News from 2014-2015
Budding gardeners......
With the very hot weather this week we have been taking very special care of our growing plants and vegetables. We gave them lots of water, and even had chance to peep at our onions to see if they were ready to eat yet. They are still a little small so we are going to look again in a couple of weeks. We noticed there are lots of juicy strawberries which just need to ripen. We did some weeding, and made sure our composting worms are doing well. Good work everyone!
Sports Day Fun.....
Well done to all the children who participated in our Infant Sports Day.
Millie's Trust Fundraising....
We came to school in pink and bright clothes to help to raise over £400 for Millie's Trust. We enjoyed eating pink sticky cakes too. Well done everyone.
Cheeky Chicks.....
We have loved watching our baby chicks at school hatch and grow. We have all enjoyed a little cuddle. We have named our chick Noddy because it nods off to sleep so often. Well done Harriet for thinking of an appropriate name.
Prize Winners!
Well done to Jessica and Skye who won first prize in their Primary Engineer category during the Celebration event at Turf Moor. You and your wolf car were fantastic!Red Nose day 2015.....
Thank you to everyone who wore their pyjamas to school to raise money for Comic Relief. We helped to raise lots of money to help others.
Ahoy There!!
Look at our amazing pirate costumes. We have spent two weeks learning about pirates and writing pirate facts and stories. We made treasure maps and created super artwork. Well done to Lee and Harriet who won the class prizes for their costumes.
We are apprentice engineers!
We are very proud of ourselves! We are taking part in the Burnley Primary Engineer competition. We have designed and made vehicles from shoeboxes for story characters. Each vehicle has a special safety feature to stop our toy falling out as it travels down a high ramp. We have worked with a partner and have had to talk about what to do and how we can make improvements to our work. We tested our vehicles down a ramp to see which went in a straight line and which went the furthest. Jessica's and Skye's wolf car was the most successful and will be taken to Burnley Football Club in March to the Primary Engineer celebration event.Class 1/2B has got talent!
Well done to all the children in the class who auditioned for this year's talent show. Our Frozen Choir did a super job at singing 'Let it go' in front of the whole school. Well done girls!Eco Week....
We have learnt lots about caring for the environment during our Eco Week. We listened to the story of the Lorax, and talked about how cutting down trees can harm both our world and the creatures that live there. We found out what we can all do to help save our beautiful planet, such as saving water and re-using rubbish. We know to turn off the tap while we clean our teeth, and to wear an extra jumper instead of turning up the heating.
We had fun making lots of useful things from 'rubbish' such as placemats, pencil holders, clocks and moneyboxes.
Next week we are taking part in the RSPB School Bird Watch, and will be feeding the wild birds that visit our school grounds.
Christmas Celebrations...
We love Christmas!!!
December fun...
We have had a busy month preparing for Christmas.
Children in Need 2014
Thank you for all your donations for Children in Need this year. We loved coming to school in non-uniform. Making the Pudsey face from all our copper coins was hard work, but good fun, and raised lots of money.
A visit to the cinema....
Everyone enjoyed our trip to Reel Cinema in Burnley as part of Children's Film Week. We watched Muppets Most Wanted. When we returned we reviewed the film and we all agreed it was great!
Book Day Fun.....
We love dressing up! Well done to everyone in 1/2B... you looked fantastic.
Bringing a story to life....
As part of our topic on the farm we have read the story of the Little Red Hen. We made masks of the characters and had fun acting out the story in small groups.
Fun at the farm.....
What a fun day we had when we visited Smithill's Open Farm in Bolton. We enjoyed a really bumpy tractor ride, then we had a ride on some really friendly donkeys. We loved it in the Pet's Corner, where we held baby rabbits and chicks, and bottle fed some very hungry goats and lambs. There was even a huge snake to stroke. The puppies and baby donkey were really soft to touch.
After dinner there was time to play on the pedal tractors and bouncy castle, before we watched the cows being milked. To complete our visit we were allowed to hand feed reindeer, goats, deer and sheep.
Goldilocks storytelling...
We have been reading and writing the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears. We had fun making puppets, and performing little puppet shows.
Top attenders!
3rd Oct 2014
Well done to all the children in 1/2B. This week we had 100% attendance and won the attendance teddy award for the infants. Keep it up everyone!
Attendance Update: Amazing work everyone. We have now been the best attenders for 4 weeks running, and are enjoying our prize of extra playtime with our friends. Harley bears seems to really like it in our class.
Musical fun....
Our music topic this term is called 'Carnival of the Animals'. We all enjoyed using the percussion instruments to make music which matched an animals movements. It was quite noisy in our classroom!
Maths fun...
We have been playing different types of counting games to help us work with numbers quickly.
Welcome back......
We enjoyed a busy first day back after the long summer holidays. Mrs Barford says we are going to be "a super class".
Welcome back to our new school year.
Please keep an eye on our web page. I will update it regularly with news of what the children in 1/2B are up to.
P.E kits.
Please ensure your child has their P.E kit in school. This includes a white t-shirt, black shorts and black pumps. Ear rings must be removed for P.E sessions. Our lesson can be any day of the week if the weather is nice, but usually on a Monday.
Thank you.
Home reading books.
The 1/2B staff would appreciate your help in encouraging your child to develop a love of reading. Please read a few pages of their book with them as often as possible at home, and ensure they bring it to school every day.
Any worries?
Please catch Mrs Barford before school, or on the yard at the end of the day, if you have any concerns about your child. Thank you