Welcome to 4C, I am Miss Cross the class teacher. I am very excited about having you all in my class this year and I am looking forward to all of the wonderful lessons I have planned for you all.
We are very lucky to be supported by Mr Mayers and Miss Mitchell. Mrs Spencer will also be teaching in our class on a Thursday morning.
Tuesday afternoon - Our PE lessons will take place on a Friday. Please ensure your child arrives to school in a full PE kit that has their name in each item. Jewellery should not be worn for PE and must be removed before school.
Thursday morning - 4C will be going swimming every Thursday morning. Our final swimming lesson will be on Thursday 9th December. Please ensure your child has a towel, swimwear and a swimming cap if they have hair at shoulder length. Please can all items of kit be clearly labelled with your child’s name.
Homework - This will be sent out each Friday. Please can I ask that this is returned to school completed by the following Thursday.
Times tables - Please encourage your child to practice their times tables regularly (if not daily). TT Rock stars will be used in school as a way of learning times tables, it would hugely benefit your child if they continue this at home.
Reading - Reading books will be taken home every day. Reading records should be signed by an adult alongside a short comment. Please encourage your child to read daily.
Home Learning (in the event of isolation)
Please see the curriculum cloud at the top of this page to have a look at our units of work this term. You will find an abundance of ready-made lessons provided by Oak National Academy across all subjects and year groups here: https://classroom.thenational.academy/
For maths, White Rose provide home learning videos linked to our current teaching here: https://whiterosemaths.com/homelearning?year=year-4&term=autumn&term=spring&term=summer
Children will also benefit from accessing TTRockstars, DoodleMaths, Spelling Shed and ReadTheory at home. Your children should know how to find these and have their log in details.
If you need to contact me further, please feel free to send me a message on Class Dojo or call into the office outside of teaching hours - thank you, Miss Cross.