Toad's house and for Mole and Badger to go out on the river in the boat. Here we are in our role play area....
The Wind in the Willows
May 2016
We have been busy using our new laptops to help with our maths work.
Here we are practicing number patterns and number order.
We are also investigating capacity and number bonds to 20. Keep trying hard!
New Laptops and Number bonds work

Welcome back to the last term in year 1...our summer term!
Please see the attached newsletter to find out about what we have planned for the children.
Miss Liggins
Summer Term 2016 Newsletter
Fun at the Farm
World Book Day
Welcome back after the half term holiday. Please see our newsletter for information on what we will be learning this half term.
Miss Liggins
Spring Newsletter Second Half of Term
This term our topic is about 'Explorers'. We will be learning all about what an explorer needs and the types of places that could be explored. In addition to thus we will also find out about 'Jambiani', a place in Zanzibar. We will compare it to Padiham and note any similarities and differences.
Important Information
Please could you ensure that your child has a full P.E. kit each week. It is incredibly important that your child takes part. A P.E. kit includes a white T-shirt, black shorts and pumps.
Thank you,
Mrs Spencer
January 2016

Well come back to a new term and Happy New Year to all our children and their families.
We have another busy term planned with lots of work based on our theme of Explorers. We will be reading stories and information books about space exploration and looking at famous explorers from the past in our history work.
Look out for the information sheet which will be sent home soon with more information about what we will learn in the other subject areas.
Christmas Party
Samba Time

Samba Class
Click on the link below to see our curriculum for the half term up to Christmas....
As part of our topic on 'The place where we live' we have recently visited our local park. The children had a fantastic time and the weather was superb! We have looked at maps of Padiham and even found some of our own houses using Google maps. We have also enjoyed looking at our school and seeing how our garden area has changed over the last few months.
Mrs Spencer
October 2015
We are all settling in well in our new class. So far we have looked at Topsy and Tim books, The Large Family and Charlie and Lola in our literacy work. We have read the stories and written our own sentences to match.
Our maths work has all been about reading numbers, ordering numbers, counting in 10s and 2d shapes!
Here we all are in our costumes celebrating Roald Dahl Day last week.
Autumn Term Newsletter First Half Term
Welcome to 1L!
Welcome to all of our new pupils.
My name is Miss Liggins and I will be the class teacher in 1L. Mrs Spencer will also teach our class in the afternoons. Our classroom assistants will be Miss Fort, Mrs Howell and Mrs Rawson.
We are all looking forward to a new term together and have already planned some really exciting activities and events! In November we will all be visiting the cinema as part of National Film Week.
Look out for more details about what we are doing in the weekly newsletters that come home from school.
Class information.
PE will be on Wednesdays. Please make sure you have your kit. Everything should have your name in it.
Reading books will be sent home and changed regularly. Please make sure you read your book at home and get a grown up to sign to say you have read it. That way we can change it as often as possible.
Spelling lists will be sent home on Fridays. The words on the list will be tested the following Friday.
Maths homework is usually sent home on Mondays. Please remember to do this and bring it back.
Have you seen the Kids' Zone? Play games and visit some cool websites. You can vote for your favourites.