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PadihamPrimary School


Welcome to 1/2B's Webpage.

My name is Mrs Barford and I am the very proud teacher of these super children. We have children from both Year 1 and Year 2 in our class, and we are looking forward to learning lots of new things together this year. Mrs Huyton is our full time teaching assistant, and Miss Fort also works with us on Tuesdays.

Our class have super smiles.......

Yearly Topic Overview 2017-18

Above is our yearly overview of the topics we will cover in 2017-18. It does say Year 2 but this is because we do a 2 year cycle and so all year 1/2 classes are doing the same topics. We therefore make it more year 1 or 2 'friendly' depending on the class.

Our final topic of the year is Buckets and Spades- click on the link below for a summary.

Our topic this term is The Wind in the Willows. Click the link below to see more details.

We had a great time a Smithills Open Farm, learning about all the lovely animals.

We have planted wild flower seeds to attract the bees and butterflies in summer.

We have made delicious healthy vegetable salads in DT. We enjoyed choosing and trying new flavours and cutting the vegtables ourselves.

Well done to Simon, who is a top scorer on Times Tables Rock Stars this term.

Our curriculum plan for the second Spring half term.

We have been busy planting tomatoes, cress and potatoes. We will watch them grow and hopefully eat our own vegetables in the summer term.

Our Daily Mile is going well! We have now run over 10 miles and we are enjoying the fresh air,the social time and the acievement! Well done everyone and keep it up.

We have taken part in the RSPB Big Bird Watch.

We have made bird feeders to attract birds to our school grounds.

Well done to Jake and Jessamy who were winners during our 'Get Caught Reading' week.

Although World Book Week dressing up day was delayed by the snow, we all made a real effort to arrive as our favourite characters.

As part of our topic, The Farm Shop, we have enjoyed searching for seeds in fruit this week. We have also planted our own tomato seeds and they are already growing well in the classroom.

Fun in the snow......February 2018

We have been learning how to measure in centimetres. Did you know all our heads are a very similar size?

Our curriculum plan for the Spring term.....

We have been learning all about how to stay safe whilst using the computer. We created some helpful posters too.

We have been working hard to write and publish our own story books about a slug who really wants to be a snail. We had great ideas for what he could use for a shell!

We loved taking part in the fun run. We tried hard to run a mile, raising money for our new scooterpod.

We have really enjoyed making our own space buggies this term. We learnt to use new tools, and worked hard to improve our work.

We have learnt so many interesting things about explorers such as Christopher Columbus and Neil Armstrong this term. Why not ask us to give you five special facts about each one. You will be amazed what we know!

We would like to thank local engineer Jack Stanney, who works for Futaba Manufacturing UK Ltd,for visiting us today to help us with our engineering work.

Our school is joining in a competition to see who can collect the most used batteries. Remember to keep filling your boxes at home, then bring them into school so the batteries can be disposed of safely please.

Harley, our special infant attendance bear, has become a regular visitor in our classroom this term. Keep up the super attendance everyone!

During our annual Eco week we have learnt why it is important to recycle and reuse plastic instead of throwing it away. Please ask us why, we want to share with you how to save our wonderful planet.

Click below to see what we will be learning this half term.....Autumn 2

We loved performing our play "Lights, Camel, Action" to everyone. We hope you enjoyed the show.

A travelling panto came to school. It was fun to watch Aladdin.

Using clay is messy fun. We have each made a Christmas elf, and when they are dry we will paint them carefully.

In art we have been learning how to draw people with movement. We have learnt to bend the legs and arms at the elbow and to put them in different positions. We used this skill in our lovely snowball fight displays.

We have been very lucky to have Sam from Burnley Football Club training us this half term. Our dribbling and passing skills have really improved.

The weather may be chilly, but we are still having fun in our new outdoor area. Thank you for the wellies that have been donated to school.

We helped to raise £253 for Children in Need by wearing non-uniform. Well done everyone.

We really enjoyed our trip to the cinema in Accrington to celebrate Children's Film Week. Zootropolis was fun to watch.

Click on the link below to see what we will be learning this half term.

We loved dressing up for Book Week in October. Don't be too scared when you look at our photos.

We headed to our local historical home Gawthorpe Hall to investigate about the past. We drew some amazing pictures of the hall, and loved exploring for clues.

We have been investigating shape this week. We learnt about regular and irregular shapes, right angles and symmetry.

We have been out and about in the school grounds taking rubbings of different textures and patterns in our environment for our art topic.

Our Playground Pals are here to help at playtime.

We have enjoyed a session with the Upbeats. They taught us about the different families of instruments. We loved having a go at playing ourselves.

We have really enjoyed spending time in our brand new outdoor activity area.

Wednesday 27th September is



We wore sporty clothes to school, took part in some fun fitness activities, and helped the School Council raise money for new sports equipment by bringing a donation.

Thank you everyone.

We are amazing artists! We have created observational drawings of our school. We looked at the shapes on the building and tried to draw lots of detail.

Roald Dahl day was fun. We wore great outfits, and enjoyed learning the story of the Enormous Crocodile. We made our own crocodile puppets too.

We explored outside to find signs of seasonal changes. We noticed some leaves on the ground and collected some natural 'treasure'. Back indoors we created leaves like the ones we had seen. We loved smudging the chalks and getting messy.

We have been playing and getting to know our new classmates on our first day in 1/2B.


P.E is on Thursday afternoons. Well done to everyone who has brought their kit to school. Please note earrings cannot be worn during our P.E lessons, so it would be better for children to leave them at home on Thursdays.


Reading books should be sent to school every day please, as we will also read these in schoolIt will help your child's reading progress greatly if they read a few pages of their book at home each day.


Please put names in all your children's clothing, especially jumpers and coats as these can be removed several times during a day. We can quickly return mislaid items to children if they are labelled.


Spelling homework will be given out on Fridays, and we will have a test the following Friday to see what we have remembered. There will be new MyMaths to try each fortnight on the computer.


Below is information from last year. Have a look and see the type of activities we get up to in Year 1 and 2.

Our plan for our last half term.....

A sunny way to end our year together...... Summer Fun Day.

TOP ENGINEERS FOR THE NORTH WEST REGION!! We are very proud to announce that Luca abd Kenzie came second in the North West Finals of Primary Engineer. Super work boys.

We had a super time a the park today. We were investigating structures and movement so we can make our own parks for our toys

On the 22nd June Luca, Kenzie, Skye and Emily took part in Primary Engineer at UTC in Burnley. We are very pleased to report that Luca and Kenzie won their category of Apprentice Engineer Level 2, and will now go through to the regional final at Shuttleworth College in July. Well done boys!

We are very excited to be taking part in Primary Engineer this term. we are designing and making vehicles for Boris the Bear. We have learnt and used many new skills during our work with a partner.

We have loved playing with our new playtime toys.

Summer 1st Half term news:

Our topic this half term is called Family Album.

Thank you for sending in all your lovely photos of the children when they were babies. We have loved guessing who is who.smiley

Welcome to our Summer Term. Please click on the link below to see what we are learning.

Welcome to our Spring term 2017.

Our topic for the second Spring half term is Growth and Greenfingers.

Click on the link to see what we are doing this term.

We had lots of fun decorating our eggs for the Easter competition.

We helped to raise £217 for Comic Relief on Red Nose Day. Well done everyone!

We have really enjoyed watching our seeds grow. Plants are amazing. We have also been outside seeing if Spring has sprung...

The Fire service came to talk to the children in Year 2 about having a fire plan at home. Ask us what to do , we listened really carefully.

We are learning lots of useful skills in maths. Here we are investigating fractions of numbers.

Here we are creating and enjoying our healthy fresh fruit salads. Delicious!

We have been tasting fruit to see which we like and dislike. We are going to use our research to design and make a fresh, healthy fruit salad to share with our friends.

We have loved the Silly Stuff and Nonsense theme for this years World Book Week. We have enjoyed reading lots of silly poetry, and have also written our own.

We have been looking at the artwork of famous artists who have created beautiful work about flowers and plants. We have had lots of fun creating artwork in their styles, using different techniques.

Our growing competition has begun! Who will be the best green fingered gardener in 1/2B?

In mathematics we have been measuring. We had to concentrate really hard to measure correctly in grams.

We have enjoyed a session with a visitor from the School Library Service. She shared lots of super rhyming book with us. It made us giggle.

Poet Ian Bland visited our school today. He entertained us with his funny poems, and inspires us to write and perform poems of our own.

Our topic for the first Spring half term is Robots. Please click on the link below to see what we have planned....

We have lots of lovely new books in our classroom. We are becoming such good readers! Well done to Isaac and Jasmine, who are the first children in class to read 100 books this year. Amazing!