Hi everyone,
We hope you are all having a fantastic summer. If you're in need of something to keep busy during a rainy day then we have just the answer! Below we have attached a phase 3 phonics book with lots of activities in to help you get ready for your next adventure in year 1
Enjoy the rest of your summer and we will see you in September
Phonics practice!
Schools out for SUMMER
We hope you all have a lovely summer break. Remember to stay save but most importantly have lots of fun, you children definitely deserve it. We are sure you all have something fabulous things planned for your summer break but just in case we have put some fun things to do on the web page. Below we have attached some exciting activities you and your families can do during the holidays. You will find the topics dinosaurs, seaside and the outdoors!
Keep safe, have fun and make memories!
Miss Tann and Miss Wilson
Summer Holiday Activity Ideas
Don't forget to stay fit and healthy....we challenge you to the activities below!!!
Let's Celebrate!
We are so proud of each and every one of our incredible children. You have shown such dedication and resilience over the past months and we cannot thank you enough.
We hope you continue to enjoy learning over the summer and stop to say hello in September.
We will miss you!
To celebrate we have decided to give a home learning award to one of our class who has worked weekly without missing any learning!
Our home learning award goes to
Well done!
Well done Jessica!
Moving to year 1..
This week is a very sad week for the reception staff. The summer holidays are fast approaching and the time has come to say goodbye to our little one's or should we say not so little ones now! Your children have had a fabulous start to their Padiham Primary journey but unfortunately that journey was cut short. It wasn't all bad as we are sure you have all made some precious memories and your children will always remember the time they had to stay at home to keep each other safe, clapping for key workers and their parents becoming their new teachers. Cherish the memories you have made! Your children are now ready for their next learning adventure....YEAR 1! We are very sad to see our little friends go but don't worry Year 1 isn't far...we will always be there to help you along your journey. Below you will find some activities to help ease any worries your child may have about moving to a new class. Please visit 1P and 1/2B class page for more information!
We hope you all have a wonderful summer and we cannot wait to see you all back in September. Remember it doesn't matter which class you're in...Reception is always open to you if you have any queries, questions or concerns.
See you in September,
Miss Tann and Miss Wilson
Your new teachers
A lovely story about moving to a new class
Worksheets to help children with moving to year 1
Getting ready for year 1
Meerkat Mail!
Home Learning W.C 6th July
We are excited to introduce Sunny the Meekat this week! Sunny lives in the Kalahari Desert and goes on an adventure. We hope you enjoy the story and activities based on summer and environments.
We are nearing the end of the school year so we are also looking at your fantastic achievements!
Have a go at the 'I can..' sheet to see what you can do on your own!
Remember to send us your photographs
We are looking forward to seeing your wonderful work!
Take care,
Miss Wilson and Miss Tann
Home Learning W.C 6th July Meerkat Mail
Season Creative Activity
Supermarket Zoo!
Home learning W.C 29th June 2020
This week our new home learning topic is animal. What is your favourite animal? Have you ever spotted animals in the supermarket before? Next time you go with your grown-ups....see what animals you can spot! Take a look at the weekly activity plan and see what fun and exciting things you get up too. There is lots of worksheets attached below to help you throughout the week. Don't forget to send us pictures of what you have been up to at:
Animals Home Leaning W.C 29th June
Animal Home Learning Worksheets
Take a peek at these incredible photographs of our class learning at home! We are sooooo proud of you all and we love to see how much you are enjoying the weekly activities! Please keep sending them to us at
Please do not hesitate to ask for support with home learning, we are here to help!
Take care
Miss Wilson and Miss Tann
Princesses, Dragons and Nincompoop Knights!
Home Learning w.c 22nd June
Jump on your trusty steeds and join us as we delve into a world of dragons, knights, princesses and castles! We hope you enjoy your journey with us and hope you will share your learning with us at
We are thrilled to introduce some NEW learning this week in maths with 'Base 10'. If you have any questions please do ask, we are here to help!
We can't wait to see what wonderful creations, counting and writing you achieve,
Take care and stay safe
Miss Wilson and Miss Tann
What we are learning this week...
This week's amazing activities!!!
Can you make one of these?
Food wonderful food!
Home learning W.C 15th June
This week our home learning topic is food. It is very important we know all about food and whether they are healthy or unhealthy. Do you know what these words mean? Well over the week you will be using them a lot so by the end of the week we are positive you will know all about healthy and unhealthy food. Have a look at the Food home learning plan and follow the activities. Below there will also be a list of worksheets/games that are mentioned in the plan for you to print off.
Don't forget to email us with any questions or queries and please please please send us pictures of what you have been up too!
Food Home Learning Weekly Plan
Food home learning worksheets and games
WOW! We are just sooooooo proud of you all learning at home! Thank you so much to everyone who is working hard at home and sending us your incredible work. We miss you very much and seeing you happy and learning is just fabulous.
Here are some pictures of what you have been up to! From nature, to space to deep beneath the ocean...
If you haven't sent us your work yet please do!
Take care
Miss Wilson and Miss Tann
Look at what we can do...
Under the sea!
Let's dive in!
Home Learning w. c 8th June
We are thrilled to share with you this week's topic Under the Sea!
Enjoy swimming with Tiddler, finding fishy facts and venturing beneath the waves this week.
We hope you enjoy all the activities and would love to see your home learning so please do keep in touch
Have a fabulous week and we hope to see you soon,
Miss Wilson, Miss Tann and the Reception Team.
Under the Sea Home Learning w.c 8th June
Under the Sea Inspiration
Under the Sea Activities 8th June
We hope you are enjoying your adventures to space. An extra challenge this week is to practice your phonics sounds and tricky words. Below you will find a picture of a sound mat and tricky words. Your WRITING challenge is to see if you can go through the sound mat, read the sound and then write a word that has that sound e.g. j for jelly, sh for ship or ow for cow. Your READING challenge is to see if you can recognise your tricky words. There's a sheet attached below with lots of different tricky word activities you can try at home.
Adventure to Space!
Home learning W.C 1st June
3 2 1 BLAST OFF! We hope you're ready for the next thrill-seeking adventure. Strap yourselves in because we are going to Space. In this topic we will learn all about what is in Space, who has been to space and how to get to space! With help from our alien friends, you can read the story Aliens Love Underpants and see what silly adventures they get up too. Follow the topic plan and complete the fun activities. Any additional worksheets are attached under the Space worksheet section. Don't forget we love to see all the fun you have been having so please send us photos of what you have been up to at...
Space Adventure Activities
Space Adventures Worksheets
Busy bee's!
Wow what busy bee's you have all been! It makes us so happy when we get your wonderful photographs. We love seeing you learning at home and enjoying the weekly activities. If you want to ask for particular resources we can email them to you. Or if you have any questions we are here to help!
Our email address is
Here are some fabulous moments of our class captured at home! You are incredible!
Please do keep in touch and stay safe,
Miss Wilson, Miss Tann and the Reception Team
Look how busy we have been...
Get Wild!!!
Take part in the 30 days wild challenge from the wildlife trust beginning on 1st June! All the information can be found on their website, sign up too or print off or view the pack below! There is so much to see and find in all environments, use the daily chart to log what you see and have a fabulous time finding all things wild!
Please send photographs of your finds, activities and creations to
Take care,
Miss Wilson, Miss Tann and the Reception Team.
30 days wild pack!
Home learning W.C 18th May 2020
In Reception we love adventures so what better topic to explore. Attached below you will find the weekly plan for this week with lots of fun activities you can try. You will also find the video version of the story as well as additional worksheets mentioned in the plan. We hope you enjoy whats in store this week...stay safe, have fun and get exploring!
Don't forget you can always email us with pictures of what you have been up to
Adventure topic worksheets
Rainbow Feelings
We are all eager to get back to school, to learn, play and spend time with our friends but unfortunately that cannot happen at the moment.
CHANGE is a big thing for our little ones. It can make us feel worried, anxious or scared even. Being at home instead of school is a big change in routine. Use this booklet with your child to help talk about and share how they are feeling.
Keep safe and stay positive!
Life on the Farm
Home Learning w/c 11th May
We are excited for this week's topic on the Farm! There are lots of exciting activities to complete at home so please enjoy learning and don't forget to send us your photographs!
We are here to answer and questions too via our email
We are so sad we cannot visit 'The Nests Little Smallholding' this week with you all but we hope you will find out lots of facts on the farm.
Below are some activities on doubling and number bonds. If your children can complete these with ease, extend them to number bonds to 20.
We hope you are all well and we are missing you all very much,
Stay safe,
Miss Wilson, Miss Tann and the Reception Team.
Life on the Farm
A message to you all from the teachers xx
Let's read and write!
Joseph made incredible bunting to celebrate VE day!
VE Day
What do you know about VE day? What happened? Why is it an important day?
Below is a powerpoint and some fun activities to complete for Victory in Europe Day.
Are you celebrating this occasion at home?
Have you made your own decorations?
Please send your photographs to
We would love to see you celebrating!
Kind regards
Miss Wilson and Miss Tann
VE Day
Look what Noah and Jessica have been learning at home!
What the Ladybird Heard
Home learning w/c 4th May
We hope you are all well and enjoying completing activities at home. This week our home learning is based on the story What the Ladybird Heard. You can hear this story read online if you don't have a copy at home (see the link below). Below you will also find our weekly activities to complete and some resources which you can print off or use as inspiration to create your own.
There is also a link to a new book to read if your child is worrying or concerned about the current situation, 'Everybody Worries'.
We would like to say a HUGE thank you for your hard work at home and we LOVE seeing your work, please keep on sending it to us at
We miss you all incredibly and love to hear you are safe and well.
We are here to ask any questions so please do not hesitate to ask,
Take care,
Miss Wilson, Miss Tann and the Reception Team.
What the Ladybird Heard Activities and Resources
Staying Safe Online and Keeping Healthy
Please see below information and links to home learning packs focusing on online safety and keeping healthy both inside and out.
The packs are tailored to your child's age and are 15 minute activities. The link also provides useful and up to date information for parents and guardians on online safety.
Stay safe,
Miss Wilson and Miss Tann
May Drawing Challenge - have a go! Draw and colour a picture every day!
That's not my brother... by Willow
Our next learning adventure...
This week our new topic is healthy eating and our friend Handa is going to help us along the way. Below is a topic plan with different cross-curricular activities that can be done at home throughout the week. Every week we will be posting a weekly topic plan to assist you with home learning. Keep checking our web page daily for all the latest news and activities.
Don't forget we would love to see what work you produce so send us an email on
W.C 27th April - Healthy eating
Read a book to your friend
We are missing seeing you, listening to you read, watching you develop and helping you learn. We hope you are reading at home daily and have decided to set you a challenge!
Can you read some pages of an Oxford Owl book to a friend?
Video your reading and send it to us so we can put it on our page and your friends can watch it too!
Below is the link to the Oxford Owl page where age appropriate books are accessible online.
Please keep in touch via our email
We are here to help, take care
Miss Wilson and Miss Tann
That's not my parrot... by Harry
Have a go at writing your own book!
Write your own 'That's not my...' book and send us the photos to share on our class page. Remember your finger spaces, full stops and capital letters. Which object or animal will you choose?
Can you draw the illustrations too?
Send the pictures to
Look what we can learn at home....
Lets make learning fun!
We hope you have had a magical Easter break. We cannot wait to here about all of the fun you have been up to, especially in the beautiful sunshine. Now the time has come for home learning to begin again. With all the lovely weather we have been having we thought it would be a good idea to look at the topic of growing. Below, click on the document and you will find a range of cross-curricular activities which link to things that grow. We would love to see some of the work you produce so don't forget to send it to us on
Check back next week for another fun filled topic!
Things that grow - activity ideas!
Easter Challenge
We hope you have a fabulous Easter break spending quality time together and enjoying some delicious chocolate treats. Your Easter challenge is to practice your phonics sounds. Below is a sound mat, can your child recognise the sounds? Can you say a sound and get your child to write it? We also have some very important tricky words which cannot be sounded out, we need to learn them. Keep testing your child in fun ways. Can you hide them around your house? Can you play snap with them? Can you make a tricky word bingo?
Tricky words to practice:
Phase 2 - I no go the into
Phase 3 - he she we me be was you my all her they are
Phase 4 - like said come some one so do little what were when out there have
Just checking in...
We hope your little ones are keeping you very busy and you are making magical memories whilst at home. If you would like more inspiration for at home activities White Rose are posting daily cross-curricular activities around specific books.
Follow the link below to see weeks 1 and 2 already posted. Remember the website is updated daily so keep checking for the latest daily activity. Please feel free to send us a message if you need anything
Keep going everyone! Lots more FUN activity ideas
Healthy body healthy mind...
During our time at home it is important to stay positive and to stay healthy. We can do this by exercising in fun ways. We are sure by now you have all heard of PE with Joe Wicks which is Live on YouTube at 9 am every morning. Below you will find a new exercise challenge! Can you child find the letters of their name and complete the exercise it says, make the challenge harder by using your last name too!!
A little hello from us...
We hope you are all well and keeping busy with your activity packs. We would love to see what you have been doing and learning about at home. Please send us photographs or a video and we will do our best to respond to you.
We are happy to answer any questions about home learning too!
Take care and keep in touch!
Miss Wilson, Miss Tann and the Reception Team
Can you read a book a day?
In the event of school closure/self-isolation..
In the event of school closure we have created home learning packs that will be sent home with your child. These packs have been designed to offer lesson activities meaning your child can still access learning whilst at home. Please use our class web page to access the recommended online learning websites as these also provide a great alternative to being in the classroom. (for alphablocks/numberblocks videos)
Home learning activities - Here is a list of FUN activities you can try at home!
Run run as fast as you can!!!
This week we have been learning all about the Gingerbread man. The children have loved retelling the story. With the help of the Gingerbread man we have been practising doubling. Can your child tell you about doubles...what is double 1, double 2, double 3 etc. We also decided what fun it would be to make our own gingerbread men. The children carefully helped us measure out the ingredients and mix them together. Then we carefully cut the gingerbread men out of the dough. We then had to quickly pop them in the over before they tried to run away...luckily none of ours escaped!!
Signs of spring
As spring is now upon us we decided to go on a spring walk and see what signs of spring we could find. The children became spring detectives and Mrs Howell had been really cheeky and had also hidden some signs of winter and autumn....the children had to catch her out! Luckily the children we fabulous as spotting the signs of spring and those that weren't. We also went on a minibeast hunt. The children loved collected different creatures and talking about. Take a look at someone of the minibeasts we found...
World Book Day!
What a fabulous day we have had celebrating reading. World book day is very important to us in Reception as it allows us to create a love of reading amongst the children. The theme this year was the best one yet. Pyjamarama!!!! We were able to come to school dressed in our pj's and bring in our favourite stories. As a class we read the story 'The Day The Crayons Quit' and across the day we completed lots of activities around the story. In the afternoon we had a special treat. We took the parachute into the small hall and turned off the lights to make it nice and cosy. We then read some of our favourite stories under the's a good job we had our torches!
When Reception met Guild!
This week we were extremely lucky as we had a special visitor at Padiham Primary. Guild the police horse came to visit! The children were in awe of him. We got to ask lots of questions and find out all about what Guilds job is and what he gets up to. He even started to get a bit cheeky. We then took it in turns to stroke him, it was such a lovely moment. Take a look at some of the photos
Who will help me eat the bread? I will said Reception!
This week we have been very busy reading the story of The Little Red Hen. The children couldn't believe none of the animals would help her make bread. Not to worry because Reception will help her! First we had a practice sequencing the story and then wrote about it. Then to our surprise we had a special package delivered to us. We had been sent bread mix, a mixing bowl, a spoon and a baking tray...whoever could have sent us this? Following how The Little Red Hen made bread, we decided to give it a go ourselves and we ALL helped! The best part was eating it, it was so scrummy!
Keep safe on the roads!
This week our topic has been road safety. We have been learning how to cross a road following the 3 golden rules, STOP, LOOK and LISTEN! Does your child remember the 3 golden rules? We even had a practising crossing the road on the main road outside of school, the children were amazing at it. They had such good listening and knew exactly how to keep safe. We were all awarded with a certificate, well done reception. Take a look at some of the things we have been up to across the week
Yummy Yummy Pancakes!
This week we have been celebrating pancake day. To kick off such a fun-filled week we read the story Mr Wolf's Pancakes. He didn't know how to write a shopping list or read a recipe. It's a good job we have such fantastic readers and writers in Reception. We wrote our shopping lists for the ingredients we needed and read our recipe which meant we could then MAKE PANCAKES! What a fabulous day we had tasting pancakes and trying different toppings...if only everyday could be pancake day!
Family Games day
Thank you to everybody who came along to our family games day. We hope you had just as much fun as we did. It was so lovely watching the children spend quality time with their loved ones. The children had so much fun playing with all of the fun and exciting games. It was really beneficial for them to practice turn taking and sharing. If you wasn't able to make it, do not worry we will have another stay and play coming up next term.
For the past 2 weeks we have been learning all about superheroes. With the help of Supertato the children wrote wanted posters to track down Evil Pea and made superhero shields in order to protect themselves from his mischievousness. We then heard our friend Superworm was in trouble to we designed some super cool capes to help us save the day. The children have thoroughly enjoying ringing their favourite superheroes and reporting crimes in our superhero headquarters. Take a look at some of the action!
Happy New Year!
This week we have been celebrating Chinese New Year. We have had a fabulous week learning all about the zodiac animals, how to prepare for Chinese New Year and who celebrates it. Did you know this year is the year of the rat. Before you celebrate Chinese New year you have to clean up, decorate your house, give money and cards to people, buy new clothes and make some delicious food! Of course we decided to have our own Chinese New Year party! Take a look at some of our fabulous photos from the day
Ice experiment
This week we have been exploring ice. We decided to do an experiment which involved filling balloons up with water and putting one in a freezer and leaving one in class. Together we discussed what we thought would happen to the balloons. The children predicted the balloon in the freezer would freeze and turn to ice because it is really cold and the balloon in the classroom would stay the same. We got the balloons out and let the children explore what happened. We had so much fun playing with the ice.
Health Experts
This week we having been learning all about the importance of keeping fit and healthy. We have been feeding greedy gorilla healthy food, making a healthy lunch, painting healthy food and writing a healthy shopping list. To end such a fabulous week we decided to make a fruit salad. The children had to carefully chop up the fruit and put it in a bowl ready to add some orange juice. We then spent the afternoon tasting the fruit salad. The children said it was nice, good, sweet and juicy.
Tots on Tyres
Thumbs up if you enjoyed Tots on Tyres!!! Wow what an amazing week we have had learning to ride on a balance bike. The children were taken in groups of 6 and had to overcome several challenges to pass the Tots on Tyres programme. Well done to all of our reception children for doing so well and passing the programme with flying colours. We will now be able to move on to the next level which is learn to ride wooo!
ECO Week
REDUCE! REUSE! RECYCLE! This week we have been learning all about these 3 special words so that we can all be kinder to our planet. The children have been looking at plastic pollution and how this is harming the animals in the ocean. We were also set a challenge in Reception, we had to make something new using recycled products only. Together we made a plant pot and a tablet holder, don't they look amazing! Well done to all of our Reception children for becoming ECO-warriors and helping us save the planet.
It's Party Day!!
Yesterday was officially the best party ever! The children looked fabulous in their party clothes. We started the day with party games such as pass the parcel and musical bumps before turning the classroom into a disco. We even had disco lights! At dinner time we had Christmas Dinner and luckily there was enough for all of the teachers so we even got to eat dinner together. The celebrations didn't stop there as in the afternoon we had another disco and party food. Pheww I think we are all partied out now. Merry Christmas Everyone
Another adventure
We have been very busy bee's in Reception! Yesterday we went on an adventure to Whitegate Nursery to watch their nativity. The children did an amazing job as it was their first time performing to an audience. We even got a special treat afterwards....milk and cookies!!! Yum! As a school we think it is very important to maintain close links with local nurseries. Thank you Whitegate for inviting us
Wow, what a performance!
This week Reception were invited to watch the year 3 ukulele performance. The year 3 children were incredibly brave to stand up in front of such a big audience. Our favourite song was of course Jingle Bells!
Christmas Stay and Play
A big thank you to everyone who came to our stay and play this morning. We hope you had a lovely time. The children really enjoyed exploring the classroom with their loved ones and what a treat it was getting to enjoy a delicious cup of hot chocolate. We hope you have a lovely Christmas and a happy new year!
Adventures to the Library
What a day we have had! We are very lucky in Reception as we got invited to visit Padiham library and of course we said yes. Coats zipped up, hoods up and off we went on our adventure. It was so exciting looking at all of the Christmas decorations in the shop windows. At the library we had a special talk about how a library has changed over the years and what you can do in a library. The children were amazed at how much you could do. We then had a special story session before getting to explore the library on our own. The children were little angels. I do hope we get invited back soon
Camera, Lights, Action!!!!
This week we are preparing for our Christmas Nativity. The children have worked so hard learning all the songs and remembering all of the actions. We cannot wait for you to see it. Make sure you get a ticket from the school office.
The countdown is on till Christmas (literally) so what better way to spend our remaining days in class then writing Christmas cards, making presents, writing Christmas Lists and acting out the Christmas story. Did you know we even received a letter from Santa!!!! We are having so much fun
Merry Christmas from Reception!
Open afternoon
Thank you to everyone who came to open afternoon yesterday, we hope you had a lovely time. The children always have a magical time when it is spent with their loved ones in class. Do not worry if you wasn't able to make it, stay and play is next week! Please come along Friday 13th December, 9:05am
When dinosaurs roamed Padiham Primary School
What a week we have had! The children have been very busy making dinosaur skeletons, ordering dinosaur bones and making dinosaur fossils. Did you know we've had a dinosaur roaming around the school? Look at the mess they have made! They left their footprints on the wall and even spilt dinosaur slime on the floor!!!! Mr Purtill wasn't very happy. After such a busy week, the children are now dinosaur experts. Ask your child what extinct means. Can they tell you what happened to all of the dinosaurs?
Children In Need
Last week we celebrated Children In Need and what better way to celebrate it than in our pyjamas. To begin the celebrations we did a whole school wake and shake! The children were fantastic at copying the actions. We then headed back to class and joined in with some fun Pudsey bear activities. The day would not be complete until we made Pudsey bear out of the donations the children brought in. The children loved helping make Pudsey. Look at all the fun we had! If only we could come to school in our pyjamas every day
Animal Experts
This week we have been learning all about animals. The children have made observations on where animals live and why they might live there. We even learnt a new word - habitat! We then had a go at drawing our own animals. We have some artists in the making here at Padiham Primary School. This week we have also explored the concept of height and practised measuring different animals using the language tall and short. Can your child measure anything at home?
Family Friday
Thank you to every one who came to our Family Friday stay and play. What a fantastic turn out we had. We hope you enjoyed it just as much as we did. It was so lovely to see so many of you making precious memories with your child. Don't worry if you was not able to attend, we will be holding another stay and play in December....we look forward to seeing you then!
We love reading!
At Padiham Primary School we help foster a love for reading. In order to encourage our little one's to dive into a good book, our year 6 children come to read to us every Thursday afternoon. The children love our weekly story sessions. Not only does it encourage our Reception children to pick up a book but it also builds the confidence of the year 6 children and helps them build on fluency and pace
Magic, Mystery and Mayhem!
What a fabulous day we had yesterday. To celebrate book week the children were able to come to school dressed as a spooky character. What amazing costumes we had. A big thank you to everyone for making such a fabulous effort. In Reception we decided to carry on the celebrations into the afternoon and have our own disco