It is my absolute pleasure to welcome both children and parents to class 3W. I, Miss White, am the class teacher and I am thrilled to be supported by Mrs Howell. We also have the privilege of being joined by Miss Fort, who will be supporting us on Monday mornings and teaching in class on Thursday afternoons.
The 3W staff have a very exciting year planned and are very much looking forward to completing our team on Wednesday 2nd September when we finally get to meet you all!
For updates on our learning, please check this page regularly. For the latest news and reminders, please visit the Parents section of our website and select Newsletters. In the meantime, please take note of the following:
- Monday afternoons - PE kit is essential. Every item must contain child's full name. Earrings must be removed before arrival at school on this day, please.
- Friday afternoons - Spellings, Times Tables, English and Maths homework issued. To be completed by the following Thursday at the latest, please, to allow time for marking and feedback to child.
- Every day - Reading book to be taken home and reading record to be signed by adult when some reading has taken place. Please ensure reading book and reading record are brought back every morning.
- Regularly - Encourage your child to access DoodleMaths (App) https://www.doodlemaths.com/at home as it is proven to rapidly accelerate children's progress in Maths. Times Table Rock Stars: https://ttrockstars.com/ is also a firm favourite with children, parents and teachers alike!
- Every day - REMEMBER! You're never fully dressed without a smile
(and your name in all items of your school uniform !)
Please do not hesitate to see me before or after school with any queries.
A message to you all from the teachers xx
Our new class email address is
It is my absolute pleasure to welcome both children and parents to class 3W I, Miss White, am the class teacher and I am thrilled to be supported by Mrs Shaw. We also have the privilege of being joined by Miss Fort, who will be teaching in class on Thursday afternoons, and Miss Taylor, who will be teaching all day on a Friday. The 3W staff have a very exciting year planned and are very much looking forward to completing our team on Tuesday 3rd September when we finally get to meet you all!
For updates on our learning, please check this page regularly. An outline of this half term's curriculum can be found below ('Curriculum Clouds' PDF documents). For the latest news and reminders, please visit the Parents section of our website and select Newsletters. In the meantime, please take note of the following:
- Thursday mornings - Swimwear (swim shorts/swimming costume) and a towel will be needed every week from January until the Easter break. Please ensure earrings are not worn to school and that hair that fits in a bobble is tied up. Permission to wear goggles must be obtained from the school office, please.
- Friday mornings - PE kit is essential. Every item must contain child's full name. Earrings must be removed before arrival at school on this day, please.
- Friday afternoons - Spellings, Times Tables, English and Maths homework issued. To be completed by the following Thursday at the latest, please, to allow time for marking and feedback to child.
- Every day - Reading book to be taken home and reading record to be signed by adult when some reading has taken place. Please ensure reading book and reading record are brought back every morning.
- Regularly - Encourage your child to access DoodleMaths (App) https://www.doodlemaths.com/at home as it is proven to rapidly accelerate children's progress in Maths. Times Table Rock Stars: https://ttrockstars.com/ is also a firm favourite with children, parents and teachers alike!
- Every day - REMEMBER! You're never fully dressed without a smile
(and your name in all items of your school uniform!)
Please do not hesitate to see me before or after school with any queries.
Please see the printable activities below for optional home learning over the summer break.
Stay safe and HAVE FUN!
MATHS - White Rose Hub home learning booklets
ART - Mindfulness colouring
Summer Term
Although this is not the start to Summer Term I had planned for you, I would like to welcome you to it and share our topics with you so that you can enjoy them at home. Below you will find this half term's curriculum cloud, some activities to download and useful links to explore.
Curriculum Cloud
ENGLISH - Read and Respond Units (updated 6th July)
MATHS - Place Value Revision (13th July)
MATHS - Length and Perimeter (6th July)
ENGLISH (29th June)
MATHS - Statistics Revision (29th June)
MATHS (29th June)
RE - Judaism. How do religious families and communities practice their faith and what contribution does this make to local life? (Updated 22nd June)
JUDAISM - Information and activities
RIVERS (week beginning 15th June)
Can you use the information in the pack below to create a poster or PowerPoint presentation about Rivers?
Rivers reading comprehensions (differentiated)
Rivers activities
Puffin Festival of Big Dreams!
Puffin Books are holding a week long festival starting MONDAY 8TH JUNE to celebrate their 80th birthday.
Follow this link for more information https://www.penguin.co.uk/puffin/dream-big.html
Please find your Puffin Festival of Big Dreams event kit below.
Everybody Worries - FREE ebook!
A picture book for children who are worried about Coronavirus.
Home learning packs and information for parents/guardians.
Keeping Myself Healthy - Inside and Out
Online Safety
Activities to print
MATHS - Money revision (updated 22nd June)
MATHS - Revision of multiplying and dividing 2-digit by 1-digit numbers (updated 15th June)
MATHS - Revision of the 3, 4 and 8 times-tables (updated 8th June)
PLEASE REMEMBER to access DoodleMaths to complete your
5-a-day ! Also, try some of the extras.
MATHS - Mass and Capacity (updated 1st June)
SCIENCE - Living Things and their Habitats (updated 1st June)
MATHS - Properties of Shape (week beginning 18th May)
ENGLISH - Grammar
MATHS - Time
Spelling, Punctuation and Grammar
MATHS - Addition and Subtraction Revision
Online Learning
As a school, we have access to several fantastic online websites which can also be used to facilitate your children's learning at home.
Every child in school has access to the following websites:
(Websites and Apps with passwords provided by school.)
Doodle: Doodle is a brilliant learning tool which had four different areas to support your child's learning. Doodle can be accessed online or through the App.
Times Table Rock Stars: A brilliant game to aid your children's multiplication and division. https://ttrockstars.com/
Numbots: Numbots is a fantastic game which focuses on basic number facts and mental maths questions. play.numbots.com
Purple Mash: https://www.purplemash.com/login/
(Websites without passwords)
Readtheory: To aid with children's comprehension of reading. https://readtheory.org/
Nrich: This is a brilliant website for children who particularly enjoy a challenge in maths.
MyMiniMaths: https://myminimaths.co.uk/
BBC Bitesize: https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/levels/zbr9wmn
Literacy Shed: https://www.literacyshed.com/home.html
Children's Poetry: http://www.famousliteraryworks.com/childrens_poetry_resource_index.htm
Lancashire Libraries
FREE ebooks and audio books for children through Lancashire Libraries are available to any member.
If you are not a member, you can join online by clicking the link below.
Please contact me on our new class email address that is now up & running. I am missing you terribly and would love to hear from you.
To all of you who have tried to contact me via the new class e-mail address, I apologise that it is still out of use. I know that you will be continuing with your learning at home but I hope that you are making time to have fun with your families too! You are very much missed and we are thinking about you every day and cherishing the happy memories we have made so far.
Today would have been our last day with our favourite lady, Mrs Shaw. As upsetting as it feels to know she won't be reuniting with us, we wish her every health and happiness and thank her for devotion to our 3W family.
Today would have also seen us waving goodbye to Miss Wheatcroft, our student teacher. We thank her for her kindness, dedication and imaginative lessons. Her very own class will be very lucky to have her.
For now, I will leave you to enjoy your Easter break but if I do manage to gain access to our class email in the holidays, I will respond.
Stay safe and laugh lots!
Love from Miss White, Mrs Shaw, Miss Fort and Miss Wheatcroft.
Documents to Download
ENGLISH - Read and Respond
ENGLISH - Spelling
ENGLISH - Sentences
ENGLISH - A bit of everything!
MATHS - Number and Place Value
MATHS - The four operations
MATHS - A bit of everything!
Look at the links below to get ahead for next term. (SUMMER TERM)
Water, Water Everywhere!
Next term, we will be looking at our new topic,'Water, Water Everywhere!'
In English we will be reading the famous novel by Dick King-Smith - The Water Horse. We will be writing our own poems based upon the novel.
Our new History topic will be ' The Egyptians' you can use the following websites below to learn more about the Egyptians at home.
BBC Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zg87xnb
The School Run - https://www.theschoolrun.com/homework-help/egyptian-life-and-culture
Primary Homework Help http://www.primaryhomeworkhelp.co.uk/Egypt.html
In Science, we will be learning all about States of Matter.
Try these fun websites at home to learn more!
BBC Class Clips - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/clips/zmx76sg
BBC Bitesize - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/zkgg87h
In Geography, we will be learning all about Rivers and The Water Cycle.
Can you find out more below?
Crickweb The Water Cycle- http://www.crickweb.co.uk/ks1science.html#watercycle
BBC Bitesize Rivers - https://www.bbc.co.uk/bitesize/topics/z849q6f/articles/z7w8pg8
In Art, we will be looking closely at the work of John Constable, have a look at some of his amazing work at home by following this link.
Can you impress Miss White with all the information you find out at home?
Drama Queens and Kings!
Some children from our class proved to be superstar performers during a Burnley Youth Theatre workshop in school. Each child received a Golden Ticket entitling them to a free workshop at the theatre itself.
Super Chefs!
Exciting Environment!
Sue Flowers, an environmental artist, visited us in school for the day and helped us to create artwork based on the environment. This included charcoal drawings of things we found outside and a special outdoor art project.
Amazing Artists!
Festive Fun!
Christmas Crafts
We are very proud of our Christmas cards and calendars.
Christmas Crackers!
Here we are performing our Christmas ukulele concert to the reception children who were an amazing audience. We danced, sang and played our ukuleles like superstars!
Reading Rewards
Beauty and the Beast
We loved watching Burnley Youth Theatre's performance of Beauty and the Beast. It gave us lots of ideas for writing our own fairy tales which we are working towards in English.
Remarkable Readers
Happy Halloween!
Clever Conductors
European Day of Languages
Ukulele Update...
Dahlicious Day
Super Scientists
Music Maestro
What fun we had in our first ukulele lesson with Mr Fleming! Such a lively, enjoyable session! We can't wait for next week!