Welcome to 4G
Hello, my name is Mr Gallagher and I am the class teacher in 4G.
Firstly, welcome to our class page and I hope you are as ready as I am for an extremely exciting and busy year! In our classroom, we are very fortunate to be supported by two fantastic teaching assistants; Mr Leyland and Miss Starkie. In addition, we also have the luxury of being taught specialist subjects by the brilliant Mrs Spencer on Wednesday mornings.
We take a topic-based learning approach at Padiham primary school and these engaging topics change every half term. Please see the curriculum cloud for more information as I am sure children would love to get a head start by reading around the subjects!
Children, prepare yourselves for lots of hard work and to learn new things every day. Most importantly, don’t forget to bring those smiles into school with you in the mornings so that you can take them back home at the end of the day!
I look forward to seeing you bright and early, every morning.
Important Information
- Reading books will be taken home every day and the reading record is to be signed by an adult with accompanying comments. Please encourage your child to read as much as possible at home as the impact on their school work and progress is hugely significant!
- PE will take place on Monday afternoons. Please make sure your child has a full PE kit each week, including: pumps, a white t-shirt and black shorts which are all clearly labelled with their name.
- Homework and spellings will be set every Friday and returned the following Wednesday at the latest.
- Swimming will take place every Thursday from the 14th of September 2017 up until January 2017. Please ensure your children have appropriate swimming equipment such as a costume, a towel, swimming caps etc. Earrings must be taken out before coming into school, bobbles must be used to tie up hair if it will effect their swimming, swimming costumes must not be worn under school uniforms and if your child requires goggles to swim then please discuss this with the office.
Please keep checking this page as it will be updated regularly with information and news about what our class are up to each term. In addition to this page we will be using Class Dojo with which the children can create an avatar and monitor their own progress through the year.
Please visit our Class Dojo page to track your child's progress and to receive updates and news via https://www.classdojo.com/
Homework - My Maths
Don't forget to check the My Maths homework site every week for a new homework task. Homework will be set every Friday and you have until the next Friday to complete it.
Remember, you can do it as many times as you like and once it is finished there are a range of games to play.
Additional Online Learning Support
Please encourage your children to access their personal Read Theory and Times Tables Rockstars accounts at home.
https://www.theschoolrun.com/welcome-homework-gnome <- Useful links to a range of topics
If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to come and ask me.
Mr Gallagher
Curriculum Clouds
We are proud of the hard work we put in to clear our woods of litter this Spring. Fifteen bags of litter were removed from the woods and there is now room for the daffodils and bluebells to bloom.
The Art of Persuasion
During English, the class has been studying persuasion in writing and performance, specifically looking at posters and adverts for toothpaste. The children were then tasked with making their own advert for a new toothpaste. Their were some excellent performances!

During art, the children were learning about Cezanne and his work with apples. The children had the chance to sculpt their own apples using clay. Here are some of the masterpieces that were made:

The class were learning about teeth and toothpaste this term and were lucky enough to make their own. Each group had a different flavouring for their product and had to test other groups' toothpaste. The children had great fun during the experiment.
Ukulele Performance
After weeks of lessons, 4G were ready to showcase what they had learned on the Ukulele and were tasked with performing in front of all classes from Reception to 3/4R. This was nearly the whole school so plenty of children would have their eyes on the class. The children did exceptionally well and even performed an encore with the audience joining in with a song. Well done!

Sparks Might Fly
The topic for our first term was 'Sparks Might Fly'. The children learnt about electricity through investigating circuits and their uses. We even produced a fantastic electronic Operation-based board game! Take a look at how we got on below.

Languages Day
On 26th September 2017 we took part in European Languages Day. We explored a range of languages used across Europe and one of the activities we enjoyed was trying to pronounce a range of animal 'noises' using foreign vocabulary.

Ukulele Lessons
4G have been extremely lucky this term to have the privilege of Ukulele lessons with the specialist music teacher, Mr Fleming. There are enough Ukuleles for everyone to have their own each lesson, which means that the whole class will be learning to play every week as part of a 12 week programme!

We have really enjoyed learning a range of skills in Gymnastics. We have completed full sequences showing tremendous fluency and variety both on the floor and using apparatus!