News from 2014-2015
Here you can have a peek at some of the exciting things the Year Two children have been up to last year.
A New School Year !
Welcome to Year Two
Welcome back to school for Autumn Term children. I hope you all had a good Summer Holiday and are ready for a great start in our new Year Two Class. We will all settle in together and get used to new routines quickly, but if you have any questions or little problems, don't be afraid to ask.
Parents, feel free to see me before or after school if you have any questions or concerns. If this is difficult due to work, I can usually be contacted at school by phone after lessons.
There are some useful facts about Year Two, along with website links which your child might like to explore, at the bottom of 2V's webpage.
Mrs Breaks
Your child will bring their reading book home daily to share with you. Please make sure that they return the book to school every day as they may need it in class. They may keep the same book for several days to read it in sections or to build up their reading confidence.
We have PE lessons on Thursdays. Please ensure that your child has their PE kit in school. Also, earrings need to be removed at home for safety on PE days. We keep their kit in school for a half term before sending it home to be washed.
Please put your child's name in all items of uniform. As you can imagine, with so many in class, it can become impossible to identify misplaced items which are unlabelled. Much time is also saved if items can be easily returned.
Our Cinema Trip 11th November, 2014
Year One and Two really enjoyed going to the Reel Cinema in Burnley shortly after half term. This free cinema trip was possible during 'National Schools Cinema Week'. We enjoyed watching 'Muppets Most Wanted' and wrote great recounts of our trip when we returned to school.
Fun on the Farm !
We had great fun at Smithills' Farm and learnt a huge amount towards our Science topic 'Humans and Other Animals'. There were plenty of farm animals to study, stroke and feed. Best of all, there were lots of baby animals there. These included sheepdog puppies, lambs, piglets and a two week old baby llama (who we really wanted to sneak back to school with us.) There was an extremely bumpy, but fun tractor ride up to feed the donkeys. The farm dogs raced us up the hill to get their share of the food.
We also met lots of unusual creatures at the farm, including alpacas, eagle owls, South American coatis and an enormous boa constrictor !
We were all mesmerized as we watched the herd of eighty cows come into the milking parlour. They were enormous close up.
The most fun was had as pairs of children took donkey rides whilst the other children enjoyed the farm park, especially the 'curly slide'.
You will see how much the day was enjoyed in these super photographs. We were even lucky enough to have the sunshine . Click on each photo to have a closer look.

Fantastic Farm Work
Year Two have been extremely busy on their farm-related activities. In addition to our Science lessons, we have also been focusing upon our farm trip in Literacy and Numeracy. The children have written lovely 'Thank you Letters' to Smithills' Farm. They have written accounts of their trip and produced great farm leaflets on the computers. In Maths, our Data unit has all been related to the farm. Children have produced tally charts, pictograms and block graphs related to the animals we saw.
World Book Day Thursday 5th March, 2015.
Pirates Ahoy !
We had a fantastic crew of buccaneers in Class 2V on World Book Day, as you can see from our photographs.
Our class have enjoyed lots of Pirate-Related activities over the past two weeks. We have read and written Pirate stories, written Pirate Rhymes and Acrostic Poems (Ask your pirate if this is a new term for you!) We made 'WANTED' Posters for nasty seafarers.We have drawn pirates, pirate ships and designed pirate maps on the computers . We made pirate hats and wrote instructions, so other children would know how to make our hats. We learnt lots of gruesome pirate facts.We even enjoyed Pirate -themed P.E.

World War One Day
Our class have been very excited for weeks about the finale of our WW1 topic-Dress up day!
The parents, children and staff made a magnificent effort with the costumes. Staff had been busy baking Wartime treats for the children and visitors to our open afternoon. The children have learnt so much during this topic and have had a great day. Ask them all about what went on.